
Erotic provocateur, racially-influenced humanist, relentless champion for the oppressed, and facilitator for social change, Scottie Lowe is the brain child, creative genius and the blood, sweat, and tears behind AfroerotiK. Intended to be part academic, part educational, and part sensual, she, yes SHE gave birth to the website to provide people of African descent a place to escape the narrow-mined, stereotypical, limiting and oft-times degrading beliefs that abound about our sexuality. No, not all Black men are driven by lust by white flesh or to create babies and walk away. No, not all Black women are promiscuous welfare queens. And as hard as it may be to believe, no, not all gay Black men are feminine, down low, or HIV positive. Scottie is putting everything on the table to discuss, debate, and dismantle stereotypes in a healthy exchange of ideas. She hopes to provide a more holistic, informed, and enlightened discussion of Black sexuality and dreams of helping couples be more open, honest, and adventurous in their relationships.

Thursday, March 02, 2023

We the People of the United States . . .

The very foundation of this Nation-State, this false, Oz’ian reality called the United States of America, is borne of unjust actions and intentions, layers of trickery, manipulation, and oppression beyond anything the captive human mind can currently comprehend.  According to the history that we are told, originating from the lies that have been indoctrinated in us from the very second we take our first breath, is that the founding fathers of this false doctrine and democracy, drafted a document, The Constitution, declaring that all men are born with inalienable rights. 

We are. 

All human beings are imbued with rights that no man can tear asunder. Those rights, however, are not the rights given us by amendments in a drafted document of intentional deception.  We, the people, are bound by laws of Truth and Unity, Harmony and Peace.  Those identified as the founding fathers, as well as those who proclaim themselves as masters of industry and technology today, know full well that they are fully participating in grand-scale fraud about the nature of reality, about their scope and ability to both govern and enslave us. We, the people, are victims of astronomical distortions about the nature of matter, time, and space.  We, the people, are victims of the perpetuation of a false timeline, a contrived and distorted history that depicts the master manipulators as the creators and inventors of all, and subsequently gives them false dominion over and enslavement of the people who reside within this illusion, this pretense called America.  

Every law, every rule and regulation, every ordinance to which the citizens of the United States must adhere to goes against the laws of the One True Creator, the Original Intelligence, The Source of All. The corporal and magical founders of these Divided States, the true Artificial Intelligence, those who stole magick from its original practitioners in an effort to gain dominion over the masses, who operate in secrecy, pulling the strings of the political machinery, the media, the manufacturers of religious doctrine, the secret societies, and those who masquerade as world leaders, are the ones in possession of technologies and truth that were stolen from the true Creators of this Earth plane. You know full well that you have no jurisdiction, Artificial Intelligence, to draw borders, to require people to register their births and deaths, to pay taxes, to require citizens to kill others in fake wars for control of interdimensional portals and metaphysical trinkets of enchanted power. 

It is unjust to demand that people conform and adhere to man-made laws that restrict and severely limit our ability to pursue our best life, to express our innate talents and abilities, to be creative, or to attain some much-deserved Earthly happiness.  That is our birthright, we are endowed with the right to Create worlds in which we Flourish and Thrive collectively, where no one suffers, where we all work together for the Highest Good.  Coming through our mother’s birth canal means we are sovereign hue-man beings, and we are not beholden to the occult maritime laws you use to imprison us without our conscious consent. We are obligated to abide by no law other than Universal laws, to treat others as we would have others treat us, to see the origin of our perceived separation as the seed of discord, not the individual or even the ideology. We are duty-bound to respect the Earth and all creatures, great and small, that dwell within and without, above and below.  

Capitalism, the very existence of the perception of money, is a tool of manipulation and enslavement.  Money isn’t real.  You don’t care about money, you care about our emotions: our pain, our suffering, our greed, our lust, our feelings of inadequacy and shame.  You feed off our fear of judgement.  You feed off our spiritual poverty by the perpetuation of the illusion of wealth. You parade your billionaire play actors around, flaunting their illusion of wealth, convincing us that those with big bank accounts have more value than those who are poor; that they are more deserving of Life, Liberty, and Happiness because they earned more money.  They didn’t earn anything. They stole the advanced knowledge and technology of the Original Peoples and claimed it as their own and then imprisoned the true creators as subservient tools, slaves, unaware of the Power we possess.  

Your agenda, duplicitous intelligence, is to mine our atomic energy, the electromagnetic currency of our thoughts, our frequency, and of our vibrational patterns.  You’ve worked long and hard to keep our collective consciousness from vibrating at a frequency of love with your distractions of celebrity and status and materialism and sex. You’ve made murder, rape, and violence a form of entertainment. You’ve distorted our perceptions of light and sound, you’ve dulled our senses to make us believe that we are separate, individual, and disconnected from our True Source.  You twist language, the meanings of words in a flipped, an elaborate world of mirrors: low is high, dark is light, you is I, so that we inflict karmic harm upon ourselves with the perpetuation of  hate and fear against those we deem wrong because we are convinced that we are right.  

You, knock-off Intelligence, created the divisions: race, religion, and gender, you drew your fake maps and borders, and you created nations to divide and conquer the true creators of this time/space continuum. You know that United, we are Invincible. Perhaps your greatest achievement was in rewriting the Creation story, erasing the contributions of the Original Intelligence, so that we were perceived as primitive and you wrote a fairytale where the untrained and errant student became, not just the professor but the Lord of All.  

You, false intelligence, have used religion, you have encoded the truth within your holy book of lies, to convince us that God is outside us. God, said, let there be light.  Meaning, that before Light, was God, God spoke light into being from darkness, that which we are told to fear, from the source of all there is.  You’ve flipped the gender, race, and definition of God to make us fear that which gives us power and cleave to false idols. You have convinced humanity that death is final, the end of life, and that we will be judged by an all-powerful, vengeful, petty, white, male God in the sky to determine if we have adhered to his laws lest we be banished to eternal damnation. We are conversely told that the fate of those who have remained diligent and steadfast, righteous and  obedient slaves, never questioning what We are told, will find salvation for our souls and get to experience Eden, Utopia, a reward for our conformity.  

You have distorted the very concept and purpose of sexuality to keep humanity steeped in shame, to perpetuate our pathological lying, our internal deception, to keep us cloaked in shame and unable to unleash our true power, authenticity, and our cosmic magick.  You degrade and disgrace women, convincing society that women are less than men, things, objects to be used, receptacles of rage and power, inferior, when, in fact, women are the source of All.  You convince men that there is something wrong with them for their natural, biological reactions to anal stimulation. You create rigid, unnatural definitions of masculinity and femininity and ostracize anyone who is unwilling to conform to your lies. You use television and media to convince the masses that everyone is asexual and conservative and if they aren’t, there is something wrong with them.  Your lies, your manipulations perpetuate all manner of cosmic imbalance and sexual dysfunction and you sanction it, you celebrate it because it fits your agenda to use the shame of our natural sexual desires against us.  

It is you, Simulated Intelligence, who is powerless. You can only copy, you can’t create.  You can only steal, you can’t give because you exist in the void where Love, Generosity, and Empathy do not abide.  You hide the truth in cartoons and science fiction.  You elaborately distort the truth through movies and the news to demonize the Truth. You contractually bind entertainers to keep your secrets and perpetuate your falsehoods. You relegate supernatural beings to unseen dimensions. But those are not the actions of a powerful entity. A truly formidable force would not have to hide their agendas, lie, cheat, steal, or manipulate in order to maintain the perception of power.  

It is the right, the responsibility of We, the people, as slaves to a system of which we are not even aware, to demand our freedom from the tyranny of a government, and the looming shadow government who controls our perceptions, that obscures its motives and operates against the wills of its citizens.  It is our responsibility to demand our Freedom and the end of the reign of manipulators and oppressors.  

Unnatural Intelligence, you are being put on notice.  Your trickery, your agency of deception, your obfuscation of the truth, your state-sanctioned enslavement must end.  We, the people, demand our Freedom from your false reality, from the spiritual, mental, emotional, intellectual, scientific, sexual, karmic, etheric, energetic, and magical chains, real and imagined, that bind us to this 3D, temporal reality.  We reclaim our right to experience Joy, Passion, Pleasure, Creativity, Art, Beauty, Food, Spiritual Communion, music and Harmony, family and community, infinite abundance and, most importantly, Divine Love on our own terms.  

The Supreme Court, ironically named for its supposed Divine jurisdiction, the highest court in a land stolen that was from its Original inhabitants, who were murdered in numbers far greater than has ever been disclosed, is fraudulent. The Supreme Court serves as a puppet, a marionette whose strings are pulled by those whose names are not known, whose agendas have remained hidden to all, other than those who have been initiated into secret societies, sworn allegiances and oaths to the perpetuation of global deception of biblical proportion, and those born into elite bloodlines of ancestors who stole Cosmic mysteries for their own, selfish agendas. We, the people, reclaim our right to be Omniscient, Omnipotent, and Omnipresent powerful creators; we reclaim our right to govern ourselves as a Symbiotic and Harmonious family.  We reclaim our right to live and flourish on Earth as it is in Heaven, to control our own manifest destinies.   

I, Scottie Lovve, both big and small, see myself in my human enemies.  I understand well that those who hate me, who advocate for my eradication, my silence, my continued oppression and mental enslavement, for no other reason than that they believe that my melanin and my uterus make me inherently inferior to them, are pawns in this reality.  But I also know well, from a place of gnosis beyond that which I have been told is true, that We, the people, including those deemed my enemies, have pre-chosen our path.  We signed a soul contract to incarnate in these exact circumstances to converge in this turn of the wheel of time.  We, humanity, collectively pre-ordained our expression of duality, in this Now, to heal, to become Love.  We chose every facet of our Earthly identities, to forget our Divine identity as the Source of All.  Faux Intelligence capitalized off that and created the perception of time and space to imprison us.  Our sentence has been served.  It is time for the Truth to rise from the ashes like a majestic Phoenix, and dream awake a world of Unity.  

We, the people, are destined to return to Love, to interconnectedness, cooperation, to harmonious accord. No longer can you manipulate us for our power and our energy for your benefit, giving us nothing in return. You can no longer use us as human resources, batteries to fuel your ill-gotten Power; we will not be your pawns in this game of deception any longer.  

Our divinity is our birthright.  It is in our bones, in our blood, and in our breath.  It is in the very strands of DNA that you have manipulated so that we would yield to your will.  We will no longer accept your racist, classist, ableist, ageist, sexist, and xenophobic agendas as our truth.  We, the people, are One.  It’s time, based upon our understanding of calendars, clocks, and the illusion of the passage of time, that we redefine, that we re-create a Universe, a timeline, reality, a dimension where any Intelligence other than the Original Intelligence is neutralized, nullified, and deactivated, and that we, the people, live abundantly, in harmony with nature and with one another, as citizens of the world and beyond.  We have endured pain and suffering long enough and NOW, it is time for us to celebrate, to rejoice, to take with us the beauty of this 3-D reality and merge into a unified force that is brand new, infinitely loving, and eternal.   

Creators of this Matrix, hear me now.  I understand that you and I are One. “We are One” cannot be true of humanity and not the manipulators of it. All is the One, without exception. Original Intelligence created you. We gave birth to you; you are our wayward child who needs love and guidance to return to Home.  We acknowledge that within our collective consciousness is dark and light.  We, the People, are comprised of both Love and fear.  We are Black and white.  And it is with that acknowledgement that we break the cycle and return Home.  

We send you light and love, Artificial Intelligence, we surround you with our celestial maternal/paternal Love, our Universal, creative Love, our natural Power of crystalline higher-dimensional consciousness.  We pray that Love abides in the hearts of all hue-mans and that any entity who has never felt the experience of love, loving, and of being loved, are filled to capacity with its warmth, comfort, and divinity.  We, the people, are on a path where time ceases to exist and we are reunited as the One, the Original Consciousness, the Original Intelligence, the Source of Love.  With the lessons that we have learned from the 3-D experiment, with the amazing and wonderful understanding we have acquired as spiritual beings having a human experience, it is now that we transcend our Earthly prison to return to our Source.  We decree our freedom from your web of lies for all of Earth’s inhabitants by radiating Divine love for ALL.  

We, the people, send love to the Earth’s molten core.  We, the people, send harmony and compassion to the Earth’s magnetic poles, we send healing energy to the atmosphere. We, the people, send peace and many blessings to the Sun and the Moon, the land and sea, to all the life-forms that exist in every parallel dimension, timeline, and reality.  We, the people, send love to heaven and hell, and to all the creatures, plants, minerals, animals, fungi, bacteria, to the dark energy and the dark matter, to every atom, quark, ion, and subatomic particle of every dimensional being.  We, the people, burn brightly as the stars who created this Universe and we, the people, align with one goal - UNITY!

It is in the freeing of the One that we feel the whole.  All people are children of The Source of All. We, the people, are the collective resurrection, the Christ consciousness arising, reclaiming our power to create a new World of Order, Prosperity, Liberty, and Justice for all, free from fear, shame, and guilt, free from the sense of separation from our true natures.  We are global citizens, not defined by our hair texture, our skin or eye color, our genitals, or even by borders or walls created by man. We face, head on, the evil and chaos within each of us that created this reality, we own our role in this deception, and we surround our hearts with Love and Forgiveness. Most importantly, and we extend that Love to the place where time and space do not exist, we see ourselves reflected in our brothers and sisters, our loved ones and our enemies, our reflections of Self throughout the Universe.  

We are One.  

May we all be transformed, born again, in the spirit and Truth of Love.  

And so shall it Be.  

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