
Erotic provocateur, racially-influenced humanist, relentless champion for the oppressed, and facilitator for social change, Scottie Lowe is the brain child, creative genius and the blood, sweat, and tears behind AfroerotiK. Intended to be part academic, part educational, and part sensual, she, yes SHE gave birth to the website to provide people of African descent a place to escape the narrow-mined, stereotypical, limiting and oft-times degrading beliefs that abound about our sexuality. No, not all Black men are driven by lust by white flesh or to create babies and walk away. No, not all Black women are promiscuous welfare queens. And as hard as it may be to believe, no, not all gay Black men are feminine, down low, or HIV positive. Scottie is putting everything on the table to discuss, debate, and dismantle stereotypes in a healthy exchange of ideas. She hopes to provide a more holistic, informed, and enlightened discussion of Black sexuality and dreams of helping couples be more open, honest, and adventurous in their relationships.

Showing posts with label race. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race. Show all posts

Thursday, March 31, 2022

The Game is Rigged

 (Or why ALL white people are RACIST)

I asked the question to anti-racists recently, "What have you done in the past that was racist?" Tons of white people responded. Most of the answers I got were, "I viewed Black people negatively, I believed XYZ about Black people." (Fill in the blank with a stereotypical depiction of Black people.)

Everyone who responded listed racist thoughts and beliefs they had that were straight from the anti-racist laundry list of white offenses and microaggressions. Very few white people identified actual behaviors or actions that were racist and the ones that did responded with benign, innocent, casual instances of racism. Even fewer identified any behaviors that were hurtful or examples of overt racism.

All the respondents (with the exception of one or two) were all quite adamant that racism wasn't as bad as I said it was because they couldn't think of anything they had done in the past that was offensive, hurtful, or malignant. They were quite content to admit that they had white privilege and they felt shame for being racist in the past, but they were equally as assured that their racism was of the lite variety and that they were innocent of anything that would be considered offensively racist.

Most of the respondents arrogantly asserted that racism was only in certain parts of the country, that I was exaggerating, that they knew more about racism than me, and that I was seeing racism where there wasn't any.

That speaks to just exactly how immature, uniformed, and deluded white people are about race, racism, the impact and scope of racism, their participation in it, and how pervasive it is.

Conversely, I asked Black people to describe the racism they face constantly, so that we could shed light on the behaviors of white people that are offensive and racist and pervasive. Not one Black person offered even an attempt to respond. that speaks to just how used to racism Black people are. We can't even identify racism because the system was built so that being oppressed is the norm and we don't even have the vocabulary or wherewithal to address it.

Today, here, now, I want to address the misperceptions, rationalizations, and false beliefs white anti-racists have about racism.

One of the responses I got referred to an analogy, created by another white person who was working diligently to dismantle their white privilege and racist beliefs, that racism was like high fructose corn syrup being in foods where you wouldn't expect it. That analogy is completely wrong. It couldn't be more wrong in fact.

I'm going to gently suggest that racism is far more pervasive than high fructose corn syrup is in foods. Yes, it's in processed foods and you can barely touch an item in the grocery store without it. But the fact is, you can buy produce without it, fruits and vegetables don't have it. Meat and fish don't have high fructose corn syrup either. Rice and grains don't have high fructose corn syrup. You can shop at coop health food stores that offer foods with it. There are companies that specifically create healthy food without additives and chemicals. You can grow and make your own food that doesn't have high fructose corn syrup.

Equating racism to HFCS is a false equivalent because it implies that racism is pervasive but not ever-present.

EVERYONE born in this society, Black, white, and other, is a victim of racism. White people benefit from it. White people are emotionally, mentally, and psychologically crippled by it. People of color suffer from racism in that we are so debilitated, we don't even understand or grasp what life would be like outside of a racist context. No one is immune from the plague of racism, there is no one who isn't touched by it. There are no pockets of places where racism doesn't exist.

The analogy that I prefer, the analogy that is more accurate than the high fructose corn syrup is equating our reality to a video game.

The video game was designed in what we understand as 1000s of years ago but that's not entirely accurate. Time is an illusion, time is a feature of the game and it's been manipulated by the programmers of the game to make it seem like white people are the creators and inventors of all, the architects of society and civilization. The programmers created a game in which white people are always the winners, Black people are always the losers, and everyone else is somewhere in between.

Being born in racist AmeriKKKa, the epicenter of the deception, programmers designed the game so that white people have all the superpowers, you have all the super weapons, you get all the points, and your character doesn't get shot or killed or dinged, your upgrades don't cost anything, the whole game is built to make white people the superhero and the winner. Cheating gets rewarded, the game is built so that white people win without skill, ability, merit, or prowess.

More importantly, white people get all the points that the Black characters earn in the game. Black characters invent, create, and build everything and the programmers wrote the code so that it appears that white people created everything.

The rules of the video game apply to every character. There aren't any characters in the game that operate under different rules there are no characters in the game that are programmed to operate under different rules.


In the game, the Black characters get not only don't get any points or any superpowers, they not only forfeit all their points to white characters, Black characters get dinged for any mistake they make but they also get dinged for any mistakes that the white characters make.

The game is designed for Black characters to lose and for white characters to win in all ways, always.

White characters can destroy the planet, colonize countries to exploit it's populations, white characters can manipulate the economy and give false value to items and things in order to gain wealth and power, white characters can be sexual deviants who molest children in plain sight and who are still given the benfit of the doubt, they operate criminal networks with impunity, they never suffer the consequences of their actions. They steal, lie, cheat, and murder and they are still seen as moral, upright, upstanding, and inherently superior.

Do all the characters do those things? No. But all the characters benefit from the program being designed to depict whiteness and without flaw.


The white characters have been programmed to see themselves as godlike, even if they aren't as rich and wealthy as the programmers, they still see themselves reflected in the faces of the programmers who created this false reality. They don't comprehend the unfairness of the game, they see it as the way things have always been, it's not unfair, it's the way the programmers designed the game, it's the way things are supposed to be.

For white characters, life is smooth sailing. For Black characters, life is

hell. Life is hell but that is all they know, that is how the program was designed, and they don't even comprehend a reality other than struggle and pain and lack and even more pain. Black characters see white characters, how they interact in the game, how the game was designed for them but the characters in the game can't change the program, so the Black characters keep on playing with no hope of things ever changing, no hope of ever winning.

A glitch in the program has allowed the white characters to see that the program was designed with inequality in the coding. But for white characters, they can't comprehend or grasp what the Black characters have experienced AND they are completely incapable of re-writing the code so that there is equality in the game so that tiny glitch, the knowledge and understanding of how the game was rigged in their favor, to the white characters, is a single grain of sand on a beach.

The white characters, however, perceive it to be the totality of racism. The white characters believe that they can understand and grasp the complexity of inequality when all they really see is a tiny fraction of it.

White characters comprehend a tiny speck of the reality of the surreal world in which they live, they don't see the scope, range, and impact of the inequality and they dismiss any complaints from the Black characters that the game is rigged in their favor. To the white characters, they have won for millennia legitimately.

White people, human beings, have been told, convinced, they BELIEVE that their whiteness is right, they believe that they are superior to Blacks, that Blacks are inherently inferior. It's written in the code. The baseline of their beliefs, built into the program, is that Black people are less than whites.

It's how the game was designed.

The game is rigged in white people's favor.

The game is rigged for Black people to lose.

So, here we are, in the real 3D world. White people have come to realize that racism exists, that the game has been rigged in their favor, they grasp that it's wrong, and they think that because they have some inkling that things have been rigged in their favor, that they understand how the game has been designed, how Black people feel, and that their acknowledgment of racism means that they are not racist.

Anti-racists, in the game of life as we experience it, collectively, see, understand, and comprehend about 5% of the whole picture, they glimpse about 5% of the inequity of the game but the assume they see, understand, and comprehend 95% of the inequality of racism. That is understandable, the game has been designed for you to think that you are the source of all that is good, right, that all knowledge comes from white people. Then there are 95% of the white players in the game still very much content to believe that the game is fair, that the fact that they always win is God's will. God, unfortunately, is a racist programmer who capitalizes off of the blood, sweat, tears, work, art, creativity, strength, beauty, talent, and endurance of Black people.

But because white people in the game of 3D life, in the world as we know it, have been programmed to believe that they are always right, that they collectively do nothing wrong, that they deserve points for doing nothing, that they deserve to win, they are shocked, offended and frustrated when they get dinged, when a Black person calls them on their racism. They can't wrap their heads around being told they are wrong and that the game is rigged in their favor.

Anti-racists are quite convinced that they are immune to the program, that they are characters outside the game.

The entire game, the life we live, the reality of this dimension, the 3D world we live in has been created so white people don't get penalized for their fuck up and they get rewarded for cheating and they always win. That programming can't be changed overnight. That programming can't be changed at all with the limited and narrow glimpse that white people have of how the game is played.

The entire game, the life we live, the reality of this dimension, the 3D world we live in, has been created so that Black people are the best players in the game, the Black characters are the most resilient, the Black characters have the most integrity, the Black characters have the most creativity, ingenuity, the most strength, the Black characters are the better players, period, but the Black characters have been programmed to believe that they are not even in the same league as white people. Black people have lived in a dimensional reality where our contributions have been stolen and attributed to white people. Black people live in a reality where our intellect has been negated and we have been designed as losers.

So here, in 2022 as we understand it, white people have been convinced for their entire lifetimes that time, space, and technology have been their domain, that they are masters of the universe. Here, in 2022, Black people are saying that the game isn't fair, that the game is rigged in white people's favor and the vast and overwhelming majority of white people are saying, "No, it's not! The game absolutely is fair. We are better and you are just complaining because you always lose and we always win but that's because we are really superior."

The small minority of white people who are doing their best to be anti-racist are saying, "OK, I get it that the game isn't fair. I get it." But they have played in a game where the rules have been bent in their favor, so their default mode, the understanding that they go back to when challenged, is, "I'm right, you Black people are wrong, I know more than you, you can't tell me because I know . . ."

That's the nature of the reality we live in. White people BELIEVE that Blacks are inferior, that they deserve to be impoverished and imprisoned disproportionately because that's how the system was designed. They can't articulate it in that way because the programmed wasn't designed for them to be self aware. The program was designed for white people to believe that they are god.

EVERYTHING in this society, every message, every practice, every belief, every law, every societal norm has been designed and programmed around the belief that Blacks are inherently inferior. There is no way a white person can be born in this society (meaning this time and space, across the globe, not just the United States) without being a victim of the belief that white people are superior and Blacks are inferior because that's the foundation of the game, that is how this dimension was built.

White people BELIEVE that racism is like high fructose corn syrup, that you only some foods have it and that it can be avoided. Racism is far more destructive, pervasive, and crippling than any additive in food.

Racism is not in the air that we breathe. Racism IS the air we breathe: it's omnipresent, it's designed into the game, the system is racist. The game has to crash and be redesigned to escape the suffocating oppression of racism.

Sunday, March 27, 2022

You are racist.

I know, I know! That simple declaration angers you. You are offended and outraged that a Black person would call you a racist or dare to assert that they know more about racism than you. There is no other word that triggers white people more than being called racist. I get it, I really do.  You think I'm a racist for even discussing racism.  You see red when Black people talk about racism.  You believe you aren't racist because "you don't see color", because "you weren't raised racist," and because you think that being racist is the worst thing a white person can be. You are quite convinced that racism isn't that bad, Obama being elected proves that racism is over, and that Black people are exaggerating about racism, complaining for no reason.  (Most of you won't even make it through the first paragraph before posting a comment that I'm the racist.)

The sad fact is, if you are white and especially if you are male and alive today you are a victim of the very false belief that white men are the center of the universe, the creators of all, the source of everything that is good and holy in the world. That makes you racist. The truth is white men would be nothing without the magical forces that have stolen, usurped, cheated, and manipulated time and space, history, technology, religion, politics, capitalism and finance, and societal norms to project the false image that white men are superior. You are not!

At your core, you believe that people of African descent have contributed nothing to the world, to arts, the humanities, to culture, science, math, and religion because our history has been destroyed and rewritten so that white men are the heroes, the inventors, the originators all.  You believe that Black people are inherently, genetically inferior because that has been the projected narrative for centuries. You can't have been born in a society built on the oppression of Black people without being racist. We are not and have never been and we will never be an inferior race of people.  You are not, have never been, will never be superior.  

There is no greater indication of an inferior race than one who thinks that enslaving, raping, torturing, selling, branding, and murdering another human being for no reason other than the color of their skin makes you superior. 

You believe that generations of enslavement, abuse, denial of education, and oppression, GENERATIONS of debilitating and systemic oppression have no detrimental and lingering causational effects on the psyche of Black people today, a race of people who have been falsely depicted as inferior for longer than you've been alive.  That is part and parcel of the fallacy of white supremacy, that is the definition of being racist.  You believe, at your core, that Black people in the ghetto deserve to be there because of the poor choices they've made, never once considering that they didn't choose the circumstances of their birth in the same way you didn't choose yours.  

The true contributions of Black people to society and civilization have been erased, obscured, and stolen.  We are NOT inherently criminal, lazy, or stupid.  We exist as more than objects to fulfill your sexual fetish.  

If any of the following are applicable to you, I hate to be the bearer of bad news but . . . Yes, you are racist. 

- You are obsessed with Black sexuality.  Every Black person you look at you imagine being sexual with them, you see yourself as entitled to pleasure from any Black person you find attractive.

- You believe that Black men are sexual savages, bucks, and bulls with an inherent lust for white woman.

- You refer to Black men as BBC without respecting the fact that they are human beings, not once considering that they are not giant dildos for your pleasure. 

- You are fully invested in believing that Black people are welfare queens and thugs while ignoring your own children being drug addicted and a menace to society with their criminal behavior. 

- No form of Black protest is acceptable to you: not marching, not kneeling, certainly not rioting, not even hashtags are acceptable to you.

- You think of Black women as being sassy and naturally dominant, never once considering that we are human beings and capable of a full spectrum of feelings, emotions, and states.

- You long for the good old days when America was great, but it was never great: lynching, Jim Crow, and suffocating racism were at their peak when America was being depicted as if it was without flaw.

- You claim your one Black friend as evidence of the fact that you aren't racist but they've never been to your home, you've never been to theirs.

- You watch interracial porn night and day; you've watched it every day for years   

- You troll Black people online to tell them that they are reverse racists (not a real thing, btw) and then with no irony whatsoever, you obsessively masturbate to fantasies of being gangbanged and used by Blacks.

- You create fake profiles to tell Black people that you are a person of color and that if you don't find something racist, it's not and they are wrong.

- You secret away to bookstores and glory holes to suck off Black men like an addiction and go home to your wife with a litany of lies and deceptions that indicate how much you hate Black men. 

- You half-quote Martin Luther King and you've never read a single speech of his, you have convinced yourself that white people during the 60s loved him.

- You pretend that you need to be forced by a woman to suck a big, black cock in order to uphold your image of whiteness. 


- If a Black person calls out your racist behavior, you have every excuse at the ready for why you can't be racist rather than listening or apologizing.

- You can only get aroused and erect in your marital bed by thinking about your wife being fucked by Black men.  

- You dress up as a sissy and proclaim you are transgender to justify your insatiable appetite for sex with Black men but you don't do a mother fucking thing to uplift women or women's issues or women's rights when you present as male to the world.  

- You think you're the only white man aroused by Blacks.

- You think having sex with Black people is taboo but sex with Asian or Latino people isn't.  

- You think being submissive to Black people is degrading and humiliating.  

- You are convinced you have no privilege for being white.

- You are convinced that your attraction to Black people means you aren't racist.  

- You never speak up or defend Black people in public when your friends and coworkers say racist things.  

- You feel compelled to say racist things in front of your friends because you think you need to make sure they know you are like them and you don't want them to know that you are secretly sucking off Black men every chance you get.

- You swear your devotion and allegiance to Black people behind closed doors but you never do anything in public to lift up, support, or defend Black people.

- You've never taken a single anti-racism workshop and all your racism talking points are cliche's you repeat because they are ingrained in your psyche, not because they have validity.  

- You dream of a New Black World Order but the only aspects you consider sexual.

- You don't want to be racist but you don't want to do anything other than what you have been doing because contemplating doing something to change your worldview is unfamiliar and uncomfortable.  

Once white people accept that being racist doesn't make them inherently evil they can learn to divest themselves of the fallacy of white supremacy.  It's not simple, it's hard as fuck because everything in your body, mind and soul tells you that you are not wrong, that you are not racist, but you are. It's past time for white people to wake up to their collective racist behaviors and address them.    

(Fetlife censors:  Please note that discussing the racist behaviors of white people is not hate speech even if what I wrote makes you angry.)

Friday, June 18, 2021

Happy Juneteenth

I have never been a proponent of celebrating Juneteenth.  I have long since held that celebrating Juneteenth was entirely appropriate for those who were enslaved and newly notified of their freedom.   For Blacks born into a system where their illiteracy was a mandate, and for those who could remember the sting of the evil slave owner’s whip decades after they were liberated from bondage, celebrating Juneteenth was more important than Christmas, worshipping a blond-haired, blue-eyed savior who promised salvation after a life of pain.  For them, June 19th symbolized the end of an era where the enslaved were considered less than human, where they were finally free. 


It was my very strong opinion for contemporary Africans born in AmeriKKKa to celebrate Juneteenth, with full access to the knowledge that our ancestor’s freedom was intentionally and deceptively kept from them for two and a half years, with the understanding that white human traffickers profited and capitalized from the unlawful captivity of enslaved Americans, is disrespectful to our ancestors.   It remains my very strong belief that descendants of those criminal human traffickers should be striped of their wealth, every single cent, because it was all born of the original sin, the enslavement of my ancestors. 


I was today years old when I found out that white human traffickers, slave owners in states where the enslaved were to be liberated in a timely manner, consistent with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, moved their farming operations to Texas to deliberately to continue to profit from slave labor.  That’s evil on a level that is beyond my comprehension. 


You see, when white people think of slavery, when they see the images of the fatigued, down-trodden, dark-skinned slaves with wide noses and full lips, the scars raised from their skin, they don’t see human beings, they see ugly animals, things to be spat up and abused.  I see my family.  I see my blood.  I intimately feel the pain or rape, of separation from your family, of torture and laboring from sun up to sun down with no reward or compensation.  I see my heritage, my identity, my culture.  I see my great- great-grandparents and my great-great-grandchildren.  I am the enslaved in the past, present, and future. 


Day after day, white men call me a nigger.  Sometimes the motivation is to incite me to anger in a game of emotional manipulation.  At times, when I challenge their arrogant assertions that racism ended when Obama was elected, or when I call out their offensive and racist core beliefs, they arrogantly call me a nigger without any irony whatsoever.  If I had a dime for every time a white man called me a nigger when I tell them not to objectify Black men by referring to them as BBC but to refer to them as MEN I would have enough money to buy the freedom of several of my enslaved ancestors.  Daily, white men call me racist nigger bitch when I speak the truth about the inherent inferiority of a race of people who committed the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. You see, for the vast majority of white men who call me a nigger, they believe that the fact that the blood of their ancestors flowing through their veins, ancestors who bought, sold, traded, tortured, raped, branded, lynched, and murdered Black people like it was entertainment to them, they believe that makes them inherently superior to me.  They not only call me a nigger, they believe I’m a nigger because my ancestors built this nation while their lazy, evil ancestors profited from it. 


So today, when Republicans are desperately manipulating and scheming to deprive me of my right to vote, my Constitutional RIGHT, not a privilege that I have to earn like I’m a slave on the plantation but rights already afforded me, I celebrate Juneteenth. 


Today, when racist legislators are terrified of AmeriKKKa’s true history of perilous racism coming to light, making deals behind closed doors with Trillionaire donors to prevent schools from teaching that slavery even existed, terrified that learning about the true horrors of slavery will open the door to all their magical lies and deceptions coming to light, I celebrate Juneteenth. 


In 2021, when white people cheer and celebrate the deaths of unarmed Blacks in the street, when they deny and justify systemic racism and blame its victims for our oppression, indicating their greatest desire is to go back to the days when they could own, buy, and sell me, treating my life like a piece of property, I lift my voice and say that, “We shall overcome, someday, but today, I celebrate Juneteenth.”

Monday, June 07, 2021

Anti-Racist Primer

It’s not my job to educate anti-racists . . . it’s my very voluntary labor of love, maybe obligation is a better word for it, because nonetheless, I get no compensation or reward for it. Someone has to do it and I would rather it be me than no one at all. Black people, in our efforts to deal with racistsm AND well-meaning anti-racists, get frustrated and exhausted when white people expect us to take you by the hand and guide you down the road of anti-racism.  We defensively say, “It’s not our job to teach you, go do the research yourself.”  Then we send you off to go watch a Tim Wise video or read Jane Elliot and then expect you to be as to be as sensitive and articulate as we they are when battling racists.  It’s almost like another slap in the face when we have to deal with virulent racists and then we are expected to coddle and hand-hold white people who’s hearts are in the right place but you are still in the infant stages of dismantling the fallacy of white supremacy and expect us to give you personalized lessons in anti-racism.

White people who are learning to be anti-racist eventually and inevitably end up screwing up, saying the wrong thing, being defensive, and falling back on to offensive, racist habits.  If racism is going to end, it’s going to be white people who do that shit.  Black people can talk until we are blue in the face, we can kneel, march, protest, carry signs, we can intellectually and academically destroy racist’s arguments and white people racists will still say, “I’m not racist, you’re the racist,” without the tiniest bit of irony.   They willand feel arrogantly assured that they are right with no angst or desire to be less racist whatsoever at the end of the exchange. Trolling and taunting Black people, seeking us out to diminish our pain with their arrogance is amusing for them, the feed off of the emotional toll is takes on us defending our very existence as valid in a system designed to oppress us. Racists will never hear us, never consider what we are saying as valid because the system is set up for them to deny that racism, white privilege, and the fallacy of white supremacy even exists.  The only people voices they are going to listen to are the ones sitting across from them at the Thanksgiving dinner table, in the cubicle across from them at work, on the barstool next to them, not a screen name on a device. White people are born into a system where you all hold all the cards, you are the ones who will create the shift in consciousness.  You can’t teach yourselves to be anti-racists so the responsibility falls on me. 

If absolute anti-racism is the goal and we assign a value of 100 to it, white people who identify as anti-racist are collectively at a 3. Tim Wise is at 90 given that even he says there are times when he catches himself harboring racist thoughts.  and he’s been doing the work for THIRTY years or more. I’ve never watched a minute of Jane Elliot although I’m assured that bitch is bad.  I’ve only seen one Jane Elliot video.  I don’t need to watch her, she’s not speaking to me, I don’t need to learn her lessons.  For every Jane Elliott, there are 100 more Black scholars who are more articulate and informed about racism.  Jane Elliot is not speaking to me. Her voice is directed at white people, for you to unlearn your racism.  You have been woke for a total of a year, your understanding of racism is infantile. Black people’s experience of racism didn’t begin when we took our first breath in this lifetime, it began when our ancestors were enslaved and the white man beat a new name, a new religion, and the consciousness of inferiority into them. That pain has been passed down for generations. 

·         The first step in fighting racism is saying, “I’m racist.”  Calling a white person a racist is the most offensive thing a Black person can call a white person.  There is no greater insult for white people.  You have to take the stigma and the sting from the word racist because that’s what gives them power. The most virulent, vile, evil, hateful racist will say, “I’m not racist,” and follow with repugnant filth with no other purpose than to diminish blackness and the suffering of Black people.  More importantly, calling a white person a racist signals hoards of other whites to come to their collective defense, it’s their rallying cry, their call to arms.  No white person is ever racist according to racists and they will defend that tooth and nail because you’ve insulted their whiteness, you might as well shit on the flag if you question the fallacy of white supremacy to racists.  You are offending their identity.  When you learn to say, “I’m a racist,” with ease and conviction, you diffuse their power.  You show that the world doesn’t stop turning to admit to racism.  Being a racist doesn’t mean you are inherently evil (even though inherently evil people are racists) but the power structure has led you to believe viscerally react to being called a racist.  Diffuse the power of word by owning your participation in it. 

·         Black people do not want or need to hear how empathetic you are to our experience, how you understand that you can never know what we feel, or for you to repeat back to us how insidious racism is.  We know better than you how bad racism is.  We know that unless you have Black skin, you can never truly understand the true scope of racism.  You telling us what we already know is patronizing and it’s like rubbing salt in our gaping, open, infected gunshot wounds.  It’s like a 5th grader watching an episode of Dr. Who and trying to explain the intricacies of quantum physics to a college professor. I know you want to express your frustration and show your empathy.  Find another way. Seriously, I empathize with the fact that this is all new to you and you want and deserve a place to express your very new feelings but for right now, it’s annoying to Black people so maybe you can express your “I know that I will never understand the what it means to be Black in a racist society,” sentiments to other whites and shield us from it for a while because it feels dismissive and petty when we have been saying the same things to you for our entire lives. 

·         Say, “I’m sorry.”  Everyone in this society, not just white people but everyone, is programmed to be defensive when someone calls them out on something they are legitimately wrong about.  Being wrong has no bearing on how arrogant and defensive people are when defending their beliefs. White people are particularly prone to defend their shit when they’re wrong because . . . that is exactly how the entire system was built, to perpetuate the belief that anything you said was right and anything Blacks said was wrong. When you fuck up, and you will, and when a Black person calls you out on it, even if they curse you out and tell you off, FIGHT whatever urge you have to defend yourself and just say, “I’m sorry.”  Don’t offer an excuse.  Don’t explain, don’t try to diminish what you said.  Don’t offer your promises to do better.  The most powerful thing you can do is say, “I’m sorry.”  That’s it.  Not, “I’m sorry, I was raised to believe . . . and I’m trying to be a better human being . . . I didn’t mean it because . . . what I was trying to say was . . .”  If you are really trying to be a better human being, we don’t need to hear excuses, we need peace and reconciliation.  We’ve heard all the excuses.  We’ve never heard, “I’m sorry.”  Those two words have more power than any explanation or disqualifier you add on to diminish your guilt.  “I’m sorry.” Nothing more.  I’m sorry. 

·         Debate racists, don’t validate Black people.  Anti-racists think their contribution to discussions of racism is to say, “Crumbs,” and think that’s doing the work.  It’s not.  If you aren’t actively taking the heat away from Black people who are the victim of racist attacks by white, racist trolls, you are doing noting but fanning the flames of racisms.  We don’t need likes or followers for validation.  We need white people to stop being racist.  If you aren’t saying, “Hey, douche bag, you’re racist because . . .” you are merely stroking your own ego.  I need to hear you speak up. I get it. You’re afraid of saying the wrong thing so you say nothing.  And that benefits the structure of racism.  Make mistakes, learn, but speak up.  Silence is complacency.  I will offer help and guidance to any anti-racist who is trying to find their voice.  I’m in awe of anti-racists because I never thought I would ever encounter any in real life and her I am faced with an entire growing movement.  Even when I reprimand you, it’s from a place of love. 

·         Don’t believe their lies/learn their tactics.  Racist will say, “I’m half Black.” “I’m Latino.” “My spouse is Black.”  They make that shit up to say, “See, I’m a person of color and I say that the original poster is racist so that means I’m right.”  Racist lie to suit their agenda.  They gaslight, they do all the typical racist shit and it’s not at all beyond racists to make up profiles to agree with themselves.  If you delete a racists comments, they will attack you as if you are somehow denying them their 1st amendment rights.  First of all know that the 1st amendment affords people the right to say whatever the hell they want without fear of prosecution FROM THE GOVERNMENT.  Deleting a comment on the internet is not a violation of anyone’s rights.  Racists will say, “I’m not racist, I am submissive to Blacks.”  Their implication is that if they are sexually submissive to Blacks, they’ve done the work of being anti-racists.  Spot the patterns. 

·            Come prepared to the fight.  Anti-racists LOVE to say, “You’re not listening to the OP, go do the research and educate yourself.”  That doesn’t work.  Racists are invested in believing they are superior to Blacks.  The only research that racists will do is research the lies that they have been told that they believe.  They will say with no hesitation whatsoever, “It was Africans who sold Africans into slavery.”  Where did they learn that?  From the ethos apparently, it’s bred into white consciousness from the collective brainwashing.  Have your links in a document so you can say, “That’s not accurate, here is the evidence to educate you.”  Will they read it?  Hell no they won’t.  Trolls are manifestations of arrogance, they get off on agitation.  They aren’t there to learn, they are they to emotionally manipulate Black people and get attention.  But who will read the links are the people who are reading and not commenting.  When racists say, “Nice, what would Martin Luther King say about you?” follow up with actual quotes from Martin Luther King that show his true sentiments, not the half a misquoted line racists love to throw around.  Have your link to the dozens of massacres that were committed against people of color in this country that were erased from history.  Have your list of racist legislation passed to oppress people of color built into our political process. 

·            Debate the motivation, NOT the facts.  Racist make up fact, they make up their own realities where everything they say is right. They have hundreds of years of “science” to validate their worldview, right?  Science has been whitewashed and engineered to deny our contributions so they will always be able to find “facts” that validate what they are arguing.  That’s the trap.  They are quite convinced that they can prove that whites are superior by stating fac

·         Don’t debate racist on my terms.  You aren’t Black, you will never understand my experience.  What you do understand is your experience, however.  You know what it means to be racist.  You were racist.  And as much as you want to say, “I never did or said anything overtly racist, I was a passive racist,” that’s bullshit.  You were a racist in the nastiest sense of the word.  That’s the way system works.  You’ve thought of Black people as niggers, you’ve defended racism. You’ve looked down on impoverished Blacks and blamed us for being ghetto and stupid. You know good and god damn well that you trolled Black people to tell us that racism wasn’t as bad as we say.  You defended George Zimmerman.  You donated to a racist cop when he was accused of killing an unarmed Black person.  Maybe you didn’t donate, maybe you just ignored the news when racist events were playing out on TV because you didn’t care about our lives.  You have defended the flag, you have said “All Lives Matter,” you have been racist. Own it.  It’s not enough to say that you are racist, speak truth to power and meet racists where they are.  If they see themselves through your eyes, in your eyes, that is how you beat them.  

·         Debate the motivation, NOT the facts.  Racist make up fact, they make up their own realities where everything they say is right. They have hundreds of years of “science” to validate their worldview, right?  Science has been whitewashed and engineered to deny Black contributions so they will always be able to find “facts” that validate what they are arguing.  That’s the trap.  They are quite convinced that they can prove that whites are superior by stating facts. Debate their motivation, not the facts, call them out on their core belief.  What are they really trying to say?  If they say, “Well the Jews . . . The Holocaust . . The Irish were slaves, too.”  They are saying that Blacks are inherently inferior and that’s why they are poor, that’s why those cops have to shoot those criminal niggers.  Look to what is their motivation and attack that.  It takes work and it’s not easy until you figure out how to do it.  I’ll help you.  If you need me to help you figure out a response to a racist troll, hit me up.  I don’t mind you asking for help.  You can’t ask every Black person but I’m offering my assistance.  I’ll even post more about it so you can see examples. 

·         Have empathy and compassion for the Black experience.  Very few Black people are comfortable confronting racists.  We have been bred to fear confrontation with whites, telling them about their shit because we could have been lynched, fired, beaten.  We have generations of abuse built into our DNA.  Our forefathers only knew violence and brutality as a means to control their children because that was the lesson of slavery.  Have empathy and compassion for those of us not afforded the benefit of education.  Maybe we might always use perfect English or be as articulate as the more educated of us but that’s not an indication of our value or contribution as Black people in the struggle for our liberation.  Show a little extra compassion for the most disadvantaged of our society in our efforts to rage against machine. 

·         You are in the unique position of not being triggered by racists.  Racists play off the fact that they can push our buttons and get us to an emotional state, they feed off our anger and our frustration. It’s like a drug to them, they get high from pissing us off.  You don’t have a connection to Blackness so you can debate them from a place of reason.  You can calmly, collectively dismantle their bullshit.  Use that against them.  You aren’t Black, they aren’t attacking you, your family, your friends, the people who look like you.  You can take the heat off of Black people and you should. 

·         Learn how to debate differently.  You’re white and you have been educated and socialized in the thick of whiteness where logic and reason and facts and history are set in stone and linear.  You can’t expect to lay out linear, rationed arguments to racists and have it make an impact. You have to debate from your soul.  You have to call a spade a spade, you have to cut off the bullshit when you see it and call it as bullshit.  You have to put racists in their place. Racists fight dirty.  You have to be dirtier.  This is war.  You can’t win by being polite and following the rules because racists shit on the rules.  Saying learn to debate from you soul is like saying, “Debate in Mandarin Chinese.” You have call on the things that society has told you that you have to deny, that rage that they told you was wrong, that confrontational and argumentative fire inside you.  That spirit is in you, it’s been intentionally suppressed but you can access it.  It’s the truth inside you.  Call on it.

·         Form a coalition of other anti-racists to call up for support.  We is stronger than me. 

·         Don’t give up.  This shit is hard.  Don’t quit.  I can’t take off my Black skin and take a break from racism on some days.  You can walk away at any time.  We can win this war, together, united, but it’s going to take dedication and perseverance on your part because this is voluntary to you.  




Friday, May 21, 2021

See My Humanity

 White people don’t see Black people as human. White people are, in fact, incapable of seeing us as human beings. White people don’t empathize with our pain because they don’t see us as equals. White people see us as sex objects, as minimum wage workers, as entertainers and athletes, and as inherently inferior, a sub-human species. That’s been the programming for centuries. We have darker skin and fuller features, our hair is different so they can look at us an see something other than what they are, a human being.

What’s always astounded me is the fact that white people can have such empathy and compassion for animals and yet the same white people who shed actual real tears over a dog in a dog fight or an animal killed on safari will cheer, they will openly applaud a Black person being killed by the cops. As much as it pains me to state the obvious, animals are a truly a different species to homo sapiens. There’s no way you can confuse an animal for a person yet white people will fall apart at a video of an animal being abused. When a Black person is murdered for the unforgiveable crime of being Black, white people donate money to the killer and go on full troll mode, purposefully seeking out Black people online who are outraged and hurt, only to inflict more hurt, to taunt and torment them by saying that that Black person’s life DESERVED to be taken for driving with expired tags or for smoking a cigarette or whatever lame excuse white people use for slaughtering us.

Not all white people love animals more than Black people though, right? Some white people torture and murder animals. See what I did there? You were expecting me to talk about the great white people who aren't racist. That's the programming. You expect whiteness to be exalted as superior. More to the point, it’s not like the animal killers love Black people. They are the ones who are torturing and killing animals, practice for killing Black people. How can I say that? As much as it pains me to say, I’m Black, I know white people. I know how evil they are, I know how much they hate us. I know white people in ways white people can never possibly know us because you are our predator and we have to know you in order to survive. White people, without having read one book by a Black author, without having seen a play, never having any exposure to blackness whatsoever, white people are convinced they know everything about us, our lives, our motivations. Black people have a deeper understanding of white people because you force your culture and norms down our throats and because if we don’t know exactly what type of white person we are dealing with, it could be fatal. It's like how Black people know to distrust cops because there are far more bad apples than white people acknowledge. We know that the TV shows and movies that show white people as the heroes and saviors, saving the day with their inherent goodness are all BULLSHIT.

This new wave of anti-racism is interesting. First and foremost, just like saying, “I’m not racist,” saying, “I’m anti-racist,” doesn’t make it so. “Woke” white people, the infinitesimally small and rare occurrence of them, are CONVINCED, beyond a shadow of a doubt, they are not racist because they follow Black people on Twitter and they proclaim how horrible it is to see those videos of Black people being murdered. And it is. It’s heart wrenching to see Black people’s lives being snuffed out because society says our lives aren’t worth anything. But for me, when I see those videos, Black people begging and pleading for their lives, terrified, I see me. I see my family, my cousins, my uncles and aunts, I see my brothers and sisters. I could easily be a hashtag. All day, every day, I’m in danger of being hashtagable because my skin is melanated. White people, even the ones who proclaim to be anti-racist, can never be hashtagable in this society because this society is set up to see them as the norm. White people see a Black person being murdered and they don’t see their loved one being murdered, they see “other.” They say, “Oh, it’s such a tragedy and I’m sorry I didn’t realize it before.” The key sentiment is that before ". . . I hated Black people and looked down on you previously but I wasn't overt about it but now I’m a good person.” And then when they close their laptop, social justice is done, back to white reality where they don’t have to think about Black pain and they certainly don’t feel it.

Should they? Should white people feel the pain of Black people who have been murdered like animals in the street, their lifeless bodies on display as a message to other Blacks, “Stay in your place or you’re next.” No, no one should have to feel that sensation. I want a life where I don’t have to feel that dread, that ache, that hopelessness. That’s what the cops want us to feel, the fear that we are next, it’s paralyzing and debilitating and that’s the entire purpose of slaughtering us for minor infractions. The power structure knows that we will be forced to hide our pain, suppress our fear, alter our behavior in order to survive our next encounter with the police. Whiteness wins every time a video of a Black person being murdered is shown because no matter how empathetic and woke white people are, they aren’t inviting anyone who looks like Rayshard Brooks or Amhad Aubrey to their dinner table. To their bed? Sure, Blacks are great at sex. But are those white people hiring more Blacks at their jobs, or standing up for the inherent injustice that is built into the very fabric of out society? Not at all. But every Black person who sees those videos wonders if they could be next.

When white real estate agents start outing the racism in their industry, when woke white people who work at Jiffy Lube or Just Brakes or the electric company expose the blatant racism built into their policies, when white people put themselves in jeopardy, when they have skin in the game, that is when their activism is authentic. When white people start calling out their bosses, the people who sign their paychecks, for the inherent racism built into their workplace, then I’ll be convinced of their sincerity. Now, it’s all empty platitudes and lies. Where are the woke nurses calling out the racism inherent in hospitals? Oh no, can’t do that. That would threaten their livelihood. It’s better to just be woke online, on a profile that doesn’t have your name or picture, where you pretend you are horrified at racial injustice and you go to work and you contribute to the disease of racism with your actions and your silence.

The other side of the table are the white people who hate Black people and blackness and they will scour every word I write, finding one sentiment that perhaps I didn’t articulate well or, more likely, find offense at one fact that they think they can dismantle because they believe themselves to be intellectually superior. Of course white people believe that they are smarter than Blacks, it’s how you’ve been conditioned. You feel it’s your responsibility to come on my page and critique and dismantle anything I say about racism or whiteness because I can’t possibly be as smart as you and you can’t let me think I’m smarter. We can’t have those negroes thinking that they can talk shit about the system that allows white people to work less and get paid more, that allows them to commit crimes and then act self-righteous and indignant at a Black person committing a crime to survive.

I’ve yet to meet the Wall Street exec who had to steal to put food on his table but I promise you that I’ve had a half a million of them tell me how criminal Black people are with no sense of irony whatsoever. And he commits more crimes before noon on a daily basis than I’ve committed in multiple lifetimes. White people who do drugs, commit crimes, have criminal delinquent children and are in the most dysfunctional relationships possible will come on this very post and proceed to tell me that I’m wrong about my perception of racism and whiteness because they know more than me. Promise.

I’m not asking white people to love me. I’m not asking for special favors or privileges. I want the exact same special privileges and favors white people get. That’s it. I want Black people to have the exact same privileges, points, perks, bonuses, and rights as white people have. We deserve to have the exact same things that you have because we are human beings, just like you. And the irony is, white people don’t have to give up a damn thing for that to happen. White people don’t have to give up any privileges and favors, they don’t have to become the unwanted of society, they don’t have to trade places with us and become the inferiors. I want to know that my skin will not cause me to be a target. I want to know that my life, my talent, my contributions have value in this society. That’s not asking too much.

Even if I don’t make a mother fucking contribution to society, my life still has value. I want white people to feel pain when they see yet another hashtag and not say, “Oh, it’s so bad that happens to Black people,” but rather say, “Why is this happening to US, why is this happening to me?” See me as a human being. See me as the same as you. Feel my pain. Feel it as your own. Feel the death of . . . whoever the latest Black person murdered was today, as a member of your family. They are. We are all human beings. We deserve more respect than a dog. We cry, we feel pain, we suffer challenges, we are fucking human beings.

The inequity that white people have created in this society is most highlighted by the homeless. I’ve never lived in Idaho or Wyoming, I don’t know what the racial makeup of those places are. I have lived in NYC, Baltimore, sort of Philly (an hour commute away) and Atlanta. I’ve visited a dozen or more other major metropolitan cities in my lifetime, nationally and internationally. The overwhelming and vast majority of homeless people are Black. Not by accident. Not because of any individual or collective choice that they’ve made. Black people are disproportionally homeless because white people don’t see us as humans.

White people make mistakes. They are forgiven. No, that’s not accurate. They are not forgiven, that implies some level of remorse or accountability. White people don’t normally have to feel remorse for their mistakes because society has told them that they are the alpha and the omega. Mistakes don’t define white people. If a Black person is homeless, we say it’s because of their poor choices. Is it? Did they decide to be born Black in a society that despised Blackness? Did they choose to be born poor in a country where a person’s wealth determines their worth as a human being? Did they choose to be undereducated by a system that wants to keep Blacks poor and uneducated? No, they didn’t. Did they choose to seek housing in a real estate market where white men think nothing of cheating, lying, and manipulating to build wealth as the expense of Black people’s safety? No, of course they didn’t make those choices. They were pawns in a game that hates Black pawns. Every facet of society is intended to CREATE Black homeless people, to step over them with an air of indignation and superiority. “I didn’t make the poor choices you made so I’m better than you.”

I’ve been homeless several time in my life. Well, I’ve been without shelter a few times in my life, I’ve lived with friends, slept on sofas, I’ve lived in hotel rooms for weeks on end because I didn’t have an address but I don’t consider that homeless. I’ve had two occasions where I had no residence, no place to go for several days. It was terrifying, not in the physical safety sense. That was draining and stressful. The terrifying part was the voices in my head that told me that I was flawed as a human being because I wasn’t living in a four-bedroom McMansion with granite counter tops and his and hers walk in closets. Wanna take a guess how man woke white people are living like that right this minute and have no concern or care for the homeless? More than can be counted.

In the early 90s, I remember I had just separated from my husband, I was depressed and scared; he had just told me he had one woman pregnant and he was in love with another woman and that he never wanted the reconciliation that he had told me he wanted for two months. I ended up on a 72-hour psych hold because I got drunk as hell and I was walking the streets crying and screaming like a crazy woman. When I was released, I didn’t have a place to go. My best friend was without an address and sleeping on someone’s floor at the time. He offered to let me sleep on her floor while she was at work for a few hours a day until we could find an apartment and move in together. For three ofr four days, I walked the streets of NYC all night, waiting to take the train to Brooklyn in the morning so I could I get a little rest. You can’t rest. When you don’t have a place to lay your head, your brain doesn’t stop working, telling you that you’re a failure. My friend was an immensely talented, brilliant Black man. (He died.) I am an immensely talented, brilliant Black women. Did we both end up without an address because of some inherent flaw within us. NO! The system is built to foster whiteness and neither of us was born with that benefit.

The other time was when I was living with a . . . man I had loved for 7 years. He wasn’t a boyfriend, we weren’t even in a relationship. He was an individual with whom I had a complicated and dysfunctional relationship that consisted mostly of me loving him and him loving light skinned women and him loving how I made him feel for two weeks a year . . . for 7 years. After the two weeks were over, he would say something hurtful, leave, and come back a year later. Whatever one calls that, that’s what we had. I moved out of his place in Chicago, drove back to Atlanta, and didn’t have a place to stay for a few days. I ended up sleeping in my car in the parking lot of a 24 hour Home Depot for a few nights. I honestly can’t even tell you where I ended up living after that. I can tell you that being without shelter didn’t define me. I had just finished writing what will be (or what may be already in another dimension) the most amazing stories of my life. I knew I was an amazing writer with a voice that deserved to be heard even while I was trying to hide from the cops to get me to move my car. Me not having a home in that moment didn’t change any of those things. I didn’t automatically become stupid, or untalented, or lazy because I didn’t have a home. Nothing about me changed other than the fact that I didn’t have a support system or an income to provide for the basics. Being homeless didn’t mean that I made bad choices. It means that society is built to keep me, all Black people oppressed. Period.

Every homeless person has a story. Every homeless person is a human being deserving of respect and an opportunity to provide for themselves. The American system is set up to keep homeless people homeless because they are the plague that everyone loves to decry is so unfortunate but you don’t lose a minute’s sleep over it because you have a bed, you have a car and a fridge full of food so you NEVER have to think about homeless people if you don’t want.

We, collectively, as a society, look at homeless people in the exact same way white people see Blacks. “It’s their fault they are in that situation and it doesn’t affect me, it’s not my problem. It’s sad and unfortunate and I have to pretend to be concerned because I know that society expects me to show compassion but in all honesty, when I don’t see them, I don’t give a fuck about them one way or the other, they never enter my consciousness, their existence doesn’t change my reality.”

The white people who think they are anti-racist and oh so woke don’t care about Black people, they care about the perception that they are racist. They don’t see the humanity of Black people all of a sudden, they see their shame that they were virulent racists and didn’t realize it. There is so much narcissism in white people proclaiming their wokeness and posting about Black Lives Matter.

I’ve said it 1000 times. The worst thing you can call a white person is racist. There is no greater insult. White wokeness is a response to that, it’s the way white people can say, “Look at me, I’m not racist.” Ask a woke white person to invite a homeless person into their home for dinner, give them a place to stay, let them sleep on your couch for a few months and help them get on their feet. You’ll get the, “It’s not safe . . . mental issues . . . my job . . . my children,” all those arguments.” Without knowing one homeless person, without knowing if they had a fucked-up husband who cheated on them or a racist employer who fired them, white people will blanketly disparage homelessness and blackness because they don’t see us as human. No human being deserves to sleep on the street or in a shelter where the admins are going home to huge houses and profiting from their pain.

I’ve done it. I’ve had homeless people stay with me in my home to help them. One was an extraordinarily gorgeous man, one was a mentally ill woman who could sing like an angel. They didn’t rape me or steal from me. I never felt in danger because I see myself in them. I saw them as human beings deserving of help. I’ve fed homeless people out of the trunk of my car at midnight because I worked as a concierge at a luxury condo and I would take the food when I got off at midnight and go to the church around the corner from my apartment. When I lived in NYC, one brotha named Carlos was in love with me because I would give him money every day, stop, and talk to him. He went to jail once for a few months and I was panicked. I asked every employee in the bank where he slept what happened to him, I asked the newspaper guy who literally was 5 feet away from him every day. No one even knew who he was, let alone his name. We treat the homeless like lepers, like they are deserving of living like that because we are a heartless, shallow, self-centered nation. A racist nation on top of that which looks at Black people as is their skin is a crime. The crime is whiteness and what it’s done to create the belief that only people with white skin deserve respect, accolades, pleasure, and opportunity.

As long as white people don’t see Black people’s humanity, nothing is going to change. Until you see that we laugh, we cry, we bleed, we fear, we love in the exact same way as you, until you have compassion and empathy for our unique and individual stories, until you see our HUMANITY, until you acknowledge that we deserve to have everything that you have, a life with minimal, third world stressors like your water heater broke or you have to carpool with your spouse because your car is in the shop, then nothing is going to change.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Divine Loving Consciousness


I am currently the recipient of what I'm calling "information".  It is channeled information that has been coming through for about two weeks. It is from an unbelievably loving source.  My new consciousness is Divine Loving Consciousness; it is unconditional pure LOVE.  I see myself as everyone and I have compassion and understanding of their pain and circumstance in ways that overwhelm me.  I'm not fully my new consciousness yet.  I'm still letting go of my old personality.  It’s a process of gently releasing habits, patterns and beliefs that were based on a false reality. 

I have been posting truths in subtle ways for a few days but I'm not going to do that anymore. I'm not afraid of being called crazy or being attacked; I'm not afraid of anything anymore . I'm 100% confident this Divine Loving Consciousness is genuine so I have to speak my truth to power. 

I have been receiving some cosmic mind-blowing shit.  I'm going to tell you shit and you are going to say, "This bitch is crazy." I don't mind that.  I am not doing this for likes or shares or followers. I'm not doing this for people to believe me.  I'm doing this because I don't have a choice. 

My challenge in this Phase One, as I understand it, is to use my talent and my words to explain slowly and gently to people that magick: occult, dark, demonic, witch spells like Charmed and Supernatural magick type shit absolutely exists and it's being used to manipulate us.

Without any further ado:

The truth.

The Devil is a white man. I'm going to name him. (No, it's not Trump.)  I'm going to name who he was in past lives and explain how he achieved his power. He exists on this plane and he is actively manipulating things currently as a human being living and breathing among us right now.  The Devil is a man, a white man who learned the power of ALCHEMY and the power of IMORTALITY.  He was a student of the occult sciences beneath ancient Black African Egyptians but he was most certainly not as knowledgeable as the masters he learned the information from.  He believes himself to be God-like but ultimately he is a man, an immortal one but he brought all his human frailties to his eternal existence.

The Devil CREATED religion. He created the actual concept of religion in order to use it as a mind control tool.  He created religion, the tenets of religion, he created Christianity, Judaism, and Islam, not one of them is even remotely close to being truthful.  He created the very concepts of God, heaven, hell, the whole nine; he stole the concept of Jesus from ancient Egypt and he egotistically insinuated himself into religions because he’s ultimately very insecure.  His devotees, his followers lack conscience, morality is a made-up concept so they certainly don’t possess any of that.  More importantly, they will kill, cheat, lie, destroy, they will do anything for more money.  World domination is their agenda and they will stop at nothing until they have it.  If they don’t get it, they will destroy the planet and start all over again. 

ALL white people are not the devil, they are not all inherently evil, they are more like pawns in a game who are being manipulated.  Many, MANY white people are racist and evil, the vile hatred within them consumes their soul, it’s a natural byproduct.  Divine Loving Consciousness doesn’t require you to love racists.  You can hate them.  While you are in this reality, you are here to experience the full spectrum of human emotions.  Right and wrong exist, but you aren’t going to be judged for your actions, thoughts, or sins. 

Black people have more in common with white people who believe in Jewish space lasers and a flat Earth than we have in common with the master manipulators.  The racist masses are ultimately seeking the truth and the truth is unbelievable, and they really aren't going to like the truth when they hear it. Even the most loving, spiritual angel-channeling, vegan, “I’m not racist,” white person is still very much disconnected from the truth because they believe the false timeline, they believe the false narrative. 

The false narrative tells them that white people are the originators of everything good in the world.  They believe that Plato and Socrates, DaVinci, and everything Greek, Roman, and Anglo Saxon is the source of all of the world’s ingenuity and genius and intellect.  White people believe that they created and invented everything.  They believe that Africans contributed nothing to society.  That BELIEF is the very source of racism, it is the source of racism in white people’s hearts,   racism is NOT some bad character trait that makes you hate niggers. Racism’s origins are rooted in believing that white people are the most enlightened, most intelligent, most creative, most advanced and civilized people on the planet.  Everyone alive is a victim of the fallacy of white supremacy, everyone, but the ones who benefit from it, especially the people who manipulate it for their financial and sexual benefit, don't look anything like me. 

The truth: White people have STOLEN everything.  What wasn't stolen was magickly enhanced. 

The Devil has given out power of immortality and alchemy to 13 entities.  "They," the beneficiaries of Satan's spoils, most of whom are already known, a few not so much, at least they haven't been identified as the evil they really are, they are now immortal and they do so much fucked up shit it's revolting to anyone with an iota of humanity in them.  The Devil has promised them immortality, everlasting life and wealth more than they can count, they didn't know that they were already Divine Loving Consciousness in their essence which is eternal.  The Devil has also purchased a lot of souls.  He has promised them fame and fortune beyond belief.  He has used magick to create their success; he made them billionaires.  Their fame is not deserved.  Their fortunes were not earned. 

“They," the families that have passed down their ill-gotten gains, are more evil than the contemporary human mind can comprehend and they are manipulating EVERYTHING around us, things we think it is impossible to manipulate, things you're going to say I'm crazy for suggesting.  They have created what we perceive as reality and they are masterful at using their magical powers for their own gain.  They can never have enough money.  Their greed and ruthlessness know no bounds.    

The Ultimate Truth:  All there is, is Divine Loving Consciousness.   Divine Loving Consciousness is in each and every one of us.  Every single person has access to Divine Loving Consciousness but we have been brainwashed to believe in everything opposite it: competition, jealousy, insecurity, violence, hatred, judgment . . . they are all false idols: everything is designed to manipulate us.  Everything we know are lies. 

The amazing and beautiful news is that we win.  We win.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

White Privilege Primer

For the 1000th time, and for the people in the back, white privilege is not a tangible benefit you get for being white.  It’s not extra money deposited in your bank account for being white.  White privilege is not a coupon code you get for whitewater rafting trips and pumpkin spice lattes; it’s not a trophy you get to hit Black people with when you don’t like them in spaces where you don’t think we belong.  White privilege means never having to know the pain of being something other than the norm.  White people have been the norm since the architects of history erased Black accomplishment and rewrote white people as the heroes. You have what no Black person, no person of color can ever hope to have in this lifetime; you have the benefit of the doubt.  The world will always see you, your opinion, your voice, and your beliefs as more valid than mine because of your whiteness.  That is white privilege.

Society has never hated your whiteness.  You were not born into a society whose foundations were predicated on the assumption that you were less than human.  The fact that you have never had to contemplate what it feels like to have skin that is universally despised, the fact that people with your skin color are seen as universally right, just, beautiful, and smart, the fact that you have never once been seen as a threat because of the color of your skin is the very definition of white privilege. You've never had to manipulate your identity to compensate for the fact that you are seen as less than right out of you mother's womb. Unless you have been raised in a society where you, where who you are as a person, is hated for superficial and false reasons, unless you are powerless to change that perception, you will never understand what the pain of not being white in a society that worships whiteness feels like.  

White people, you have never lived in a world where your whiteness has been viewed as inherently inferior so you have that advantage over Black people.  That is a privilege.  You have lived your entire life in a world where God was created in your image, that’s not anything close to what I can say so you have that advantage over me.  You exist in a world where you’ve been told that every invention of everything good was from someone who looked like you.  That’s not true by the way.  White people stole Black/Africans knowledge, wisdom, wealth, art, and secrets and claimed them as their own. Your anger at that statement, is racism. That feeling of anger boiling up in you is your subconscious mind insisting that Black people are inferior and incapable of creating anything worth stealing.  I wish I could say that I grew up in a world that accurately told the tales of the great accomplishments of my people, but white men have written history so they are always the victors and Black people are always pawns. 

I wish I could know what it feels like to live in a world where Black people were Gods, where Black people performed magic and understood the heavens and the seas, where we were the architects of civilization and art and science and mathematics, and we lived in harmony together.  I can’t live in that society, however.  I was born into a society that falsely believes that people who look like me have never contributed anything to the world stage.  You have no idea what that feels like because you were white and born into this world created by white men just for you to feel like you were superior to everyone else. 

So, your argument is going to be, “I don’t hate Black people, I’ve never seen Black people as inferior so you’re not talking about me.” There are multiple levels of error with that sentiment.  First and foremost, you are unaware of your subconscious beliefs.  You can’t live in a society that broadcasts Black faces as criminals as the first new story every night and not have that negatively color your perception of Black people.  You lock your door when you see a Black person in a neighborhood.  You wait for the next elevator because you fear a Black person is going to rape and rob you.  You shake your head in disgust when you see a Black woman in Walmart with loud kids and you don’t even care if white kids are loud.  That’s your inherent bias.  You might SAY I’m not racist.  That doesn’t mean that every single belief system you have isn’t based on racist beliefs. 

Now, back to your regularly scheduled deprogramming.  You’ve never turned on a television and been stressed out because every single show on TV is about people who look nothing like you, don’t have anything to do with your reality, or make the people who look like you a fucking criminal or a clown.  If you want to find a TV or movie where people who look like you are the heroes, all you have to do is flip a few channels, you’ll find it.  Me, I have to wait for February.  I have to subscribe to a streaming service. You don’t know what that feels like, so you have that advantage over me.  You say that’s not a big deal, that no one cares about that sort of thing. I say that if you turned on the TV and every show, every movie, every person you saw was Black, every storyline was about the greatness of Black people, every Black character saved the day, you would lose your fucking mind.  Every fucking channel is White Entertainment Network.  Every fucking channel has white programming executives creating content based on their personal racist perceptions.  Every Black show, every Black movie has white people behind it inserting their privilege and racist perceptions.  Every fucking month is white history month because your false history, the history where white people are the heroes and saviors of everything, is all that’s taught in schools. 

You are privileged.  You’ve never looked for a book about a topic and discovered that not one single person who looked like you had authored one.  You’ve never even had to think about something like that, right?  That’s a privilege because that is my experience every time I go on Amazon.  Well, there are no published books, because surely, the publishing community rejected all the authors who looked like me because they didn’t think Black people have a valid voice on the subject, whatever the subject may be.  You’ve never had to experience anything like that in your life.  That’s privilege.

“Well, that’s dumb!  Information is information, it doesn’t matter what color the person is who wrote the book!  You’re the racist for caring about what color the author is.” If the shoe were on the other foot, if you were looking for a book on making stained glass or the history of the organ in the Roman Catholic church, you’d be put off if the only authors on said subjects were Black.  If every book you were interested in had a Black author, you’d say that they weren’t as smart, they didn’t do their research well, that they couldn’t be as smart as a white scholar on the subject.  That’s your racism whether you want to admit it or not. 

 What you’re feeling right now as you form your empty arguments against me is racism.  You need to prove that racism isn’t real, that you don’t have any privilege, and that Black people are making it all up.  That need that you feel to put me in my place, that anger you feel when you think about Black people saying that things are unfair and that you benefit and that you perpetuate racism, is racism.  It’s your belief that we don’t have a right to express any complaints, that if we are unhappy and/or poor, it’s our own damn fault because you’re just lazy and dumb, your core belief is that we are inherently inferior, it’s what you’ve been told your entire life in ways you’ve never considered or contemplated. 

You don’t want us to talk about racism because it makes you mad to think that there are justified reasons we are angry, you want to believe that our anger is unjustified because you don’t think racism isn’t real.  I don’t know how else to explain it to you.  That’s racist.  You being mad at me discussing racism because you don’t like me saying that the system is rigged in your favor is the definition of racism.  It’s denying my pain because it doesn’t make you comfortable.  And unfortunately for you, I won’t do any fucking more.   I’m not going to let you get away with your irrational, immature rant, telling Black people to go back to Africa in one breath and screaming that you aren’t racist in the next, and have you walk away thinking that your opinion invalidates racism. 

Sit with it.  Digest it.  Understand that you acknowledging that you have white privilege, acknowledging that you can’t have the same or even similar painful experiences that Black people have since birth if the first step to you letting go of the fallacy of white supremacy. I know you think that you can’t give up anything, if you concede and admit that racism is real, you think that Black people are going to rise up and enslave whites.  Hell, you were born into a world that was created to make you appear as if you are perfect.  And you’ve grown up believing that.  Calm down, I’m not saying you don’t have insecurities and fears or that you’ve necessarily had an easy life vis-à-vis your whiteness.  I’m saying your life has been better than people with Black skin because we have been told that we don’t belong here.  You’ve been told that you created everything in the world we live in. 

If I had a choice, I would rather be the be living in a world where Blackness was seen as beautiful.  I would like you to invite you to shut the fuck up because you are screaming right now that you think Black people are beautiful.  Society doesn’t.  Society sees Black skin as ugly.  Society sees Black noses as ugly.  Society sees Black people as criminal, lazy, stupid, and ugly. You don’t even see Black people as beautiful, you see us as arousing.  Two different things. You pretending that society doesn’t see Black people as inferior because you individually see Black people as sexually arousing does not negate racism, it is an example of your racism.  Please stop being obtuse and insisting that racism doesn’t exist because you think your personal experience and perception of race invalidates the heinous and debilitating institution of racism. 

Wanting to fuck Black people is not an indication that you aren’t racist.  Wanting to be submissive to Black people is not an indication that you aren’t racist. I’m sorry, but wanting to be sexually degraded, humiliated, and tortured by Black people is not an indication that you aren’t racist. Are you getting it yet?  Even if you swear your sexual desires are not driven by race in any way shape or form, color doesn’t matter, kumbaya, the whole nine, that doesn’t mean that you are self-aware or introspective enough to identify your racism. 

Racism is far more complex and nuanced than white people who aren’t active and avid anti-racists have ever thought of.  Unless you have dedicated your life to understanding and fighting racism, you are incapable of speaking on racism because you know nothing, you know less than nothing about racism.  The clichés you repeat, the ones ingrained in you, those aren’t going to work anymore. You are going to be really pissed off in the next few years because I have new for you, your reign of having the last word, of silencing anyone who doesn’t agree with you, the days of having your opinion being considered more valid than everyone else’s is over. 

I’ve got more bad news for you, white people.  Denying that you have privilege . . . denying that white privilege exists . . . that’s racist.  Denying that white privilege exists is essentially saying that the playing field is level and that everyone has the same opportunity and that Black people are making complaints because we are ungrateful, we are exaggerating, that things are fair and just and if there is any evidence to the contrary, it’s all Black people’s fault for being criminal and dumb.  That’s not true.  I know it’s what you believe, but it’s not true.  The truth is, that when Black people are given even the smallest opportunity, even when it comes saddled with racism and obstacles that white people don’t have, we excel at whatever we do.  If Black people had access to the same opportunities as you, in a world that hates us, we would excel in every possible way.  You have yet to give us credit for that.  We have survived and succeeded when you have had every advantage.  That’s testament to our greatness. 

Denying that you have white privilege is the blatant denial of the fact that every system in this country is built to make white people right and people of color wrong.  You don’t want to think about the fact that the justice system is rigged to incarcerate Black people and let white people get away with murder because of the presumption that Black people are more criminal.  We aren’t.  We are more oppressed.  We are more disadvantaged.  We are denied more opportunities than whites.  If you were denied the same opportunities as Blacks consistently, for generations, I would dare say that white people would not have been able to survive. 

I had a white man tell me recently that white privilege wasn’t a thing because . . . follow me with this one . . . white people are the ones creating false identities as Black people, white people are actively choosing and pretending to be Black so white privilege can’t be a thing.  The basis of his belief is that if so many white people are assuming Black identities, he reasoned, then white privilege can’t be a thing because no white person would want to be Black, no white person would want to assume a Black identity, because whiteness would be better, thus white privilege is a made up concept and Black people are just bitching about white privilege. Still with me? This highly educated white man has convinced himself that white privilege is completely baseless because white people have arrogantly assumed that they could navigate the world and speak to the world as a Black person.  He didn’t see that as white delusional thinking.  He saw that as proof that Black people were insufferable whiners who complained about racism where there isn’t any. 

I confess, I lost it.  The more he made his ridiculous and insane assertions, the angrier and more frustrated I got.  I ended up yelling at him to shut the fuck up and I hung up on him because his assertions were so fucking stupid and he kept asserting that he had definitive proof that racism doesn’t exist because it’s white people who are pretending to be Black.  In the end he condescendingly said that I was unable to handle candid conversations because I refused to even acknowledge what he was saying was valid.  That is white privilege.  I’ve never in my life had the ego or audacity to tell someone else that their experience of life wasn’t as bad as they said it was because my opinion is different.  White men are so used to being told they’re always right that they think they can negate 400 years of racism with the actions of a handful of clearly insane white people. 

This white man never once considered that Blackness is more than color, blackness is an experience.  Blackness is having grandparents who survived Jim Crow and oppressive racism shape your sensibilities and your fears about being Black in a world that doesn’t value you; Blackness is not wearing brown makeup.  Blackness is knowing that your life isn’t as valid as white people’s, Blackness is not a posting #BlackLivesMatter in a Twitter post.  This guy created an absurd truth based on his concept of what it means to be Black in his mind.  In his white mind, Blackness is highly coveted.  He thinks Blackness is the ability of Black men to fuck white women with a big dick.  He has no concept of the pain of being Black.  There is nothing painful about being Black to him because he’s white, privileged, arrogant, and obtuse.  More importantly, he never considered that Blackness is a tragedy. 

The tragic flaw with his delusional thinking is those sad and pathetic white people pretended to be Black, they didn’t actually grow up in a environment where they were called redbone, or high yella, or Sambo, or house nigga by other Black people. They never experienced being called the many creatie racist epithets that white people love to throw around when they are feeling cocky and safe.   They never experienced that sort of pain, thus, their fake personas are not an indication that racism isn’t bad or that white supremacy doesn’t exist.  These imposters didn’t grow up in a society where every magazine, every movie, every TV show, fuck, every myth, fairy tale, and magical creature was Black and they felt different and flawed for being born.  This guy failed to grasp that Blackness was more than just the skin color he jerks off to watching interracial porn. 

Racism can’t be reversed.  I know you want to yell and scream that it can be.  You want to believe that someone calling you a cracker in the 7th grade is the same as calling a Black person a nigger.  It’s not.  Your failure to recognize the historical context of racism, your failure to empathize and understand that being white in a world literally created to falsely identify whites as superior, is racist.  I can’t, I didn’t grow up in a world where my Blackness was revered as sacred, holy, righteous, and pure so I can’t, we can’t have the same experience of racism.  You are always going to be the beneficiary of the fallacy of white supremacy; the system was designed for me to never have power over you.  I will never know what it means to know that my identity, irrespective of anything that I’ve personally done, is worshipped around the world as being the creators and originators of the world as we know it.  African accomplishment and achievement has been erased from history.  African heroes have been written out of world history.   African consciousness has been grafted with the greed, materialism, and the petty insecurity of white consciousness so that we have no access to our greatness as a people.  White people will never ever know what that feels like and that is the ultimate white privilege.