
Erotic provocateur, racially-influenced humanist, relentless champion for the oppressed, and facilitator for social change, Scottie Lowe is the brain child, creative genius and the blood, sweat, and tears behind AfroerotiK. Intended to be part academic, part educational, and part sensual, she, yes SHE gave birth to the website to provide people of African descent a place to escape the narrow-mined, stereotypical, limiting and oft-times degrading beliefs that abound about our sexuality. No, not all Black men are driven by lust by white flesh or to create babies and walk away. No, not all Black women are promiscuous welfare queens. And as hard as it may be to believe, no, not all gay Black men are feminine, down low, or HIV positive. Scottie is putting everything on the table to discuss, debate, and dismantle stereotypes in a healthy exchange of ideas. She hopes to provide a more holistic, informed, and enlightened discussion of Black sexuality and dreams of helping couples be more open, honest, and adventurous in their relationships.

Sunday, November 06, 2016

The Fate of Our Race

Sometimes I wallow in my own existential angst so much until I get so frustrated I feel like there is no hope for the future.  I am in the very unique position of being born in the very first year of Gen X’ers.  I was not raised by a Baby Boomer, the generation before me, however; well, at least not the most formative years of my life.  The most formative years of my life, from 0-4, I was raised by Depression Era grandparents who instilled in me values and beliefs that reflected the slave mentality/oppressive/austere practices with which they were raised. Certainly, while I was raised by a Baby Boomer from 4-17, my love, allegiance, and sensibilities have always been more aligned with my grandparents than my biological parents. The differences between myself and the people raised by Baby Boomers are as clear as night and day. I don’t think like, act like, I don’t believe the things that my peers do, nor do I value the same things that they do. I am also in the very unique position of never having a child so I’ve never had anyone to impart my knowledge and mistakes upon. 

It seems that across the board and almost unwavering consistently, that Baby Boomers, those individuals who born between 1946-1966, raised their children with far less standards, guidelines, and restrictions . . . which might not necessarily have been a bad thing given that the alternative was to raise your children in the abusive, restrictive, and stagnating environment of the 50s, but the results have certainly not been positive.  My peers, the X’ers born 1966-86, are the Me generation, self-centered and emotionally immature, but they’ve given birth to the ME, ME, ME, ME, ME generation, the Millennials born ’86-’06, and I’m terrified of what’s going to become of the Gen Z’s, 2006-‘26.  Baby Boomers and X’ers wanted to raise their children with a life of privilege, a life free of stress and pain.  What they’ve created is a generation of spoiled, self-centered individuals who are incapable of helping to break the chains that have kept us in mental bondage since our collective consciousness was created in this land. 

The studies of traits of Millennials are discouraging, to say the least.  Millennials are pathologically narcissistic, sociopaths, fame-obsessed, tech dependent, under-educated while achieving the highest level of education, and they feel entitled to recognition and reward without having done anything to deserve it.  And while the studies are not encouraging about the state of Millennials, I can guarantee you that African American Millennials were not included in their studies and that the negative traits of Black Millennials are exacerbated and magnified tenfold due to our exposure to continual, institutionalized, and rampant racism.  Ethics, structure, civic-mindedness, altruism, benevolence, responsibility, logic, reasoning, introspection, accountability, integrity, contextual history, literacy, art appreciation, home-economics . . . those are things AND MORE parents stopped teaching their children in the 60’s.  Parents stopped raising children in the 60s and they let the TV and the schools raise them.  It created a self-centered generation that has created an even more pathologically self-centered generation in Millennials.  What, dear lord, is going to become of future generations if we have two generations that have no concept of what the concept of delayed gratification means, or earning your accomplishments rather than just getting them because you’ve reached a milestone?  How are our relationships ever to survive if we have two generations who have no clue what it means to compromise, to apologize, to build a life based on selflessness and shared goals when all they’ve seen are ghetto depictions of relationships, and all they know is focusing on what makes ME feel better?  You can’t teach what you don’t know so how are parents going forward going to teach their children?  And what is to become of us as a race of people if we don’t teach our children the things that will allow us to survive or even excel in this world? 

I might be wrong.  I don’t want to assume my perspective is correct simply because I see things from a much more complex lens than my peers.   Is it “wrong” for your child to get a car just because the Earth has circled the sun 16 times since their birth?  Maybe, it’s a good thing for parents to teach their children that they don’t have to DO anything to be worthy, that they are inherently worthy just for being alive.  I can’t co-sign with that concept entirely because if I were a parent, I would make damn sure that before my child got a car, any kind of car, whether I paid for it or I made them pay for it, that they would be able to fix dinner, clean the house, take out the trash, volunteer in the community, and understand that they had to pay for car insurance, gas, and maintenance as their responsibility.  Of course I would help if they needed it, that’s what parents are supposed to do, but I would not let them just get a car because all their friends have cars.  There is valor in understanding that there are consequences for your actions.  If you aren’t taught that, it’s not a lesson you are going to learn, even if you have to deal with the negative consequences of your actions.  To someone who has never been taught that lesson, they will never see a correlation between their unhealthy behavior and the detrimental outcome of their own actions. 

If I had children, they would start preparing for adulthood YEARS in advance, setting part of their allowance/income aside for the items they will need when they become truly independent and get their first place.  I could never raise child who has never read a book or been to a museum, or who can’t recite the words of Martin Luther King’s I Have a Dream speech.  But, I’m not a parent.  I wouldn’t let my child listen to barely literate, monotonous, mono-syllabic, degrading, unintelligent rap/pop music.  I couldn’t.  It’s like giving them an engraved invitation to be hypnotized and indoctrinated by stupidity.  If I were a parent, I would make good and god damn sure my child had a TALENT that they could rely upon.  I would make sure they understood that they need to nurture and develop their creativity, intellect, and understanding of the world before I sent them out as an adult.  They would know how to clean a house, top to bottom, they would know how to articulate their feelings in a mature, healthy discussion without being passive aggressive or co-dependent or hurtful.  But, again, I’m not a parent.  Parents today don’t teach their children any such things. 

My grandparents were as traditionally conservative and blindly conforming to unhealthy practices as any Black people could be who came of age in the 40s.  They taught me, however, to examine things from many different perspectives, to RESEARCH, to investigate, to not just assume that what I know is the “only” truth.  That allowed me to grow up and study world religions, to truly think about how African Americans came to practice Christianity, to learn about other religions and belief systems and to ascertain that Christianity is not a religion but a tool to control the masses.  I’ve studied every major world religion.  I’ve studied Ancient Egyptian beliefs and myths.  I’ve studied New Age, Metaphysical, Mystical, Occult teachings as well as physics and science.  I’m versed and learned in a great many ways that allows me to intelligently discuss, examine, and dissect exactly why I know for a fact that the Bible is written by men who wanted to manipulate and control people with fear.  My grandparents would be HORRIFIED to know that I’m not blindly Christian, like a slave on the plantation afraid that the Big Bad Sky Daddy was going to punish me to eternal damnation, but it’s because they instilled in me a thirst for knowledge, a desire to learn more than just what I’m told, that I have been able to learn and see and understand truths that would otherwise keep me ignorant.  For Black X’ers and Millennials to say, “I’m Christian because my grandparents were and that’s good enough for me,” when they literally have every bit of information in the world available to them at their fingertips, is to say, “I don’t want to be smart or informed.  I don’t want look at history, I don’t want to understand our past, I don’t want to question anything that was beaten into us on the plantation and I’m perfectly fine with that.” 

My grandmother taught me how to sew, how to play piano, how to do every craft known to womankind.  So what, you say!  Those things aren’t important today, right?  Well, the parts of the brain that they stimulated, the skills I learned from continual practice and repetition, from creating things from nothing are skills that people don’t have today and that’s important.   My grandfather taught me about the political process, about government, about activism.  He would sit with me for hours and we would talk about math problems and how to solve them.  It taught me that reasoning, logic, it taught me that I can’t just take things the media tells me at gospel.   Parents stopped teaching their children those things in the 60s.  Materialism, money, celebrity, and shallowness replaced character building skills.  I saw in my grandparents the skills of cooperation, support, love, commitment and partnership.  I see in my peers, selfishness and immaturity, an unwillingness to examine one’s own behaviors for fear of being seen as being inferior or flawed.    They nurtured and believed in one another.  Millennials think relationships are built on tearing down and degrading one another.  How can we evolve as a race if we are stagnating in unhealthy behaviors? 

For as many horrible, damaging, detrimental things my mother did to me when she raised me, she did some things that I am eternally grateful for.    Joan made it her mission to expose me to as much Black culture as she could.  Every Black play, dance company, concert, museum, theater project, anything to do with Black history, we were there.  I NEVER went to school on Martin Luther King’s birthday, even before it was a holiday.  When I was growing up, I HATED that I had to clean the entire house, to do very adult chores, every single solitary Saturday, before I could go outside and play.  She taught home economics for a living so I learned the proper way to set a table, the way to make hospital corners on a bed, the correct way to do laundry, she taught me how to budget for a household and pay essentials first and luxuries for the month get crossed off the list if you don’t have enough income.  People today don’t know that there is a proper way to set the table because they eat out of Styrofoam boxes and no one has ever taught them that there is a right and wrong way to do certain things.  Part of that is slave mentality, I get that.  I get that it’s not the most important thing in the world to know the difference between a salad fork and a dinner fork or that there’s a difference between a white wine and a red wine glass.  But it’s also important to note that I’m not a slob. I know how to clean a bathroom, dust, vacuum and keep a house presentable.  I don’t have to be cajoled to load or empty the dishwasher and I’m not so immature that I refuse to put a bag in the trash can because I think I’m too good to do it.  I’m also not caught up on instant gratification which is a trait of an immature person.  I’m aware that genres of music exist beyond what’s played on the radio and I read more Black history books before I was 15 than the average 15 other Black people combined have read in their entire lives.  We’ve lost that.  X’ers and Millennials have never read a book in their entire lives.  Well, other than Zane and 50 Shades of Gray which were so poorly written, so laughably and horribly illiterate that it’s frightening.   Millennials don’t read more than 140 characters so I guess the fact that they have read at least one book is . . . who am I kidding, it’s pathetic. 

I’m afraid for our future.  I’m afraid because we (Baby Boomers on down) have not taught our children to be activists.  But, you say, Black Lives Matter is being championed by Millennials, it’s their energy that has given voice to the concerns of a generation being slaughtered unjustly.  But look deeper at the movement, something that most X’ers and beyond can’t and don’t know how to do.   BLM is a movement without an objective.   Are they fighting for legislation?  Are they trying to get a bill passed that will address police brutality and the institutionalized racism that has rendered us target practice for white police who see us as animals?  That’s how change is created.  Nope, BLM activists are Twitter bullies telling anyone who doesn’t agree with them to have two seats.   BLM is predicated on the fact that “being respectable” is a bad thing, as if carrying oneself with dignity and character, being articulate, educated, and informed are bad things. They can’t even comprehend that being ghetto is not inherent to being Black.  They think that being inarticulate, dysfunctional, and disenfranchised is the definition of Blackness, they are fighting for our worst behaviors to be seen as normalized.  BLM is based on the premise that those who came before us, those who shed their blood and died, who sacrificed and suffered didn’t do a damn thing, that they were sellouts, that all that is important in a historical context are the self-centered needs of people to be even more self-centered without any repercussions.  So, while most Black people think that BLM is a great achievement, that it’s momentous and life-altering, it’s only because they have no clue or context of what it means to truly create social change.  A #hashtag does not beget equality or social change. 

If you ask any parent, they will swear that they are the best parent, that they’ve never done anything wrong, that they teach and guide and shape their children and the things I’m writing about apply to everyone else but them.  Again, you can’t teach what you don’t know so if you’ve never been taught to be introspective, you have no clue that you aren’t teaching it to your children.  If you’ve never be thought to use logic and reason, if you’ve never been held accountable for your wrongdoings, you can’t pass that knowledge down to your children.  And trust and believe that the school systems are making sure that Black students don’t know the educational basics.  They are being tested and after the test, they forget everything that they learned and they are ill-prepared to face the future with any sort of intellect whatsoever.  Learning involves more than taking a test.  So what exactly are children learning today?  And what will they teach their children?

I have dreams and plans, real ones, laid out, developed, intricate plans on creating a paradigmatic shift in consciousness for African Americans.  I’ve been working on them for more than 15 years.  I’ve conceived of and outlined very specific ideas that will attempt to lift us out of our quagmire of dysfunction and slave mentality.  I’m not for a second suggesting that I’m completely healed from my own issues, in fact, it is a sign of my emotional maturity to unequivocally state that I know for a fact that none of us, myself included, no one who has his or her ancestry steeped in the horrors of slavery is immune to the disease of slave mentality.  Not one Black person is immune from the plague of the fallacy of white supremacy.  I’m at least aware of my own shortcomings.  That’s something most Baby Boomers, Gen X’ers, and Millennials are incapable of doing.   I hope like hell I can work through my own issues enough to be able to exact some significant change in my lifetime.  I hope that the children of the today, the Z’s or whatever they are going to be called, might have a brighter future if I can at least start to chip away at the unhealthy mindsets that debilitate us today. 

Saturday, October 22, 2016

True Power and Control (discarded ending)

The following is the ending of a story I wrote for my book, In Loving Color, but I’ve decided to go with a much different story line, a much more hardcore one in fact, so this one is no longer needed.  Even though it doesn’t have any of the story details and character development found in all my other stories, you pervs should still enjoy it.

Veronica opened the door and Evan almost lost his balance.  She looked better than he could have even imagined.  Her face was fully made-up; her eyes were smudged with a dark shadow, making them look smoky and mysterious.  She wore a black halter-top and black mini skirt, not fetish wear, skimpy and sexy but sophisticated at the same time.

“Oh, I’m sorry, did I catch you at a bad time?  You look like you’re ready to go on a date.  I can come back some other time if you’re busy.”  He was looking for any excuse to turn around and go back to his condo.

 “Come in.”  She stepped to the side and held the door open for him to enter.  Evan felt like his legs were going to give out on him as he crossed the threshold.  He heard the door close behind him and was paralyzed with fear.  He had no idea what was going to happen.  She could have just invited him over to say, “Look leave me alone,” but he didn’t care at that moment.  All that mattered was the fact that he was there and there was the potential to plead his case, however small it may have been.

He sat quietly, taking in his surroundings.  Her living room window faced the city, substantially more moving than his view of the parking lot of the Save-Right grocery store.  Veronica’s view was nothing less than breathtaking and he sat hypnotized by the illuminated urban skyline, trying to distract himself from his fears.  He fidgeted.  A few minutes had passed and he shuffled his feet and twirled his thumbs in nervous anticipation.

Carrying two glasses of wine, Veronica strolled in casually, placing one glass before him and sipping from the other as she sat in the chair adjacent to him.  “What are your limits?”  She was direct and to the point.

“My limits?  What do you mean?”  Evan looked puzzled and immediately tried to back track as his mind raced for an answer that wouldn’t make him look like a total fool.  He had to pull out whatever stops he could to make “this” happen.  He wasn’t quite sure what the details of “this” were, but he was damn sure, well, reasonably sure, okay, almost sure that he wanted it.  “Ohhh, you mean my limits?  Right.  Well, I’m not into kids or animals or anything like that, of course.  You know, I believe the children are our future,” he said, trying to be funny.

Veronica didn’t crack a smile.  “Is that so?”  With that, she began rattling off a list of things that sounded so perverse, Evan didn’t know what half of them were, the others he could figure out and he didn’t like the sounds of them one bit..  “So, you are open to CBT, handballing, feltching, chemical play, golden showers, klismaphila . . .”  It really might as well have been Charlie Brown’s teacher sitting there, mumbling in incoherent banter, because Evan didn’t grasp a word she was saying.  She was testing him and Evan was failing miserably.

He cut her off.  “Wait, are you saying that I’ll get a chance to  . . . you know . . . serve you?”  He chose his words carefully; he didn’t want her to think that he was only trying to play and he wanted to be sure that they were on the same page.  Veronica pulled her legs underneath her and sat back in the chair.  Evan didn’t wait for a response.  He was in survival mode and he started pouring out his plea.  “I don’t know what all those things are.  I know you are more experienced than I am and I know I don’t deserve this opportunity.  If you give me a chance, just one chance, I’ll show you that I can please you.  Even if it means that I endure pain just for your pleasure.  Let me serve you; let me be your plaything.  I want you to take control of me; I want you to reduce me to nothing.  I don’t know why but I feel like I owe it to you.  I know you know more than me but if you just give me a chance I know that I can prove to you that . . . ”

Evan’s declaration of servitude froze on his lips.  Veronica shifted in her seat and he could very clearly saw her pussy between her legs.  She wasn’t wearing panties and she intentionally shifted to give him a view of heaven.  It was as if he’d lost his train of thought and could only focus on the thing of beauty before him.  His gaze remained there, transfixed, glassy-eyed, like a deer caught in the headlights.  He swallowed hard and tried to find the words to continue but he couldn’t.  Two months ago, he was a pompous ass, trying unsuccessfully to get laid.  Today he was pleading his case to be allowed the pleasure of being submissive to an incredibly beautiful and mesmerizing woman.  A woman like he’d never known before.

A wave of insecurity washed over him, he stood, downed his wine in one gulp, and got ready to make his exit.  “I’m sorry.  You’re obviously more experienced than I am and I don’t have a right taking up any more of your time.  I’m sorry.  I promise I won’t bother you any more.”  He looked around for a second, getting his bearings, and turned towards the door.  “I’ll let myself out.  Have a good night.”

“Freeze!”  There was no mistaking a direct order and Evan stopped in his tracks.  He stood like a statue and heard her heels clicking on the hardwood floor behind him.  He felt her presence, her body heat near him.  He shut his eyes tightly; the alcohol was warming his insides, rushing to his head.

“Do you remember, Evan, that first day we met?  Do you remember how obnoxious you were to me?  Playing your offensive music and invading my privacy?  What happened to him?  What happened to that guy who got an attitude because I wouldn’t fulfill his fantasies?  Where’d he go, Evan?”  Hearing her speak his name made him feel weak.  Sweat formed on his upper lip and he worried that his deodorant wouldn’t withstand the stress.  He wanted to run but his feet were glued to that spot.  “The entire reason you are here right now is because I was impressed by your email.  It showed incredible change.  In fact, it turned me on.”

Evan couldn’t believe what he was hearing.  Without warning, he felt the buckle of his belt being unfastened.  His first instinct was to push her hand away but he stood still, not wanting to move until he was instructed.  Veronica pulled his belt free from its loops and circled him slowly, dragging it behind her.  She undid the button on his pants and slowly lowered the zipper.  His pants fell to his ankles and his heart skipped a beat.  His cock didn’t miss a beat, however, and was as hard as it had ever been in his life.  It was throbbing and pulsing and dripping with desire.

Reaching into his boxers, Veronica pulled his hard cock out and stroked him softly.  He wasn’t anticipating such tender treatment; her touch was delicious, soft, mind-blowing even.  He couldn’t control the guttural sounds of pleasure that escaped his lips as she jerked him off, try as he may.  With one swift motion, she yanked his boxers down to mid thigh and inspected him like a piece of meat.  Every millimeter of his penis was standing at attention.  She went about her inspection casually,  squeezing his cock and nuts.  She took her finger, rubbed it across the head, and held it to his lips.  Maintaining eye contact, she whispered, “Lick it.”

Evan instinctively began sucking and licking the precum from her finger.  He was ravenous as she fucked his mouth with her digit.  His enthusiasm was obvious and she yanked her hand away and left him standing there in a state of longing.  Immediately feeling embarrassed he started to explain.  “It’s not like what you are thinking.  I was just trying to show my enthusiasm.”  Shame consumed him.  He’d been eating his own cum since he was a teen.  He didn’t do it all the time, only when he was “in the zone.”  That was the way he described it when he was so horny that nothing could satisfy him, when he craved stimulation.  It was in those moments that he drink his own spunk, rationalizing that it was his so it wasn’t really gay or anything.  He felt transparent, as if Veronica could read his mind, as if she knew all his dirty little secrets without him saying a word.  Evan felt as if the was telepathically transmitting his depravity to her and he was desperately trying to send her false signals.

In some parallel universe, that might have worked.  In this one, however, Veronica was manipulating his every move, two, three, and maybe even four steps ahead.  Evan was out of his league.  “Bend over, hands on your knees,” she said.  Feeling degraded and proud at the same time, Evan leaned forward at the waist and let her continue her inspection.  She pulled his shirt tail up and ran her soft hands over his ass.  Evan would have given anything in that moment to have a big fat bubble butt like a black man.  His was flat, pale, and pretty unspectacular in the scheme of things but he tried his best to stick it out, he wanted her to approve of him.  He never thought feeling like an object could feel so liberating, so sexy.  The irony of the role reversal wasn’t lost on him and his cock jumped even more.  He wondered momentarily if she would look in his mouth like a horse as well.

Unceremoniously, Veronica spread his asscheeks and examined his hole, not touching it, just looking at it.  Even was so humiliated he couldn’t speak.  Then, without warning, he felt the first blow of his belt come crashing down on his ass.  He cried out, not in pain, but more out of fear.  He hadn’t expected things to go like this.  What was going to happen?  What was she going to do?  He wanted to just stop things and call it off, say, “time out” and start over.  The next blow landed with greater force and he knew deep in his soul that he couldn’t leave.  He’d volunteered himself for her pleasure and there seemed to be a karmic debt he had to pay, so he endured in silence, muffling his cries of pain by biting his lower lip.  The heat spread quickly across his ass, the pain grew more intense with each strike.  At some point, reality shifted and the pain turned to pleasure.

Veronica punctuated each stinging blow with a question.  “Do you want to stay, Evan?  Do you like the kiss of pain, the sting of pleasure?  You’ve waited a very long time to be here, haven’t you; you’ve waited a long time to submit to me.  Is it everything that you’d thought it would be?”  She played him like a violin, asking questions he could only answer in the affirmative, forever branding in his mind that the pain he was experiencing was tied to pleasure.  Instinctively, he grabbed his cock and started stroking it.  Veronica stopped the whipping and pressed her body against his, leaning in close.  “Does that feel good, Evan, you like stroking your little cock?”  The words “little cock” turned him on; it was embarrassing and oh so arousing.

“Oh, yes, Mistress, yes, it feels so good.”  He’d never uttered the words mistress before in his life but it felt so natural rolling off his tongue.  He was stroking himself to beat the band, pounding away, feeling her soft breasts pressed against his shoulder, smelling her sweet perfume, feeling the heat on his ass from his spanking.  Even the word spanking seemed erotic, he had just gotten a spanking.  He was ready to cum, to shoot his load all over the floor.  He was prepared to lick it up if he had to, to show his submission.  Just then, with her hand gently stroking his hair, Veronica said, “Evan, I didn’t give you permission to jerk off, did I?  If you cum, I can assure you that not only will I make you pay for it, but you’ll never get the chance to play again.”

Evan panicked.  He was going to cum, there was no holding back, he was on the verge.  He stood up quickly, grabbed his cock, and squeezed with all his might.  His body was convulsing and he was having an orgasm.  He squeezed harder, crying out in anguish.  He was in such excruciating pain but it was also a pleasure like he’d never known.  He stumbled backwards, still gripping his cock tightly, terrified that if he let it go, his cum would leak out.  He used the edge of the sofa for support and tried to regulate his breathing.

Veronica let him take his time.  “Are you okay, Evan?”  He was confused by her compassion but he welcomed it at the same time.  He was expecting her to be cruel, to be irrational and demanding.  Quite the contrary, she seemed genuinely empathetic.  He looked at her with a puzzled look in her eyes and he did his best to communicate his fears to her non-verbally.  He wasn’t as fluent as she was with this language and he questioned in his mind what was going to happen next.

“You were right, Evan, I was just about to go out when you came over.  My girlfriend is on her way and she should be here any minute.  Now, you are more than welcome to stay and  . . . how shall we say it . . . entertain us, or your can call it a night and go home now.  Now, if you stay, you’ll be subjected to more humiliation than your puny imagination can comprehend.

As if on cue, there was a knock at the door.  Evan looked around, wanting to pull up his pants and run.  There was no back door.  Maybe he could make a flying leap off the balcony to his.  A million thoughts ran through his mind as to how to get out of there but he didn’t listen to one of them.  His throbbing cock dictated his actions and he stood erect, in more ways than one, while Veronica ushered in her guest.  She actually made introductions, as inappropriate as they were.  “Yvette, Evan.  Evan, this is my friend Yvette.  Isn’t she beautiful?”  The two women shared an intimate kiss that was the stuff of fantasies, right in front of him.

He tried to remain as still as possible, blending in as it were, trying to camouflage himself off as if he were a piece of furniture.  A piece of half naked furniture.  A piece of half naked, completely aroused furniture, if there was such a thing.  The ladies giggled like schoolgirls playing with a doll.  “Ronnie, you are a trip.  Girl, where do you get these white boys from?”  The women, obviously not new to the experience, inspected him together, unbuttoning his shirt and caressing his muscles.  Four hands fondled him while they talked like he wasn’t even there.  “You remember that one that you made do all those brothas at that party, turned him into a sissy.  What ever happened to him?”

“Hmmm, I can’t remember which one you are talking about.  OHHHHHH, him,” the dawn of recognition in her voice.  “I have no idea.”  Evan swallowed hard, trying to drown out his terror from what he had just heard and the casual inference that Veronica had discarded so many guys like a pieces of trash once she had broken them completely that she could barely keep track of them.

Yvette was interested in taking advantage of the situation.  “He’s not that cute but he does have a nice body.  He’s truly not cut out for fucking.  Can you make him eat my pussy?”

Confident and unfazed by the question, Veronica replied, “Girl, I can make him do anything you want, name it.”  Evan’s arousal was tied to humiliation.  He was turned on by the fact that didn’t have regard for his feelings, that they were not afraid to ridicule him, that they talked about him like he wasn’t even there.  “Come on, let me show you the work I’ve done on my new playroom and you can have him use him any way you want.”

Veronica pulled him by his tie, using it like a leash, and the three were off to get into some hot and heavy action, Evan struggling to walk with his pants and underwear around his ankles.  Veronica opened the door to a bedroom and his heart dropped.  The room had been equipped with custom built furniture that was obviously intended for hardcore domination.  The women laughed at his fear, pulled him in the room, and shut the door.  “Don’t worry, Evan, I made sure the walls were soundproof so no nosey neighbors can hear.”

Veronica led him over to some sort of medical table and handcuffed him to it.  The steel cut into his flesh, they were too tight but he dared not complain.  The ladies finished undressing him, tossing his clothes and shoes in a pile on the floor.  “Evan was a bad boy earlier, jerking off without permission, so we’ll have to make sure he can’t do that anymore.  Bend over!”  Her tone was still soft, but her intent was clear.  Even put his face on the padded table and waited, exposed and vulnerable.

Veronica kicked his legs open and reached between him and felt up his crotch.  She pulled his cock backwards, grabbed his balls.  Some sort of leather strap was secured around his genitals and was surely intended to prevent him from cumming.  He felt the softness of someone’s hands caressing his ass again, and then, without warning, a finger was invading his hole.  He bit his lip and held back his moans.  It was clear that lube was being applied to his hole.  It was cool, the hands were soft, and the sensation was out of this world.  He was squirming, enjoying it when he felt the head of a dildo being pushed in.  He grabbed the table and held tight as the ass plug pushed deeper.

Evan was determined not to scream out in pain, to endure more than he had thought was possible.  His knuckles were white as he gripped the table and felt the burning sensation in his hole.  He wanted to make Veronica proud, to prove to her friend that he was worthy of sticking around.  Soon, the pain turned to indescribable pleasure as the dildo started hitting the right spots.  Within seconds, Evan had gone from one extreme to the other, only now, trying to stifle the moans of pleasure instead of ones of pain.  He didn’t want them to know that he had been so easily converted, he was afraid of what potential scenarios that would create.

The sounds of talking brought him back to reality and he listened intently to a conversation that had been going on for some time, drowned out by his own voyage of anal pleasure.  “. . . yeah, I know, me too.  But right now, I can’t think about that.  Right now, all I want is for him to eat my pussy.  I’m so wet and I want to cum so hard.”

Veronica released the handcuffs and instructed him to lie on the table.  He did as instructed and felt his hands being handcuffed again.  He spoke up on his behalf.  “Please, I don’t want to get away.  I’m not going to resist.  Can you please leave the handcuffs off?”

Veronica smiled and nodded, acknowledging his demands but not meeting them.  Yvette slipped her skirt down her legs and then her tiny thong.  Evan was mesmerized and he looked at Veronica, seeking some sort of approval.  He wanted to make her proud, he wanted her to know that he was doing it for her.  He desperately wished he could be eating Veronica’s pussy but he knew that was an honor he’d have to earn.  Yvette was incredibly sexy but it was Veronica that Evan wanted to belong to, whom he wanted to worship.  She looked deeply into his eyes, conveying her compassion and understanding and admonishing him with her stare that he had better not disappoint her.

Yvette climbed on the table, lowering her cunt slowly to his face.  Evan stared up in disbelief.  Her pussy held him captive by the sweet folds of flesh as they opened for him.  He stuck his tongue out and waited, not so patiently for his first taste of dark desire.  Teasing him, Yvette let him take in every detail before she positioned herself comfortably on his face, using it as a seat cushion of pleasure.  The full weight of her body was a bit overwhelming but he felt Veronica’s hands caressing his body and he was inspired to do whatever he had to do to make her proud.

Even though Yvette was petite, with her full body weight on him, Evan hovered somewhere between consciousness and ecstasy.  His senses were deprived and he was overwhelmed with the sensation of wanting to gasp for air along with the intense feelings in his throbbing, restrained cock.  Her full ebony ass shielded his vision and prevented much movement on his part.

The slippery folds of her pussy coated his face with juices as his tongue and jaw ached from trying his best to pleasure this woman and give her pleasure.  She masturbated herself back and forth at times, rubbing his nose from clit to asshole; the sexy scent of her pussy a stark contrast to the musky aroma of her butt.  Evan loved it; he loved every second of sweet torture.

Occasionally, she would raise herself up to give him a brief second of reprieve.  For that instant, his eyes would be flooded with light, he would gasp for air like a man drowning, and he would feel the cool air revive him.  Rather than being the sensation he craved, he longed to feel the warmth and security of that gorgeous black pussy on his mouth again as he teetered near the edge of suffocation and orgasm.  He pretended it was Veronica, riding him, using him.  He imagined he was driving his tongue up in the sweet recesses of her sexy treasure.  Veronica taunted him, teased him, asking him if he could take more, demanding that he make her friend cum or else.  She humiliated and degraded him.  “Look at your pathetic cock, jerking wildly, dripping like a faucet.  Make her cum white boy.  Make her cum and I just may let you back to experience more.

Yvette began bouncing up and down, one the verge of orgasm.  Veronica began to slap and twist Evan’s balls cruelly, pulling them to administer pain, or was it pleasure?  Determined, he refused to stop until he could taste Yvette’s cum pouring down his throat.  Her legs covered his ears, he could barely hear her moans but he knew that she was about to cum.  He sensed the muscles in her legs tighten up and she was more aggressive with her gyrations, bouncing up and down harder.  For a moment, he thought he was going to be crushed.  The only thing that kept him alive was the fact that Veronica was stroking his cock, twisting it, slapping it, masturbating him cruelly.  He couldn’t breathe; he was feeling faint.  The pleasure was indescribable and Yvette was riding him hard, cumming even harder.  He could feel her nails digging into his flesh and . . . without warning, Veronica removed the strap, causing Evan’s body to explode in orgasm like he’d never known before.

Evan awoke the next morning in his own bed.  His limbs were fatigued and sore; his body ached and his mind was drained.  He stumbled to the kitchen to get some juice and after that he wasn’t really sure what to do.  His experience the evening before had left him emotionally drained.  He couldn’t go back to the way things were, he had been transformed.  He was experiencing every detail over in his mind.  He opened the door to the balcony and stepped outside to get some fresh air.  Veronica was seated outside, sipping iced coffee and engrossed in the morning paper.  She looked up, acknowledged him with a wave, and went back to reading.  Evan retreated back inside, unsure of what to say, what to do.  When he sat at his computer and opened his email that he saw that Veronica had emailed him.

“I was extremely proud of you last night.  You did very well.  I will look forward to pushing you further, exploring more in the future.  V.”

He felt a sense of accomplishment and pride like he’d never known.  He ran to the balcony again and opened the door.  Veronica was gone but she’d left her mark, on his body and in his soul.

Sunday, October 02, 2016

The Hysterical Hatred of Hillary

I am bewildered by this hysterical hatred of Hillary Clinton, as if she is the spawn of Satan.  I’m not a fan of hers because I’m a Socialist and I wanted Bernie Sanders to win the nomination because he’s a Socialist and I felt like he would truly implement policies that would truly benefit people of color in this nation.  That doesn’t mean I hate Hillary, it just means she’s not my first choice, not my second choice.  I would much prefer a candidate that is far more liberal.  That being said, that doesn’t mean I think she’s a demon.  It seems to me that her haters are made up of sexist, patriarchal, misogynist men and the completely uninformed masses are merely repeating this hysterical hatred because it’s the popular thing to do.  I get that men are terrified of a female president because they feel emasculated, they believe that women are supposed to be subservient to them because their white male God deemed it to be so.  Women hating Hillary makes absolutely no sense to me.  Consistently, the arguments against Hillary are delusional and unfounded but they seem to keep making headway. 

Hillary Clinton has been investigated eight times for her role in the four deaths in Benghazi, by REPUBLICANS, and they found every time that she was NOT AT FAULT.  More importantly, there were thirteen Embassy attacks prior to Benghazi and no one was ever investigated because of those deaths.  She’s been investigated for the damn emails until she can’t be investigated any more.  God damn! The woman didn’t send any classified emails on her personal server!  Continually saying it won’t make it true.  Her server was not hacked.  She didn’t transmit top secret information to anyone.  And I’m not entirely convinced that all three Secretaries of State who have held the position since the internet and email became commonplace didn’t use private email servers for non-essential communication as well.  For whatever reason, a reason that is completely confusing to me, the two black Secretaries of State weren’t investigated and the one white one was.  Perhaps because they were both Republican.  I don’t know.  It doesn’t make sense to me at all.

Do I think Hillary Clinton is racist?  Yes, I do.  All white people are racist.  It’s part and parcel of the fallacy of white supremacy and it exists in all white people to varying degrees, some more extreme than others, but no white person is immune, even the most liberal ones.  I think she’s FAR less racist than the vast majority of white Americans and more importantly, I think she’s intelligent enough to have advisors around her who will people of color who will educate her and she won’t do anything as President that will be outrageously detrimental to us as a people.  Donald Trump is a blatant racist and he will do everything in his power, dirty, underhanded, and illegal to make sure that the advances made during the Civil Rights for Blacks are destroyed.  But I don’t think Hillary Clinton is any more racist than Bill Clinton and Black people LOVED him.  You all called him the first Black President (which was offensive and stupid btw).  Black people did well under the Clinton administration.  I suspect that Hillary was essential in helping Bill make decisions so that would mean her presidency would mirror Bill’s.  Yet consistently, the masses HATE Hillary with a passion that exceeds anything I’ve seen before, even Barack Obama, which blows my mind. 

Here’s what I know.  Hillary Clinton is a Yale Law School graduate, a law firm partner, cofounder of the Arkansas Advocates for Children and Families, First Lady of Arkansas, First Lady of the United States, US Senator from New York, and US Secretary of State.   She is outrageously qualified to be the President of the United States.  People get their political opinions from social media.  They don’t research, they don’t read or investigate.  Hating her because it’s the popular thing to do, because it’s the popular opinion on Facebook and Twitter or Fox New is just insane however.  Even I’m not her biggest fan and I still think she would make a good president. 

Friday, September 16, 2016

LWC or the Little White Cock

I have a theory. Trump and all his supporters are CLEARLY, IRREFUTABLY insane. No question about it, period, the end. Their insanity is accepted as the norm and the media and society as a whole dismisses, ignores, rationalizes and debates their talking points as if they have actual validity, as if they are worthy of consideration as valid. What if . . . their mental instability is a result of them all being deficient anatomically, or more accurately, they are mentally ill because they have anger, frustration, jealousy and envy for anyone who threatens their perceived manhood and power because they measure less than average below the belt. 

Wait, follow me here. Let's suppose that the individuals who are the most virulent racists, the ones who feel the most emasculated by powerful women, the ones who are so desperate to go back to the good old days when niggers knew their place and women stayed at home are the ones who are the most frustrated by their lack of manhood. I think it's very reasonable to assume that because they feel so lacking in the genital department their psyches have compensated with their rampant xenophobia, racism, bigotry, and sexism that has gone unchecked in this country for centuries.

It makes sense if you think about it. Society equates manhood with dick size. The smaller their junk, the more power hungry they are in an effort to compensate for how inadequate they feel as "real men". The more delusional they are, the more limp their equipment is. The individuals who have made policy in this country since its inception are the one who have had the least impressive Popsicle sticks. The women who support Trump are the women who have been left frustrated by their spouses inferior equipment. If they've never had a thorough sexing in their lives, if the most they've ever had is a woefully inadequate 30 second hump, that would make any woman crazy. Certifiably so.

My theory might seem fringe to a sexually repressed society but let's take a look at the men who are conducting the Republican crazy train. Trump, Guliani, David Duke . . . does anyone believe for a fraction of a second that they have more than three or four inches below the belt? It's not that much of a leap to think that the individuals who support Trump are similarly handicapped. They hate Obama because they think he has a big black dick. They hate Hillary because they think she is trying to cut their nuts off. And the rest of sane society is left to integrate their insanity into our lives as the norm.

Just think about it.