
Erotic provocateur, racially-influenced humanist, relentless champion for the oppressed, and facilitator for social change, Scottie Lowe is the brain child, creative genius and the blood, sweat, and tears behind AfroerotiK. Intended to be part academic, part educational, and part sensual, she, yes SHE gave birth to the website to provide people of African descent a place to escape the narrow-mined, stereotypical, limiting and oft-times degrading beliefs that abound about our sexuality. No, not all Black men are driven by lust by white flesh or to create babies and walk away. No, not all Black women are promiscuous welfare queens. And as hard as it may be to believe, no, not all gay Black men are feminine, down low, or HIV positive. Scottie is putting everything on the table to discuss, debate, and dismantle stereotypes in a healthy exchange of ideas. She hopes to provide a more holistic, informed, and enlightened discussion of Black sexuality and dreams of helping couples be more open, honest, and adventurous in their relationships.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

See My Humanity

 There are times, during meditation, when I get a revelation, some nugget of divine truth, and I grasp that truth on a cellular level, I understand the concept in my being.  After meditation, throughout the day in my daily interactions, I can remember the words of my revelations but I don't retain the understanding, the knowing, the sensation of it being an unshakeable truth that resides within me.  

Recently, I have been charged to remember throughout my day that everyone believes what they believe to be right and true in the world based on their own personal experience and worldview.  There is no amount of arguing, convincing, there is no civil debate, there is no sarcasm or quick-witted take down that is going to get a person to challenge the core beliefs that they hold dear and true about how life works, myself included.  Only empathy, compassion, and love will change a person's heart, only light can cast out dark.  Every single person believes that they way they see the world is the way the world is.  Every person believes that their opinions are facts, that anyone who disagrees with them is bad and wrong and anyone who agrees with their their beliefs is good and right. The challenge for me going forward is to see myself in every person who holds beliefs that don't share the same experience and worldview as me so they can't truly understand the pain I feel in navigating a world as a Black woman that, I perceive as being more hostile to me than to white people.  

I forget that when I'm arguing with white people about racism. I forget that they didn't make a conscious choice to believe the things they believe.  I seem to forget in the heat of the moment that the white people who hold the most offensive and racist beliefs weren't raised in a cave by animals, away from all human contact and media, only to emerge espousing hateful Republican/Fox News talking points from the ethers of the Universe; everything they believe is a direct result of their life experiences, just as mine is. No one says, "My opinion could be wrong and I should keep an open mind so that I can see the error of my ways in this discussion."  No, no, no.  Everyone says, "This bitch is wrong and I'm right and she's so dumb she can't see how wrong she is."  I know, because that's exactly what I say about them when I'm angrily explaining why they are, in fact, very racist despite their insistence that they aren't.  

I forget that white people and I have one thing in common and that is that we have all come through the world with parents and family and society and religion, all telling us who we are and what is truth, all outside forces with  agendas, shaping our opinions of of what's right and wrong.   No matter how many times I think I have embraced the concept and that I understand on a deep, intrinsic level that white people see the world exactly as they have experienced it, not the way I see it, I always seem to forget. 

I go on the attack when I deal with overtly racist white people because I believe they are intentionally trying to participate in my oppression rather than seeing themselves as victims of the same system that shaped my identity, just in reverse.  I call their ideas stupid.  I insult the very beliefs they have have known as truth their entire lives.  I expect some sort of "rational and enlightened" acknowledgement that they don't know anything about racism and that 1. They need to acknowledge that they are racist, and that their beliefs are wrong, and 2. They need to graciously and humbly let me educate them on how everything that they have ever thought and believed was wrong.  The issue isn't that white people aren't racist or that their perceptions don't need to be evolved.  The problem is in how to communicate with people to get them to understand that what they have been taught, what they believe infringes on the self-determination of people of color.  And I need to understand and remember that they believe equally that I'm wrong and need my beliefs changed to align with theirs.  Finding the balance, finding the compromise is the key.  

In order for me to live my best life, for me to fully manifest the life I deserve, it is my very strong belief that racism must be addressed and healed.  The very strongly held beliefs of white people that dictate that I'm inherently inferior, the behaviors and practices that they engage in, the political and financial decisions they make are based on those racist beliefs, are detrimental to my well-being so their thinking must evolve to allow for my humanity.  I know of know other way than to continue to speak my truth with the hopes that someone will read and understand that we all win when they begin to see that the narrative that has existed about Black people for centuries is false and there there is nothing inherently inferior about us.  

It is my desire for white people to understand that we can all live in peace and harmony when they come to truly understand and embrace that people of African descent are human beings, deserving of the same respect, dignity, and rights of white people, that racism is the poison that hinders us all, white and Black.  

White people are the undisputed champions of racism; they invented it, they are invested in believing in t, so if they say that there’s no way in hell that all of Trump’s supporters are racist, because that would exceed the ARC, the standardized Accepted Racism Comfort level, which I believe was last measured at around 30% of the white population. Any figure higher than that represents a flaw in the methodology. Yes, white people have an actual Council of Racism, with elders and bylaws and quarterly meetings and everything.  And the Council has decided that Black people in the United States should be perfectly fine with 30-40% of the white population being overtly and offensively racist.  It’s true, it’s so true!  

If collective white consciousness had it’s ugly way, they would expect Black people to band together and sing in united harmony that ole Negro spiritual that has been passed down for generations, “Oh, Lawdy, Lawd, up in de sky, judgmental and separate from me, Lawd.  Lordy-Lawd, who sees me down here sufferin and don’t never be cutting me no damn slack, Lawd.  Oh, yes Lawd, dat white man is a nasty, vile, evil racist son of a bitch, Lawd, who don’t sees me as a humans beings, Lawd. And he be constantly trynta’ keep his motha fucking boot on my neck, Lawd.  But I kint complains too much, good ole Lwd, cuz, 60-70% of the population is only passively racist and their hearts be in da right place, Lawd! Praise you to the highest blue-eyed and blond-haired, white Jesus who is gonna save me when I’m dead, LAAAAAWD! Aaaaaamen!”  There are even an updated rap version and an Electric Slide-type wedding/dance version. 

It's easy to be distracted with my snarky commentary but clarification is necessary because racism is a complicated and complex situation for sure.  It’s not true that 30-40% of white people are racist.  Goodness no! It’s way more than that. And it’s not true that Black people are in any way comfortable with any percentage of racism whatsoever; that’s just the collective delusional consensus that the media tells the public that is the researched and polled percentage of white people who are racist, +/- 4% margin of error.  That is the collective misunderstanding, that Black people are supposed to be tolerant of a certain amount of racism because white people have a right to be racist and oppressive, even at the cost of Black people’s rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of some mother-fucking, well-deserved happiness.  

White people collectively believe that Black people are not allowed to protest, riot, strike, complain, pout, dislike, or roll their eyes too hard when it comes to discussing racism. And as long as Blacks stay in their place, don’t complain, and show sufficient gratitude for the many blessings of living in a 40% racist society affords us, white people won’t spend every waking moment dedicating their lives to trolling Black people online telling us how not racist this county would be if only we unappreciative Negros would just accept that only 40 percent of white Americans are the hardcore, “I hate niggers,” variety of racists. 

Black people are expected to tolerate racism.  We are expected to suck it up, deal with it, and not get our panties in too much of a bunch because blatant racism is still very prevalent in every facet of society and we can’t be expected to change that too fast or make our demands too extreme because it’s just going to be too upsetting to some racist white people. It’s an unspoken nod to the fact that . . . well, slavery . . . just the word slavery is sufficient, no need to describe the ways slavery was horrible. Who wants to hear about those sorts of crimes against humanity when we can collectively pretend that slavery was a great opportunity to rescue those Black savages from heathen Africa and give them unpaid jobs, it was to help them, right?  

While most white people have never once had a CONSCIOUS thought of telling Black people that there is an exact percentage of racism that we should be willing to tolerate, when questioned about what percentage of racism Black people should tolerate before rioting and burning shit to the ground, white people tell you that the destruction of property, protesting, that anything that tries to change the way things are now is just too radical.  It's evidence that things are more valuable than Black lives.  And their justification, white people's justification for things staying the same as they have always been will fall under the  . . . “that’s just the way things are,” rationalizations for racism responses that is so commonplace it can’t even be questioned. 

White people subconsciously and collectively feel that white people have a right to be racist without too much getting too much flak from Black people because . . .  follow the thought process all the way through . . . because Black people really are inferior.  That has to be the core belief, that Black people really are dumb and worthless and subhuman and all the standard KKK bullet points on Blacks. Even the most ardent anti-racist has to believe that some Blacks are just undeserving of the same luxuries and privileges that white people enjoy.  There is a certain collective belief that  Black people really do just need to suck it up, shut the fuck up, and deal with the reality that a certain percentage of white people are racists and that’s always the way it’s going to be because . . . the subconscious belief is . . . that, “You niggers are undeserving of equality and justice like the rest of us whites.”  Hear that collective sigh of relief, from all the white people who are assured they aren’t racist because they would never say that about a Black person? It’s false confidence.

For white people to say that Black people should tolerate living in deplorable and impoverished ghetto conditions without protesting, without DEMANDING justice and equality as if our lives depended on it, and they do, is to say that the color of our skin means that we really should just deal with the cards we are dealt and not complain too much, even if the dealer cheated. 

White people who are serious about doing anti-racism work should be charged with the assignment to picture themselves switching places with a homeless Black person.  Imagine switching places with them, them moving into your home, driving your car, having your phone, eating your food, bathing in your bathroom, sleeping in your bed.  Now, living as a Black homeless person would, imagine yourself without money, food, water, shelter, without family and support and even without respect from other human beings.  Imagine that you stink so bad that your stench comes to define your very identity.  Imagine that you are spit on, chased, beaten, and called names by incredibly affluent, rich white men for sport. What does that feel like?  How does that make you feel?  What sensations do you have when they are kicking you, making fun of you for being homeless?   Imagine yourself with your every belonging you own in the world in a bag or shopping cart.  Imagine how you would want people to treat you.  Imagine how you would want people to speak to you, what you would want them to say to you to help you.   

Now, imagine if you go back to your house and the homeless person decides that they deserve to live in your house, that they deserve to live nicely and that you deserve to be unbathed, unhoused, and unsafe.  What if the Black person decides that they can roll up their windows and lock their doors when they drive past you?  How would that make you feel?  How would it make you feel if they looked down on you, told you that you it was your fault for being homeless and they couldn't help you and that it was your responsibility to get yourself out of your own situation, even if you aren't responsible for being there in the first place.  

Do you feel outraged?  Do you believe that you are only a certain type of person deserve to be homeless?  What sort of person is that?  What sort of person deserves to sleep on the cold ground?  What did they do to deserve that?  What did you do to deserve it?  Can you imagine a scenario where you don’t feel like you deserve respect and privilege and the comforts you take for granted every day?  The feeling of entitlement to live a life that is nice, is innate to human beings. Black people have the same exact feelings and desires, the same needs for living free of stressors and 

If you’ve never felt empathy for homeless Black people empathy that you would want extended to you if you were in that situation, if you’ve just now considered that homeless Black people feel exactly what you would feel if you were in their situation, not in an imaginary anti-racism workshop exercise, not homeless of your own poor choices and will, but because RACIST forces manipulated all of society to create an environment where Black people are poor and uneducated.  We are not inherently dumb and criminal, and I am deserving of living in comfort.  

Racists will defend racism.  Racists will say that the fact that there are homeless white people and that they don't deserve any special considerations so Black homeless people are there of their own choosing and reprehensible and lazy because people get what they deserve in life and if they are homeless, it's their fault.  Racists actively believe that Black people absolutely do not have an inalienable and inherent right to designer, suburban, affluent things in the same ways that white people are deserving of their middle-class, privileged existence.  Black people seemingly aren’t deserving of granite counter tops and walk in closets, we didn’t earn those nice things the way white people did!  That's the false belief.  

White people fail to grasp that have been systems in place, systemic, institutional, political integrated systems in place to keep Black people poor and uneducated without agency to control their very own manifest destinies. According to racists, the playing field has been even since 1865 according to them.  Or slightly after Martin Luther King was assassinated; one or the other.  The belief that Black people are deserving of being ghetto, living in squalid living conditions is based on the racist belief that slavery had no impact, that racist political policy hasn’t intentionally created a socio-political system that oppresses people of African descent.  The truth is, we are NOT inherently inferior, that our status has always been dictated to by warped individuals who defined us as less than human.  

And let’s hope there’s a concurrent tsunami wave of collective shame and recognition that is moving across legions of woke anti-racists who just realized that they have a lot more work to do in seeing the inherent humanity of Black people. White people must come to understand that Black people are not poor and incarcerated because of genetics or skin color but because of racist policy and practice.  I hope that white people can read my words and understand that their core beliefs have rationalized that Black people should accept horrid living conditions, substandard medical care, and intentionally designed horrific school systems created to keep Black people uneducated without complaining, because that's the way things are.  The realization that white people would NEVER allow themselves to be situation where someone else has determined their fate of poverty and despair and that they would never find comfort in conforming to that injustice is the objective.  

So, as long as the good Negroes conform and don’t complain about racism too much, white people will allow us to wallow in the quagmire that is racist AmeriKKKa in relative peace and simultaneous terror and depression. So, that was absolutely the longest possible way to explain that racism is so innately and intrinsically woven into American culture that dictate the unwritten code of how tolerant/disgruntled Black people are allowed to be and what level of outrage we are allowed to express in this oppressive racist society. 

Friday, September 17, 2021

And so mote it be!

 Here's what I understand to be true at this stage.

Theoretically, we exist in a pyramid scheme of deception. Those of at the bottom, roughly 90 percent of the planet, are blinded. We don't know that other dimensions and magick and that our reality is grafted. We are blind to our own power and omniscience (not of our own choosing but through manipulative and magical efforts) and we exist to make the top 1 percent "empowered" which has more to do with electricity and gold than money.

I THINK about 10 percent of the population has access to the other dimensions but they are bound to secrecy by oaths to supreme . . . power is the only word I have for it, but i would prefer to use the word evil,, demonic and Satanic even with the full knowledgethat those words could mean something completely opposite of our collective usage of those words. I'm guessing it's 10 percent based on Dubois talented tenth but it seem to me the current consciousness is hurling towards far more than 10 percent as more and more people take the oath, drink the juice, or do the drugs that allow them access to the other dimensions. Wealth, greed, racism, and immaturity are not precursors for keeping secrets.

That means that the white people who have taken the oath KNOW that Blacks are the originators of EVERYTHING and their efforts to be degraded and humiliated in this dimension really reflect "the hollow" the fact that everything is flipped upside down. Black is white, birth is death, you is You, your divine consciousness. I am means . . . nothing or perhaps it's detrimental even.

"You are" is your God voice. Every time you say "you," what follows is what your subconscious interprets as self talk. Thus, the constant BEGGING to be humiliated by white men. Thus, the constant racist arrogance to piss you off and make you angry and emotional. Pay attention to white men when they converse and you'll notice that they are masters at using pronouns to give praise and to control what the response is to their directed questions so that you end up saying, "You piece of shit. You (fill in the blank with something negative and degrading) which hurts us 90% but benefits the 10% in the other dimensions.

A handful of evil white people created this reality. They literally created time and space and the laws of physics in order to oppress people of African descent. What i can't understand is how anyone who cheats, lies, manipulates, and literally has magick to shape reality can truly believe that they are superior. They know the truth. Thoth. Atlantis, time, day and night,, KMT, Eve, incest, white women, witchcraft, the Black woman was the original God. They know all of it.


How can the white people who have taken the oath still believe that they are superior when they know it's all lies?

I just had my a-ha moment. And, that ladies and gentlemen, is why I write. I know white men. I know how they convince themselves that their lies are true. It makes sense to me now. They know the ultimate truth and yet they are so egotistical and delusional they believe that they invented everything when they actually stole it.

And the only other thing I know to be true is, while white people stole magick, used time travel, manipulated time and space, WE ARE STILL GODS. WE ARE STILL THE STARS. WE ARE THE UNIVERSE. WE ARE THE ULTIMATE LIVING ALL POWERFUL ALL LOVING GOD CONSCIOUSNESS THE ONE. THE ALL THST IS. THE ORIGINAL PEOPLE. They are not the ultimate power, we are. We are stronger, more powerful than they will ever be.

They are imitators. They are incapable of the love, creativity, intellect, and passion that is naturally within us. We are magical beings. Are my pronouns hurtful to me on another dimension? Possibly. I can't say for sure. My intention is to speak truth to power. My intention is to claim my divinity, my freedom, my power from the jaws of those who think that they are superior because they have lied and cheated and need to oppress the original omniscient and omnipotent beautiful people. Black people, melanated people. The people of Africa.

And because I'm committed to speaking my truth, it is my supposition that Black people who have taken the oath have created or have access to the chess board and they have out-manuvered the handful of whites, the original 12 and their families, and that soon and very soon their reign of oppression will end FOREVER.

And so mote it be.

Friday, June 18, 2021

Happy Juneteenth

I have never been a proponent of celebrating Juneteenth.  I have long since held that celebrating Juneteenth was entirely appropriate for those who were enslaved and newly notified of their freedom.   For Blacks born into a system where their illiteracy was a mandate, and for those who could remember the sting of the evil slave owner’s whip decades after they were liberated from bondage, celebrating Juneteenth was more important than Christmas, worshipping a blond-haired, blue-eyed savior who promised salvation after a life of pain.  For them, June 19th symbolized the end of an era where the enslaved were considered less than human, where they were finally free. 


It was my very strong opinion for contemporary Africans born in AmeriKKKa to celebrate Juneteenth, with full access to the knowledge that our ancestor’s freedom was intentionally and deceptively kept from them for two and a half years, with the understanding that white human traffickers profited and capitalized from the unlawful captivity of enslaved Americans, is disrespectful to our ancestors.   It remains my very strong belief that descendants of those criminal human traffickers should be striped of their wealth, every single cent, because it was all born of the original sin, the enslavement of my ancestors. 


I was today years old when I found out that white human traffickers, slave owners in states where the enslaved were to be liberated in a timely manner, consistent with the signing of the Emancipation Proclamation, moved their farming operations to Texas to deliberately to continue to profit from slave labor.  That’s evil on a level that is beyond my comprehension. 


You see, when white people think of slavery, when they see the images of the fatigued, down-trodden, dark-skinned slaves with wide noses and full lips, the scars raised from their skin, they don’t see human beings, they see ugly animals, things to be spat up and abused.  I see my family.  I see my blood.  I intimately feel the pain or rape, of separation from your family, of torture and laboring from sun up to sun down with no reward or compensation.  I see my heritage, my identity, my culture.  I see my great- great-grandparents and my great-great-grandchildren.  I am the enslaved in the past, present, and future. 


Day after day, white men call me a nigger.  Sometimes the motivation is to incite me to anger in a game of emotional manipulation.  At times, when I challenge their arrogant assertions that racism ended when Obama was elected, or when I call out their offensive and racist core beliefs, they arrogantly call me a nigger without any irony whatsoever.  If I had a dime for every time a white man called me a nigger when I tell them not to objectify Black men by referring to them as BBC but to refer to them as MEN I would have enough money to buy the freedom of several of my enslaved ancestors.  Daily, white men call me racist nigger bitch when I speak the truth about the inherent inferiority of a race of people who committed the greatest crime against humanity ever committed. You see, for the vast majority of white men who call me a nigger, they believe that the fact that the blood of their ancestors flowing through their veins, ancestors who bought, sold, traded, tortured, raped, branded, lynched, and murdered Black people like it was entertainment to them, they believe that makes them inherently superior to me.  They not only call me a nigger, they believe I’m a nigger because my ancestors built this nation while their lazy, evil ancestors profited from it. 


So today, when Republicans are desperately manipulating and scheming to deprive me of my right to vote, my Constitutional RIGHT, not a privilege that I have to earn like I’m a slave on the plantation but rights already afforded me, I celebrate Juneteenth. 


Today, when racist legislators are terrified of AmeriKKKa’s true history of perilous racism coming to light, making deals behind closed doors with Trillionaire donors to prevent schools from teaching that slavery even existed, terrified that learning about the true horrors of slavery will open the door to all their magical lies and deceptions coming to light, I celebrate Juneteenth. 


In 2021, when white people cheer and celebrate the deaths of unarmed Blacks in the street, when they deny and justify systemic racism and blame its victims for our oppression, indicating their greatest desire is to go back to the days when they could own, buy, and sell me, treating my life like a piece of property, I lift my voice and say that, “We shall overcome, someday, but today, I celebrate Juneteenth.”

Sunday, June 13, 2021

I Like Scat



Scat as a fetish, a source of sexual arousal is not rare, it’s not extreme or fringe, it’s not even abnormal.  The truth is that scat is extremely prevalent and pervasive in this society, (and British, Japanese, German, and Brazilian cultures as well but you know that already because you’re an adult who looks at porn) and people deny the truth that is right in front of our collective eyes because we have been convinced by scripted TV, movies, and “polite society” that anything more than kissing and missionary sex is fringe and extreme.  The collective delusional belief, created by forces that feed off our emotions of shame and fear, is that people who are aroused by scat are surely one-eyed trolls who live under a bridge and unable to function in society and you will be able to tell in a fraction of a second if you see someone who likes scat because they are freaks.  We are convinced that no sane person in the world is aroused by scat, only insane people could be that fucked up. The truth is, people who are aroused by scat are regular, normal people who subsequently live in shame of being aroused by something that millions and millions of people find arousing and are terrified of someone finding out that they like something that is a natural extension of our natural sexuality.  What?  How can I say that scat is natural, not disgusting and gross?  Because our bodily functions are normal.  There is nothing disgusting or unnatural about what our bodies produce. 


I get it, before we are out of diapers, we have been convinced that poo-poo is nasty, gross, and disgusting.  We live our entire lives, we don’t even have memories of a time when we haven’t been told that shit is stinky and dirty and shameful. We have to close the door when we shit lest we offend our family, we have to strategically time our workplace shits so we can be alone and no one will smell our poop.  We have to spray away the smell, we have to be ashamed if we fart. We are a society obsessed with germs and the fear of germs so scat has to, by default, be at the very top of that list. Didn’t MC Hammer say, “Can’t touch shit!” Surely you can’t or you’ll have to cut off your hand because you will have cooties.  We surveyed 100 people with the top six answers on the board.  Finish this sentence.  Eating shit will cause you to, Normal family, what do you say?  How about . . . die, Steve? And the survey says, . (bing) DIE.  The number 1 answer, 100 people answered.  But is that true?  Isn’t it possible to see millions of videos online of people eating shit.  Are they all dying? Is there a secret pandemic of people eating shit and dying and we don’t hear anything about it on the news?  It certainly seems odd that on any given day, thousands of new scat video content is uploaded to the internet by Karens and Kens all over the country doing extreme, elaborate shit play.  White people LOVE disgusting, filthy, nasty, extreme shit play and the evidence is all over the internet and we pretend it doesn’t exist because we don’t want anyone to know that we look at it.  


It’s time for me to say here the Black people online engage in shit play but not to the same level of dysfunction as whites.  Black scat online consists of just the act of shitting, showing the pile of turds, shit fucking, having anal sex that gets dirty, and with less frequency, smearing it. 


I’m not saying there aren’t people who are genuinely disgusted and repulsed by scat. Of course there are lots people who do, we live in a society that tells us that our vaginas are supposed to smell like spring rain and our underarms are supposed to smell like Tropical Coconut Vanilla Harmony obviously people are going to believe that nothing could be more disgusting.  But tons of people pretend it’s disgusting to project and protect their image as sane and they are aroused by it behind closed doors.  That creates insanity, that creates a level of sexual dysfunction that eats at their mental health. I refuse to be one of them any longer. 


I’m aroused by scat.


I’ve always said that if you want to know what AmeriKKKa is really like, look at amateur porn, that’s where the truth lies.  We live in a narcissistic, self-absorbed society that NEEDS to show off their kink to the world and what they do behind closed doors is on full display for the world to see 24/7.  The reality is that on every porn site on the internet, there is evidence of people’s extensive fascination with shit.  Mainstream porn sites like Pornhub and Xhamster don’t have porn on listed on their categories further convincing people that scat is so nasty, that it crosses a taboo that normal people can’t stomach.  Take a look at the cartoon/3D porn and you will see scat galore. Read the comment an anal videos, they will unashamedly display people’s insatiable lust for dirty ass-to-mouth and other scat related interests.  There’s one thing you can be sure of.  For every white middle-class, suburban white woman licking public toilets and smearing herself with shit, for every live cam model shit-fucking her asshole with dildos in private shows, for every white man hiding his identity and dressing up in women’s clothes and eating shit, for every Satanic, white supremacist shit orgy, there are countless more who are doing similar things behind closed doors who are terrified to post any sort of scat content online.  Even those who are willing to post other extreme content, scat remains the final taboo.  And for every person who is terrified to post their scat sex online, there are even more of us who would never do any sort of scat play, who have no desire to act out their mental scat fantasies, are still aroused by watching videos. 


It seems that on an almost daily basis, I have submissive white men who are shocked, astounded even that I know their nasty secret, that they want to eat my shit.  Almost without exception, the start of every conversation with white men starts out with them denying and lying about their interest in scat, telling me how gross it is, how they take extra precaution to avoid any shit in their undercover gay sex romps with strangers in glory holes, and how it’s absolutely a hard limit for them.  And inevitably, when I tell them I’m a scat Domme, that I employ the psychological use of scat extensively in my domination, all of a sudden their story changes and they BEG me to eat my shit and they are voracious shit eaters. And I can’t count the number of times they’ve said, “This is my scat profile, my regular profile is (fill in the blank with some predictable porn name).”  Think about how absurd that is.  Your life is so compartmentalized and you are so full of shame, that you can’t even put all your desires on your kink profile where your face isn’t shown and you list that you are from Antarctica.


Black men are not very different although the instances of them expressing interest in scat is exponentially more rare than white men.  Those who do have interest almost always start out telling me how much they hate scat, how disgusting it is, and then, oddly enough, when I tell them that I am aroused by scat, Oh my goodness, what do you know, they really like it and they only lied because no women like it and they apparently have been shamed by women by confessing their scat desires and now they have to lie about it.  Which is an entirely appropriate response for a 15 year old.  Emotionally mature adults understand that building a relationship based on lying to your partner about who you are and what you like is bound to fail. 


When I was a teen in the 70s I found my mother's porn collection.  It remains one of the most extensive collections I've ever encountered bar one or two men who were anti-social, misogynist, porn addicts.  She had dozens of copies of primarily Penthouse Variations, Penthouse, and Hustler magazines, no lame Playboy or even Playgirl for her, as well as a host of even more extreme sexual books, manuals, and guides.  I surmised at the time that her porn collection was largely from the men she dated as they were all married.  It made sense to my mind that they would give her their porn to hide from their wives and additionally it would make her appear more progressive and sexually liberated which was a win/win for all parties involved. Now, I understand that it was probably her own personal collection, that women’s sexuality is not limited to soft core romance and is as varied and complex as men’s. Whatever the truth, the result was that around the age of 14 or 15, I had volumes of porn to explore after school, every day, until I graduated high school and moved out. 


From the start I gravitated to the stories more than pictures.  The pictures were titillating to me but it was the late 70s or early 80s so diversity . . . wasn’t a thing.  Every model was Barbie with blond hair, blue eyes, thick makeup, fake boobs, and an anorexic body.  Suffice it to say, the novelty wore off quickly.  Even then I was more evolved than just being aroused by one-dimensional images.  The lesbian pictorials, even though they were only white women, made me tingle "down there." I loved passion and connection, I loved authenticity, even at that age.  Other than a few interracial images with Back men and white women in some of the more extreme/hardcore books, all of the couples were white and even then I felt disconnected from their sexuality.  I didn't know how, but even as a virgin I knew that I didn't relate to what they were depicting and those books.   I loved reading the tiny digests that held stories of deviance the most. Penthouse letters, with its stories of vanilla fucking, bored me, I wanted kink.  Mind you, at that age, in that time, the only sexual images I had seen in real life were late night episodes of Benny Hill.  For those too young to remember, it was like British Dave Chappelle with boobs, gratuitous skit of crass humor that featured topless women that served no purpose whatsoever other than to show boobs. 


Penthouse Variations was my absolute favorite and I read every word in every copy, and there were years worth of copies, all neatly aligned in order of publication.  It wasn’t long before I realized that my mother had a subscription to Variations and a new edition would come in the mail every month. I would let her read it for a few days before I made my move to look at it.  She would always hide the newest copies under her mattress or in her underwear drawer until it moved to its neatly cataloged spot with all the older copies in her closet. I remember reading the incest stories and the golden shower stories first.  I thought the mother/son and the brother/sister stories were the hottest even though I had no brothers, which obviously meant my mother had no sons, so I had no personal reference to fantasize about those particular dynamics intimately.  I absolutely did not like stories of fathers and daughters at all which is sort of odd because I didn't know my father so it shouldn't have had much of an issue with that dynamic.  Even to this day I find stories of fathers having sex with daughters to be instances of rape and power and misogyny and not at all arousing to me.   That’s just me. 


I didn’t know how to orgasm so just getting wet was pleasurable for me.  I would kneel in front of the mirror, look at my asshole, and stick a hairbrush handle in it. Vaginal penetration didn’t offer as much arousal, even at that age. I didn’t even know enough to fuck my pussy at the time.  I remember the fear of my mother smelling shit on the handle and I was meticulous in scrubbing it free of any shit smell.  As I got a little more confident in my ability to put the magazines back in the EXACT way I found them, I would take the new edition to the bathroom after dinner and while my mother was downstairs watching TV, I would sit on the toilet and read it, getting aroused by stories of people peeing on one another.  Once or twice, I took a copy to bed with me and read it under the covers with a flashlight.  That was too rogue for me and I was too terrified of getting caught so I went back to after school reading while my mother was at work. 


In the collection of porn there was a book of women's fantasies titled My Secret Garden.  Women, real women as they were called, as if there is another kind of woman, shared their secret sexual fantasies. The various chapters explored all sorts of sexual fetishes including rape, bestiality, interracial, lesbian, incest, etc.  One story was about a woman who fantasized about she and her friend hiking.  Mid hike, her friend stated that she had to go to the bathroom.  She was captivated by watching her pull down her pants and piss and then, without warning, she decided to take a shit.  The contributor described watching it come out and how aroused she got watching her friend pushing out a turd in front of her.  That story mesmerized me.  I can’t tell you why.  I was practically vanilla it was so tame. She took a shit on the forest floor and her friend watched.  That was it.  The end.  When I went away to college, the first week I was there I bought that book, feeling liberated like an adult for the first time in my life, and read that story for YEARS, far more than a decade.  In fact, it was the ONLY story in the book I read.  I don’t remember how I masturbated in college, it certainly wasn’t with any toys, and I doubt I was sexually mature enough to know about clitoral orgasms so I probably just fingered myself and convinced myself that I was having an orgasm, replicating what the stories depicted by breathing heavy and moaning. 


I was married for a short while during the time VHS porn was burgeoning.  I didn't want to watch anything but anal porn, preferably lesbian anal porn.   The lesbians were raunchier, they were more explicit in their unadulterated love of all things anal.  I started to experiment with various aspects of anal: wearing butt plugs in public, using vibrators and dildos, etc.  When I divorced, I graduated to using longer and bigger anal dildos.  I remember the first time I used an anal probe and it came out with shit on it, I freaked out and ran to clean it.  The very next day, as I used it, in the back of my mind I knew it was going to have shit on it when it came out and that thought, just the knowledge that it might come out with streaks of shit on it thrilled me.  At one point, I masturbated anally every day for over a year. I would read the story of the woman watching her friend shit in the woods, use a vibrator on my clit, and not even fuck myself in the ass, I would just put the dildo in my ass and enjoy the feeling of fullness.  I had no desire to play with shit myself, I had no desire to eat shit.  I had zero real time shit desires other than the thought that my anal toy might come out streaked and that thought alone was thrilling. 


As the years progressed, it dawned on me that anal was my primary source of arousal.  It would have been blatantly apparent had I been the least bit introspective in this sexually repressive society but I came of age during the time when women weren't allowed to say anything but, "Anal!?!?!  Yuck! That's nasty!"  Enemas became erotic to me.  The cramping, the expulsion, the feeling of lightness that followed, the entire fact that it was associated with me preparing to masturbate anally.  I only watched anal porn.  Anal is still the only porn I consume although I only listen to the more verbal porn while I read gay scat erotic stories. My tastes in anal porn are very specific. I HATE listening to white men talk in porn, it turns me off if I hear them degrading and abusing women, white men all sound obnoxious and annoying to me in porn.  I like mature women, women who are old enough to own their sexuality, not young girls who have been weaned on porn their entire lives, saying things like, “Ram your big dick in my shithole and fuck me.”  I am repulsed by women being degraded and objectified and that’s 98% of porn so I usually go to my favorited mature anal verbal porn I use as a soundtrack while reading stories of men who are voracious shit pigs. 


In my early thirties, I started to discover BDSM.  I would encounter submissive white men EVERYWHERE.  If I went to get gas, the white man at the pump next to me would stare and I would boldly ask, "Are you submissive," and he would fall all over himself proclaiming how he wanted to devote himself to me.  In the grocery store, at my favorite local restaurant, everywhere I went, white men would linger too long at looking at my feet or my ass and I would just come out and say, "Are you submissive," and the response was always affirmative.  It was the late 90s so the internet was becoming mainstream so I wanted to understand more about domination and submission so I would ask questions online. I honestly thought that someone was playing some sort of trick on me.  Every white I encountered online described his NEED to drink my piss, to lick my dirty asshole, and eat my shit.   I thought that it had to be the same guy creating multiple profile identities to stalk me.  The idea of white men serving me in that way was arousing on some level but it was also very apparent to me that they didn't really see themselves as inferior to me, that their depravity dictated that they thought that eating my shit was particularly nasty, nastier than eating a white woman's shit because they saw me as a nigger, they equated eating my shit as the pinnacle of depravity.  I was Black and that made me more animalistic, less human in their eyes.  It was then that I became a psychological Domme, manipulating white men's inherent racism to reveal to them that I was truly superior to them, that it wasn't just a role I played that ended at the bedroom door. 


In my 20 years of dominating white men, I’ve never fed anyone my shit.  I’ve given enemas to two men.  I took a shit on a newspaper once but it was not with anyone else, it wasn’t something I did as an act of domination, it was a personal exploration to see how it would feel.  Just the idea of shitting someplace other than in a toilet was arousing to me.  After I did it, I panicked because I was terrified of how to throw it away without being detected. I couldn’t leave it in the trash can and I was terrified that if I threw it away in a trash can outside, someone would see me or find it or something. Twenty years after discovering my mother’s book that held that one story, I still couldn’t even acknowledge to myself that I was scat aroused.  I had no desire to touch, taste, or experiment in any way with shit. I wasn’t sexually aroused taking a shit but the second I went online, I was reading scat erotic stories. For the better part of the last 25 years online, I have orgasmed to reading scat stories, primarily gay scat stories over 90% of the time. 


Where I am now, today, with the last decade and a half of being ESSENTIALLY abstinent, only having a boyfriend for very short periods of time during that period, with the remaining time being essentially sexless, I’m completely comfortable with my level of scat arousal.  I have written some amazing scat stories, all fiction.  Truth is vital to my identity so I have only lied to two or three white men about my experience feeding white men shit, but the truth is I’ve never done it, I don’t NEED to do it, and if I do ever decide that someone is worthy of eating my shit, they will have spent several years proving their devotion, commitment and love to me, it’s not something I would do casually and it’s not a service I would ever sell.  Today, my mother pretends that she’s never ever heard of golden showers, that she can’t understand how Trump might be aroused by being peed on.  I can’t do it.  I refuse to do that.  If someone doesn’t like me because I’m aroused by scat, I am perfectly fine with that because I know it doesn’t define me and I can assure you that the very people who pretend not to like it, are doing all sorts of nasty things that they deny and denigrate in public. 


My desire now, at almost 55 years of age, is to share in my life with an openly-bisexual, scat aroused Black man where he physically dominates white men with me, including feeding them his shit, while I psychologically dominate them.  In my ideal fantasy, beautifully chronicled in my story, The Shitty Four Day Weekend, my lover and I dominate white men together, I administer the psychological torture, he the physical punishment.  I would love to experience the intimacy of having my lover, my partner, my man sitting on a rim chair and feeding a white man while I make love to him, I slide my pussy down on his dick and tell him I love him, I love that we dominate white men together.  I want to look him in his eyes while a white man begs and pleads for my man’s shit, licking his asshole, tongue fucking it, giving my lover pleasure beyond description while he waits for my lover’s manly turd to fill his mouth.  The thought of telling my man that I love him, kissing him, feeling his dick inside me while some white guy is chewing on his shit, licking his hole, sucking it, tonguing it . . . just the thought drives me mad.  That level of intimacy and connection is intoxicating to me. 


I can create a shit pig with no effort whatsoever; I can turn someone from saying they don’t like shit to someone who is begging me for it in a matter of hours.  I've done it too many times to count. It’s my psychological fuck. Every type of white man craves shit, from rich to poor, from the highly educated to the Trump supporter.  They all share similar stories of their scat evolution because it’s part of the natural human spectrum of sexuality. The story is almost always the same.  At the beginning of their sexual awakening, they realized that they like anal stimulation.   They found their mother’s dildo, they used their father’s screwdrivers, their sister’s hairbrush or they put a carrot up their ass.  Because society has convinced males to believe they are gay, sissies, some form of sub-human scum if they like being anally penetrated it set the stage for their life of shame, denial and lies.  The only problem is, again, is that if your body experiences sexual pleasure from a physical sensation, it’s supposed to, it’s natural.  Anal arousal is as natural for men as it is for women, we share the EXACT same physiology, the exact same anatomy except men have a prostate, a male clitoris that is made for men to experience even greater physical pleasure.  The male ass was built for penetration. 


Just as I discovered with my anal probe, just as I experienced with the hairbrush in my mother’s bedroom, occasionally there is going to be shit involved with anal play. That is normal and natural. And what we experience when we are sexually aroused becomes hard-wired to our sexual identities.  So, the truth is, men, women, EVERYONE enjoys anal stimulation, it’s the way our bodies were built.  And eventually, shit is going to come into play with anal sex and because we associate it with being shameful, being taboo, with being the nastiest thing that we could ever want, it becomes our shameful secret.  Not just me, not just one-eyed trolls who live under a bridge, but anyone who allows themselves to experience the truth and the fullness of their sexuality.  That means that a whole lot of people are in denial about what role shit plays in their arousal.


It's taken me 40 years to get comfortable with the fact that I associate shit with sex and that I'm not at all abnormal.  It's taken me intense introspection, growth, and healing to get comfortable with the fact that I'm intelligent, articulate, sometimes considered reasonably attractive, AND the idea of shit play makes me wildly aroused.  I refuse to hide it from lovers any longer, I refuse to accept that it makes me abnormal, I will not compartmentalize my sexuality to the point where I think it’s something separate from my “normal” self. For many years, I was convinced that I was the ONLY educated, Afrocentric Black woman in the world aroused by scat. Well, no more. I absolutely refuse to be ashamed of being aroused by WATCHING scat porn, not by engaging in it, not by acting it out, but by watching people who do engage in it. Shout out to all the Black people who have become comfortable enough to express their desires for scat play.  I refuse to give one more second of fear or shame to something that is the normal, natural byproduct of our human sexuality.  The more I acknowledge the many facets of my sexuality without shame, the less power I give those who capitalize and benefit from my fear in being seen as abnormal.  And the more I embrace my whole sexual self, the more freedom I have and the less hold the manipulative powers who try to convince us that AmeriKKKa is asexual have over me. 




Monday, June 07, 2021

Anti-Racist Primer

It’s not my job to educate anti-racists . . . it’s my very voluntary labor of love, maybe obligation is a better word for it, because nonetheless, I get no compensation or reward for it. Someone has to do it and I would rather it be me than no one at all. Black people, in our efforts to deal with racistsm AND well-meaning anti-racists, get frustrated and exhausted when white people expect us to take you by the hand and guide you down the road of anti-racism.  We defensively say, “It’s not our job to teach you, go do the research yourself.”  Then we send you off to go watch a Tim Wise video or read Jane Elliot and then expect you to be as to be as sensitive and articulate as we they are when battling racists.  It’s almost like another slap in the face when we have to deal with virulent racists and then we are expected to coddle and hand-hold white people who’s hearts are in the right place but you are still in the infant stages of dismantling the fallacy of white supremacy and expect us to give you personalized lessons in anti-racism.

White people who are learning to be anti-racist eventually and inevitably end up screwing up, saying the wrong thing, being defensive, and falling back on to offensive, racist habits.  If racism is going to end, it’s going to be white people who do that shit.  Black people can talk until we are blue in the face, we can kneel, march, protest, carry signs, we can intellectually and academically destroy racist’s arguments and white people racists will still say, “I’m not racist, you’re the racist,” without the tiniest bit of irony.   They willand feel arrogantly assured that they are right with no angst or desire to be less racist whatsoever at the end of the exchange. Trolling and taunting Black people, seeking us out to diminish our pain with their arrogance is amusing for them, the feed off of the emotional toll is takes on us defending our very existence as valid in a system designed to oppress us. Racists will never hear us, never consider what we are saying as valid because the system is set up for them to deny that racism, white privilege, and the fallacy of white supremacy even exists.  The only people voices they are going to listen to are the ones sitting across from them at the Thanksgiving dinner table, in the cubicle across from them at work, on the barstool next to them, not a screen name on a device. White people are born into a system where you all hold all the cards, you are the ones who will create the shift in consciousness.  You can’t teach yourselves to be anti-racists so the responsibility falls on me. 

If absolute anti-racism is the goal and we assign a value of 100 to it, white people who identify as anti-racist are collectively at a 3. Tim Wise is at 90 given that even he says there are times when he catches himself harboring racist thoughts.  and he’s been doing the work for THIRTY years or more. I’ve never watched a minute of Jane Elliot although I’m assured that bitch is bad.  I’ve only seen one Jane Elliot video.  I don’t need to watch her, she’s not speaking to me, I don’t need to learn her lessons.  For every Jane Elliott, there are 100 more Black scholars who are more articulate and informed about racism.  Jane Elliot is not speaking to me. Her voice is directed at white people, for you to unlearn your racism.  You have been woke for a total of a year, your understanding of racism is infantile. Black people’s experience of racism didn’t begin when we took our first breath in this lifetime, it began when our ancestors were enslaved and the white man beat a new name, a new religion, and the consciousness of inferiority into them. That pain has been passed down for generations. 

·         The first step in fighting racism is saying, “I’m racist.”  Calling a white person a racist is the most offensive thing a Black person can call a white person.  There is no greater insult for white people.  You have to take the stigma and the sting from the word racist because that’s what gives them power. The most virulent, vile, evil, hateful racist will say, “I’m not racist,” and follow with repugnant filth with no other purpose than to diminish blackness and the suffering of Black people.  More importantly, calling a white person a racist signals hoards of other whites to come to their collective defense, it’s their rallying cry, their call to arms.  No white person is ever racist according to racists and they will defend that tooth and nail because you’ve insulted their whiteness, you might as well shit on the flag if you question the fallacy of white supremacy to racists.  You are offending their identity.  When you learn to say, “I’m a racist,” with ease and conviction, you diffuse their power.  You show that the world doesn’t stop turning to admit to racism.  Being a racist doesn’t mean you are inherently evil (even though inherently evil people are racists) but the power structure has led you to believe viscerally react to being called a racist.  Diffuse the power of word by owning your participation in it. 

·         Black people do not want or need to hear how empathetic you are to our experience, how you understand that you can never know what we feel, or for you to repeat back to us how insidious racism is.  We know better than you how bad racism is.  We know that unless you have Black skin, you can never truly understand the true scope of racism.  You telling us what we already know is patronizing and it’s like rubbing salt in our gaping, open, infected gunshot wounds.  It’s like a 5th grader watching an episode of Dr. Who and trying to explain the intricacies of quantum physics to a college professor. I know you want to express your frustration and show your empathy.  Find another way. Seriously, I empathize with the fact that this is all new to you and you want and deserve a place to express your very new feelings but for right now, it’s annoying to Black people so maybe you can express your “I know that I will never understand the what it means to be Black in a racist society,” sentiments to other whites and shield us from it for a while because it feels dismissive and petty when we have been saying the same things to you for our entire lives. 

·         Say, “I’m sorry.”  Everyone in this society, not just white people but everyone, is programmed to be defensive when someone calls them out on something they are legitimately wrong about.  Being wrong has no bearing on how arrogant and defensive people are when defending their beliefs. White people are particularly prone to defend their shit when they’re wrong because . . . that is exactly how the entire system was built, to perpetuate the belief that anything you said was right and anything Blacks said was wrong. When you fuck up, and you will, and when a Black person calls you out on it, even if they curse you out and tell you off, FIGHT whatever urge you have to defend yourself and just say, “I’m sorry.”  Don’t offer an excuse.  Don’t explain, don’t try to diminish what you said.  Don’t offer your promises to do better.  The most powerful thing you can do is say, “I’m sorry.”  That’s it.  Not, “I’m sorry, I was raised to believe . . . and I’m trying to be a better human being . . . I didn’t mean it because . . . what I was trying to say was . . .”  If you are really trying to be a better human being, we don’t need to hear excuses, we need peace and reconciliation.  We’ve heard all the excuses.  We’ve never heard, “I’m sorry.”  Those two words have more power than any explanation or disqualifier you add on to diminish your guilt.  “I’m sorry.” Nothing more.  I’m sorry. 

·         Debate racists, don’t validate Black people.  Anti-racists think their contribution to discussions of racism is to say, “Crumbs,” and think that’s doing the work.  It’s not.  If you aren’t actively taking the heat away from Black people who are the victim of racist attacks by white, racist trolls, you are doing noting but fanning the flames of racisms.  We don’t need likes or followers for validation.  We need white people to stop being racist.  If you aren’t saying, “Hey, douche bag, you’re racist because . . .” you are merely stroking your own ego.  I need to hear you speak up. I get it. You’re afraid of saying the wrong thing so you say nothing.  And that benefits the structure of racism.  Make mistakes, learn, but speak up.  Silence is complacency.  I will offer help and guidance to any anti-racist who is trying to find their voice.  I’m in awe of anti-racists because I never thought I would ever encounter any in real life and her I am faced with an entire growing movement.  Even when I reprimand you, it’s from a place of love. 

·         Don’t believe their lies/learn their tactics.  Racist will say, “I’m half Black.” “I’m Latino.” “My spouse is Black.”  They make that shit up to say, “See, I’m a person of color and I say that the original poster is racist so that means I’m right.”  Racist lie to suit their agenda.  They gaslight, they do all the typical racist shit and it’s not at all beyond racists to make up profiles to agree with themselves.  If you delete a racists comments, they will attack you as if you are somehow denying them their 1st amendment rights.  First of all know that the 1st amendment affords people the right to say whatever the hell they want without fear of prosecution FROM THE GOVERNMENT.  Deleting a comment on the internet is not a violation of anyone’s rights.  Racists will say, “I’m not racist, I am submissive to Blacks.”  Their implication is that if they are sexually submissive to Blacks, they’ve done the work of being anti-racists.  Spot the patterns. 

·            Come prepared to the fight.  Anti-racists LOVE to say, “You’re not listening to the OP, go do the research and educate yourself.”  That doesn’t work.  Racists are invested in believing they are superior to Blacks.  The only research that racists will do is research the lies that they have been told that they believe.  They will say with no hesitation whatsoever, “It was Africans who sold Africans into slavery.”  Where did they learn that?  From the ethos apparently, it’s bred into white consciousness from the collective brainwashing.  Have your links in a document so you can say, “That’s not accurate, here is the evidence to educate you.”  Will they read it?  Hell no they won’t.  Trolls are manifestations of arrogance, they get off on agitation.  They aren’t there to learn, they are they to emotionally manipulate Black people and get attention.  But who will read the links are the people who are reading and not commenting.  When racists say, “Nice, what would Martin Luther King say about you?” follow up with actual quotes from Martin Luther King that show his true sentiments, not the half a misquoted line racists love to throw around.  Have your link to the dozens of massacres that were committed against people of color in this country that were erased from history.  Have your list of racist legislation passed to oppress people of color built into our political process. 

·            Debate the motivation, NOT the facts.  Racist make up fact, they make up their own realities where everything they say is right. They have hundreds of years of “science” to validate their worldview, right?  Science has been whitewashed and engineered to deny our contributions so they will always be able to find “facts” that validate what they are arguing.  That’s the trap.  They are quite convinced that they can prove that whites are superior by stating fac

·         Don’t debate racist on my terms.  You aren’t Black, you will never understand my experience.  What you do understand is your experience, however.  You know what it means to be racist.  You were racist.  And as much as you want to say, “I never did or said anything overtly racist, I was a passive racist,” that’s bullshit.  You were a racist in the nastiest sense of the word.  That’s the way system works.  You’ve thought of Black people as niggers, you’ve defended racism. You’ve looked down on impoverished Blacks and blamed us for being ghetto and stupid. You know good and god damn well that you trolled Black people to tell us that racism wasn’t as bad as we say.  You defended George Zimmerman.  You donated to a racist cop when he was accused of killing an unarmed Black person.  Maybe you didn’t donate, maybe you just ignored the news when racist events were playing out on TV because you didn’t care about our lives.  You have defended the flag, you have said “All Lives Matter,” you have been racist. Own it.  It’s not enough to say that you are racist, speak truth to power and meet racists where they are.  If they see themselves through your eyes, in your eyes, that is how you beat them.  

·         Debate the motivation, NOT the facts.  Racist make up fact, they make up their own realities where everything they say is right. They have hundreds of years of “science” to validate their worldview, right?  Science has been whitewashed and engineered to deny Black contributions so they will always be able to find “facts” that validate what they are arguing.  That’s the trap.  They are quite convinced that they can prove that whites are superior by stating facts. Debate their motivation, not the facts, call them out on their core belief.  What are they really trying to say?  If they say, “Well the Jews . . . The Holocaust . . The Irish were slaves, too.”  They are saying that Blacks are inherently inferior and that’s why they are poor, that’s why those cops have to shoot those criminal niggers.  Look to what is their motivation and attack that.  It takes work and it’s not easy until you figure out how to do it.  I’ll help you.  If you need me to help you figure out a response to a racist troll, hit me up.  I don’t mind you asking for help.  You can’t ask every Black person but I’m offering my assistance.  I’ll even post more about it so you can see examples. 

·         Have empathy and compassion for the Black experience.  Very few Black people are comfortable confronting racists.  We have been bred to fear confrontation with whites, telling them about their shit because we could have been lynched, fired, beaten.  We have generations of abuse built into our DNA.  Our forefathers only knew violence and brutality as a means to control their children because that was the lesson of slavery.  Have empathy and compassion for those of us not afforded the benefit of education.  Maybe we might always use perfect English or be as articulate as the more educated of us but that’s not an indication of our value or contribution as Black people in the struggle for our liberation.  Show a little extra compassion for the most disadvantaged of our society in our efforts to rage against machine. 

·         You are in the unique position of not being triggered by racists.  Racists play off the fact that they can push our buttons and get us to an emotional state, they feed off our anger and our frustration. It’s like a drug to them, they get high from pissing us off.  You don’t have a connection to Blackness so you can debate them from a place of reason.  You can calmly, collectively dismantle their bullshit.  Use that against them.  You aren’t Black, they aren’t attacking you, your family, your friends, the people who look like you.  You can take the heat off of Black people and you should. 

·         Learn how to debate differently.  You’re white and you have been educated and socialized in the thick of whiteness where logic and reason and facts and history are set in stone and linear.  You can’t expect to lay out linear, rationed arguments to racists and have it make an impact. You have to debate from your soul.  You have to call a spade a spade, you have to cut off the bullshit when you see it and call it as bullshit.  You have to put racists in their place. Racists fight dirty.  You have to be dirtier.  This is war.  You can’t win by being polite and following the rules because racists shit on the rules.  Saying learn to debate from you soul is like saying, “Debate in Mandarin Chinese.” You have call on the things that society has told you that you have to deny, that rage that they told you was wrong, that confrontational and argumentative fire inside you.  That spirit is in you, it’s been intentionally suppressed but you can access it.  It’s the truth inside you.  Call on it.

·         Form a coalition of other anti-racists to call up for support.  We is stronger than me. 

·         Don’t give up.  This shit is hard.  Don’t quit.  I can’t take off my Black skin and take a break from racism on some days.  You can walk away at any time.  We can win this war, together, united, but it’s going to take dedication and perseverance on your part because this is voluntary to you.  




Monday, May 24, 2021

The Big Lie


I have always known I wasn’t free in this society, racism is a prison in and of itself.  I’ve always known that my progress and self-actualization were influenced by racism. I didn’t understand the depth and complexity of my enslavement until 2021. Now, I know that I’m a slave in this reality. I am but a mere pawn in a game of exploitation and deceit, an insignificant piece in a racist game where I don’t know the rules, where the rules change, where the rules I’ve been given actually hurt me and benefit others in ways I can’t comprehend. It’s apparent to me that the Big Lie has nothing whatsoever to do with the election of Agolf Twitler but rather the massive and magical manipulation of time and consciousness that distorted history and turned people of African descent into beasts of burden for white exploitation. 

I know deep in my soul that there is no way in hell that the history of this country, the timeline that we have been force-fed, is accurate which means no history is correct, it means that all history is “his story”, made up, constructed to distort the truth.   I know that this country, its cities, building, it’s infrastructure had to be established, built, constructed long before the accepted timeline that the United States educational system taught me. I know that current technology is far more advanced than we have been told. I know that there exists a different dimension where my actions here unknowingly benefit or enrich others in ways that I’m unaware of.  The system is built to exploit and oppress and I’m a pawn. 

What little I know, I know is unfair.  

Sunday, May 23, 2021

Our Black Wound

Our Black Wound can be defined as the source of our pain, it's the origin of how we have coped with being Black in a society that hates us. Obviously, our individual Black Wound is individual and unique to us, it’s from a personal experience that shaped our world view and formed our personality, our compensation for our defect, being born the wrong color. Our individual Black Wound was inflicted by our families, our communities, and our personal experiences in life. Our collective Black Wound originated in slavery. Our collective Black Wound was inflicted by society. Our collective Black wound is based on centuries of the false belief that we are inferior.

It's hard to identify our own wounds. We can barely identify our own coping mechanisms to deal with our wounds, it's virtually impossible to identify our wounds themselves. We've been told that not being a perfect person makes you a bad person. There is no such thing as perfection but the belief that perfect can be attained and that it's our choices, it's our inherent stupidity or unattractiveness, or it's . . . our Blackness that keeps us from being perfect, that belief that we aren't perfect and it's our fault that we aren't and that we are worthless unless we are perfect - that is the belief that keeps us tied to suffering.

Our Black Wound, in our mind, is the experience, event, the circumstances that first let us know that who we are as a person is not good enough, that the skin we come in is not Grade A. We don't have to have just one Black Wound but we carry those wounds with us for our entire lives, festering, infected, untreated, and malignant.

It's almost impossible to identify your Black Wound by yourself. The part of your brain that sees your own flaws and fuck ups, it has been told time and time again that you're born a sinner, that you are a piece of shit just for taking a breath. That belief, the belief that we are inherently bad people, distorts the mirror so to speak, it creates and image of perfection for us to behold. It’s not that we are unable to see our own flaws, we have been socialized in a society that thinks glamor and the perception of perfection give a person more value. So when we look in the mirror, metaphorically, what your subconscious mind allows you to see is someone who is right and good and perfect, and everyone else who doesn't "look" (i.e. think, believe, love, party, vote, pray) like you is wrong. It's a piece of cake to readily identify everyone else's wounds, society has taught us to name everyone else's flaws and faults and failures but that mirror is really foggy when we look in it.

We have to identify our Black Wound. We have to identify the way in which we cope with that internalized hatred and shame. Do we only date white people? Do we make sure we speak proper English in front of white people to make sure they know we aren't . . . one of those niggers? Do we just give up trying to better ourselves and rot in complacency because we can't imagine that we deserve better than the fucked up life we have been given?

There are a million ways we use to cope. Some brothas lie, cheat, and make a million and two babies to hide the fact that they don't know how to ask for love, they can't say that they're afraid, they can't admit to feeling weak. Sistas readily embrace being objectified and used by men as a sign of empowerment to keep from feeling objectified and used by the perpetrators who want nothing more than to hurt and violate us. Too many of us bust our asses working on the corporate plantation, convinced that it's the measure of our security, identity, and relative importance in life if we get a good performance review at a job we hate; that we need that pension and that paycheck to be valuable human beings in life. We bust our asses to make rich white people richer review while we are barely surviving. All those behaviors are coping mechanisms for the Black Wound. It's time to heal the Black Wound. It's time to clean and dress it so that we can become healthy.

We have all kinna Black Wounds and coping mechanisms to hide them. What we need are treatments to heal our Black Wounds. We need medicine. We need therapy. We have to face and accept that all of us have Black Wounds because we live in a society that has historically hated our melanin.

And, unfortunately, for those of us who are champions of karmic justice and retribution, you cannot have a white wound. It is impossible for you to have an emotional wound associated with your whiteness when whiteness is fallaciously revered around the world as being superior. Do you understand how being able to feel safe and secure in your skin, knowing that you can go anywhere in the world and people will respect you for no other reason than the color of your skin is something that Black people simply can’t do.


Every single day, without fail, I have white men convey to me that they don't think any other white men in the known universe wants to be sexually submissive to Black men. They don't seem to be as freaked out about being submissive to Black women, and know that are countless numbers of white men who are, but it's just that every white man on the planet seems to have convinced themselves that to be a white man means that it's impossible, it's inconceivable, it's entirely unfathomable for the very concept of a "real" white man to be attracted to being sexually submissive to Black men. They seem to be convinced that they are unique, rare, that it's an anomaly in the space/time continuum for them to want to be a faggot slut to Black men, which is exactly what they want. They frame their desire for Black men in language that takes the responsibility off of them. "I want to be raped . . .I need you to force me, brainwash me, blackmail me." They're convinced that REAL white men would never want to be cuckolds, real white men would never want to be submissive to Black people, they hold on to the belief that they are inferior because they want to be sexually submissive to Black men and a real white man would never even contemplate being a bottom bitch to a Black man.

Here's the deal. Every white man with a little dick wants to be submissive to Black men because we live in a society that :

Despises, loathes, hates, and abhors Black men

Praises hypermasculinity

Defines manhood by the number of inches between your legs

Socializes Black men to see themselves as giant, aggressive dildos

Perpetuates the fallacy of white supremacy

Presents scripted TV as the false reality of how people act, think, and behave.

Possessing a big(ger) dick does not mean white men are exempt from their secret lust for Black dick, but it's impossible for little dick white men, who define themselves in this society by their wallet, their power, and the number of inches between their legs, NOT to be driven to manacle obsession with being sexually submissive to Black men because they know for a fact that they don't measure up according to society's standards. How many white men have little dicks? Hmmm, well, I don't think Mitch McConnel, Bill Gates, Donald Trump, or Lindsey Graham have more than a foot of dick combined so you tell me.

You want to know what's real? Porn. Specifically, amateur porn shows you the real world and how people interact in it.

On social media, the entire world erupts in horror, indignation, and disgust at the mere mention of pedophilia, we castigate Matt Gaetz and that Epstein guy. Go on Pornhub. There are ads for CGI pedo sites everywhere, there have been for decades. Where are the online petitions to shut those sites down? Where are the news exposes covering the companies producing this content? No where to be found. You know why? Because behind closed doors, in this society, the truth is, the reality is, pedophilia is so widespread it's a pandemic, a plague infecting every facet of our society. Read the comments on videos with not even covert porn names like Yung something or other, or whatever code words they use to put videos of women who look like children on the internet. Do people say the same thing on Twitter as they do on YouPorn? No, they sure as hell don't because white people compartmentalize their sexuality, it's not real unless it's on Facebook.

Dig deeper. Go on the sites like this one, Fetlife, like Motherless, and Thisvid, Efuct, etc., and the sites that show more extreme porn. The incest videos consistently trend at the top. The top trending videos on dark and depraved websites are always incest, rape, murder even, and all manner of things that society shuns. And it's all there. Not one or two videos a day. Tens of thousands, 100s of thousands of pornographic images are uploaded hourly to the world wide web showing white people doing sexual acts that they themselves then go on mainstream websites and decry as oh so shocking and offensive.

People are posting videos of themselves doing heinous, evil, reprehensible things. The comments are never, "That's outrageous, I'm offended, I'm going to report you." The comments are, "That bitch deserves it. I need a cunt I can destroy like that," or, "Any nasty mothers out there that want to play, DM me." There's no need to hide it because the disconnect from reality makes people believe that the people who comment on Twitter and YouTube are not the same people who watch women getting fucked by dogs or eat shit.

I stopped watching porn about a month ago because on ThisVid I saw videos of Eastern European women fucking and shitting on dolls who were the exact same shape and size of newborns. It's not hard to grasp that they are trying to entice people to fuck infants. I had never even looked at 3D cartoon porn before 2021. What I found when I looked at it was horrifying. There were professionally produced videos with Disney characters and other popular cartoon characters, doing HEINOUS things. They weren't just fucking, they were doing degrading and violent acts, far more extreme than even what's allowed to be posted on the more mainstream sites. You can't post a video of a human being engaged in scat on XHamster, my porn site of choice, but you sure as hell can post a video of a cartoon character shitting in a Minecraft character's mouth. Children, preteen children exposed to porn will gravitate to that content, they have predators showing them those videos intentionally. Disney can find someone using their images on YouTube and delete them but they have never once thought to look for their images on a porn site? Give me two fucking breaks.

Of course Disney, Fox, and every media executive know that every porn site has porn videos with their copywritten images on them but they don't care because they want us to think that porn is disconnected from reality. They want us to believe that white people are moral, righteous, just, vanilla, when white people are . . . NOT. Any society that tells people that sex is bad, dirty, wrong and shameful is going to produce sexual deviants. That's the plan's design.