
Erotic provocateur, racially-influenced humanist, relentless champion for the oppressed, and facilitator for social change, Scottie Lowe is the brain child, creative genius and the blood, sweat, and tears behind AfroerotiK. Intended to be part academic, part educational, and part sensual, she, yes SHE gave birth to the website to provide people of African descent a place to escape the narrow-mined, stereotypical, limiting and oft-times degrading beliefs that abound about our sexuality. No, not all Black men are driven by lust by white flesh or to create babies and walk away. No, not all Black women are promiscuous welfare queens. And as hard as it may be to believe, no, not all gay Black men are feminine, down low, or HIV positive. Scottie is putting everything on the table to discuss, debate, and dismantle stereotypes in a healthy exchange of ideas. She hopes to provide a more holistic, informed, and enlightened discussion of Black sexuality and dreams of helping couples be more open, honest, and adventurous in their relationships.

Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label racism. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

You Will Pay

I'm a psychological Domme and I am quite exceptional at it. I employ the most extreme emotional, psychological, and mental torture possible. I'm not against using pain to inflict "punishment" but at this stage in my evolution as a Domme I'd much prefer to use money as part of my repertoire to break white men as white men are so fucking tied to their net worth as part of their identity and self-worth. Of course, money is not the only tool in my arsenal of weapons but it has moved up on my list in large part due to the recent current events that illustrate perfectly how economic disparity, not racial inferiority, has created a ghetto class of people that far too many white men feels is indication of their disposable lives.
I'm not a financial Domme, I don't request tributes from random subs; I'm not looking for someone to pay my bills or buy me a purse. I'm not a Pro Domme. I'm not going to do what a white man tells me to do simply because he has paid me. I am, however, the descendent of slaves who labored for centuries for white people while they immorally profited. I'm the great-grandchild of a beautiful, strong, brilliant Black man who worked as a sharecropper and who was cheated by a land owner and made millions while my great-grandfather lived in poverty. I'm painfully aware of white men's privilege, arrogance, condescension, and mental instability and I'm willing to exploit them in multiple ways, not the least of which is monetarily.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Essential Reading List

The following list is comprised of scholars who will assist in divesting white people of their fallacy of white supremacy.  They will challenge your worldview and provide you insight into the racism that is inherent in your socialization.   Please, invest in a library of their works. 

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop

Dr. John Henrik Clarke

Dr. Marimba Ani

Dr. Amos N. Wilson

Ivan van Sertima

Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan

Dr. Chancellor Williams

Dr. George G.M. James

Dr. Molefi K. Asante

Dr. Asa Hilliard

Dr. Na'im Akbar

Friday, November 07, 2014

Dear White People,

It seems it’s time for a public service announcement once again.  If a person of color tells you that something is racist or offensive, it is not your role, job, responsibility or position to tell them that it’s not.  Understand this, the very nature of you telling a person of color what is or is not offensive or racist is . . . follow me closely on this . . . the very definition of racism.  You do not get to dictate the conversation of race.  You cannot say, “Jeez, stop being so sensitive, it wasn’t meant to be offensive,” or, “you’re the one perpetuating racism by talking about it all the time,” because you are being racist by negating the fact that the person of color has more knowledge, understanding, and intimate experience with what encompasses racism.    Your infantile need to silence people of color who are speaking out about racism is . . . say it with me . . . racist. 

I know, I know, you created racism.  Shit white people invented and refined that shit down to a science.  You want to define it; you want to control it.  I get that you want to have the last word on everything that involves race because it is your own very diseased fallacy of white supremacy that created the systems of oppression, bigotry, and racism.  You feel entitled to silence any of those uppity Negroes who have the unmitigated audacity to tell you what’s racist.  But, unfortunately, you don’t get to tell any person of color what is racist.  You see, you got racism on lockdown.  You are the reigning champions of it, that’s indisputable.  But when it comes to dismantling it, when it comes to ending the historic and institutionalized systems that you put in place, which you benefit from daily, it’s us outspoken and angry Black people (you know, the people you refer to as niggers in private) who get to have the last word.  It hurts your feelings.  It makes you mad.  But you are going to have to deal with it because we will not be silenced by your arrogance; we will not back down in the face of your ignorance. 


The omnipresent angry black chick

P.S. Please feel free to substitute the concepts of men dictating what is sexist, heterosexuals deciding what is homophobic, cis-people controlling the conversation of transphobia, and skinny people asserting they know more about sizism than fat people. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

AfroerotiK Stands for Black Excellence

I want nothing more than the evolution of my people.  I want us to walk proud and strong and confident, knowing our history and not being ashamed of it.  I want us to be the best.  I want us to be articulate and informed, knowledgeable and wise.  I want us to be seekers of knowledge and masters of education.  I see absolutely nothing wrong with being mathematicians, scientists, physicists, physicians, even politicians if we have the best interests of our community at heart.  But not everyone is meant to be a scholar so I want us to strive for excellence in whatever it is we do as long as it is aligned with our collective good.  I want us to create great works of art and music and theater that will stand the test of time.  I want us, as a people, to be grand alchemists and metaphysicians, relinquishing the suffocating chokehold that Western religion has around our necks.  I want us be physically strong, rejecting the poison we put in our bodies and vigorously pursuing a sound body and mind.  I want us to embrace the intellect we once possessed that allowed us to be the creators of all the humanities and sciences, that built pyramids and mapped the stars with greater accuracy than modern man can comprehend.  I want each individual of African descent throughout the Diaspora to know their special talent, what purpose they were born to fulfill, and to exploit it to the benefit of themselves, their families, our community and humanity. 

I desperately want us to be healed from our emotional, psychological, and mental wounds.  I want us to heal from our personal abuses and the collective traumas that were inflicted upon our innocence as children and our ancestors.  I want us to repair our broken spirits and fix the hurt we try to suppress.  I want our relationships to be healed, our communication to be clear.  I wish with all my heart for us to embrace honesty, integrity, and responsibility not because they are traits inherent to white people, rather they are the traits of healthy individuals.  I want us to put aside Eurocentric standards and rules and embrace what is holistic and pure and true.  I want us to evolve and grow and mature collectively; I do not want us to be happy remaining stagnant and complacent and dysfunctional.  We must rage against the machine of mediocrity to ascend to our true place of greatness.   I need for us to fight back against racism, oppression, bigotry, and the fallacy of white supremacy, to be armed intellectually to fight the battle against those who do not see our inherent value as human beings.  I want us to prosper financially, to provide for our families and to never know need or lack, but not to be enslaved to capitalism and greed and gross materialism. 

If we were to be citizens of the world, accepting and respecting other cultures but loving our own the most, nothing would make me happier.  Open-minded, non-judgmental, and progressive are characteristic I wish we all possessed as a race.  I desperately want us to love the skin we are in.  I want us to love our natural hair, our full features, our bodies whatever shape they are in, and the deep, dark, melanated skin from whence we all originated.    I think most of all I want us to release the shackles of shame that surround our sexuality so that we might know true freedom.  I want us to embrace and celebrate our sensuality, not be driven by our lusts.  I want us to explore pleasure without boundaries but not be a slave to it.  I want us to redefine our identities, to become more than victims of our circumstances but creators of a new paradigm.  AfroerotiK stands for the passage from dark to light, the transformation from stagnant to vibrant. 

Thursday, October 09, 2014

Dear Mr. White Police Officer,

I’m really going to need you to stop murdering unarmed Black men in the streets.  Come on, let’s be honest with each other, between you and I, you know this is getting out of control, right?  I get it, I really do.  You don’t see Black people as humans.  You hate us for our music, our slang, and the way we wear our clothes.  I understand, I really do.  You think we are inherently criminal, loud, lazy and that we are the reason that everything is wrong with this country of yours.  I would say country of ours, both yours and mine considering I was born here, my parents, grandparents, great grandparents and my great-great grandparents were born here as well.   They were slaves but technically that made them citizens, or 3/5ths of one at least.   My lineage in this country is long and I have just as much right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness as you do.  But, let’s be honest it’s not my country at all.  It’s your world, you run it, and you have decided that people who look like me are underserving of sharing the air that you breathe. 

You might not think so but I understand you very well.  You watch Fox News every night, you obsess over hating Obama, you hate Mexicans for taking American jobs and speaking that damn Spic language, you hate Muslims because they are all terrorist towel heads, you dislike Asians, well, just because they are aren’t white.  But it’s those niggers you hate the most, isn’t it?  You hate us because you believe we are inherently criminal, inherently stupid, inherently deserving of being slaughtered like pigs, don’t you?  You despise us because our hair is wooly and disgusting to you.  Our lips and noses are repulsive to you, hideous.  And if we’re being honest with each other, and we can be, you hate Black men for having bigger dicks because it’s not fair that your little penis is so small but you know in your heart that you are supposed to be superior.  In all fairness, we can’t do anything about the proportions of our features, we are not responsible for that, we have no control over our genetics.  Even though so many of us covet your stringy, limp hair, your thin lips, and your pale, pasty skin, altering our aesthetics to conform to your narrow standards of beauty, you don’t really hate EVERYTHING about Black people, do you?  Shhhhh, I know your secret.  I know that at home, in private, you secretly lust after that big, hard, strong, thick, BLACK cock.  You want your wife to be fucked by it, you want to sexually submissive to it.  You want to worship it like it’s your God and you lust after it to the point of obsession.  When you put on that uniform, however, when you put on that badge and that gun and you’re around your good ole boys, you can’t let anyone know your secrets so you tell those nigger jokes, you tase us for not wearing a seat belt or waiting for our children, you use illegal choke holds to restrain us , choking the life out of us, and you shoot us over and over and over again to prove to yourself and the world that you really are superior, that we are nothing more than scum that needs to be disposed of like trash. 

But, if we are being completely fair, just between you and I, it’s really your fault that Blacks are in the socio-economic position we are in and the criminal behaviors that result from being denied equality for so long.  Well, maybe not you personally but white people as a whole.  It was the overwhelming and offensively arrogant ego of white people who decided that strong, beautiful, resilient bodies of Africans were unworthy of freedom; it was whites who decided that people of African descent had to labor like beasts, with no education, no income, no right to their heritage, culture, or history, to build a country for which they got no credit.   You know that you and your friends do more drugs and alcohol than Black people could ever dream of doing.  You know that you are more sexually deviant than Black people ever could hope to be.  Deep down inside you know that it’s not Blacks who are inherently inferior at all, don’t you?  Black people aren’t inherently criminal or lazy or stupid.  We really aren’t.  If we are less advantaged than whites, it’s because you wanted us to be.  You stop us from getting jobs that could provide for our families, you don’t want us to be educated so that we could be equal to you, you put us in prison for things you turn a blind eye to when your neighbor does it.  You want us to be relegated to a life of despair and poverty with no hope and now you are killing us because we are victims of a system that archetypal “you” put in place centuries ago.  As much as you don’t want to admit it, as much as you are in denial that there are long-term, tangible, and compound consequences to the legacy that is slavery, you are murdering us for something that is not of our own doing, not our fault at all.  That’s . . . not very fair. 

So, Mr. white police officer, I’m going to beg you to not massacre us like animals in the streets so you can hide your conflicted and tormented beliefs.  I’m going to beg you not to leave our bodies laying in the streets for hours.  I’m pleading with the part of you that is just and fair and right to not fill our beautiful brown bodies with lead so that you might not ever have to reconcile your very racist beliefs and your conflicted sexual desires.  We do not deserve to be murdered for circumstances that we did not create, for the inner demons you are unwilling to fight. 


The mother of a movement to educate and enlighten,  Scottie Lowe.