What happens after we die? In the movies, when a soul leaves its body it becomes a non-physical form of that body, the soul is always depicted as the exact same version of the living person's body, only it's invisible. In the recounting of near-death experiences, almost everyone recounts the exact same tale: their physical body dies, their soul floats around the room, looking down on the body it just left. We envision our soul as a projection of our physical bodies that is going to be judged for our sins.
Imagine for a moment, that death is something different.
Imagine that when we die, our soul does, in fact, leave our physical body, but rather than having a human form we become a, let's say . . . a particle of light. No, let's say a wave of light. To say the word particle, you associate it with something physical, like a grain of sand, something very small but something that has a shape, that is made of something, something that can be weighed, no matter how infinitesimally small it may be. A wave of light has no physical form yet it is energized; it is light. It is not, however, a light bulb, glowing and bright and illuminating. It is light that contains all colors on the visible and non-visible spectrum, it is black light. We are indistinguishable from any other wave of light, we ARE the light and the light is . . . all there is.
Imagine that when we die, we leave our body and we become all consciousness, all-knowing, all energy, and all love.
Imagine that when we die, we no longer have a body, we have no arms, no legs, no organs, not even skin color. We have no physical form whatsoever. We don't have genitals, we are neither male or female, we are . . . a wave of light.
Try to imagine if you can, that we don't even have eyes. We can see but it's not through our eyes, instead, we can SEE . . . because we ARE sight. We are vision. We become sight itself. That may sound absurd to you, impossible to comprehend, but there is a very small part of you that understands completely because . . . at your core . . . you are a wave of light having a human experience.
When we die, we no longer hear, we become sound. We become language. We become music. We become the notes and the instruments. Our consciousness expands and we understand that we are the vibrations and the frequency of . . . everything. Imagine that when we die, we become ALL sound, we are the essence of sound. Sound, light, and color is our identity.
When we die, we become pleasure. When we die, we become ecstasy, we become pure bliss. There is no shame, no guilt, no fear in our non-physical form, in our Black light bodies. We become sensual, erotic, passionate beings of divine light. Religion and society has us convinced that sex is bad, sinful, and wrong. We are consumed with shame and guilt because we think our sexuality is abnormal and we FEAR judgment from others. Imagine that when we die, we understand that we are the ultimate orgasm, that we are INFINITE pleasure.
Imagine that when we die, we don't have any shape or form, we just . . . are. We exist as able to go anywhere, any time in the past, present, or future, any location, with just a thought. Imagine if you can, that we communicate with thought, we don't need cell phones and planes because any person we are limitless, without and boundaries.
Close your eyes for a moment, imagine the moment of your death where you don't experience pain or fear, you only feel overwhelming LOVE. Love is your identity. We can see our bodies, we can see our lives, we can see our choices and we know, we understand that all of our choices were perfect for us, that all our mistakes were perfect for our soul to experience life. We chose our body, our race, gender, our station in life all before we are born, to experience joy, pain, suffering, pleasure, growth, stagnation, love and hate. Once we leave our bodies, when our soul's silver cord is cut, we become LOVE.
Pure love.
Then, our consciousness, our soul continues to expand, in all directions, until we can see everything, everything in every direction. We can feel a connection to every living thing. But not just living things, we feel a connection to ALL that is. Everything is vibrating and a frequency and we become that frequency. Can you imagine yourself, outside of your body, existing as a wave of light, and knowing that you are indistinguishable from animal, mineral, or gas. You are the trees, the ocean, you are the bugs that crawl and the birds that fly.
Imagine that when we die, we can communicate with our loved ones with our thoughts. Look at them and know that we can not only hear what they are thinking, we understand on a cellular level that we ARE their thoughts. It's from this place that you can understand that you are your loved one. Your infinite, loving soul is their infinite, loving soul in a different body but your soul is the one, your soul, their soul is the source of all, housed in a human body that has forgotten it's truth, it's real identity.
Now, imagine if you will, that we can see our enemies, our haters, the people who caused us the most pain in our lives, the people we hate, despise, the people we've spent hours, days, weeks, months, years, and decades hating, being angry at, the person you feel victimized you.
See them, with your entire being. See them, not with your eyes, but with your sight, your soul, your Black light.
Understand this basic truth. While in human form, EVERYONE BELIVEVES that whatever they think and feel is . . . right. You don't say, "I know those (fill in the blank with a race, class, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or political party) are right and I know I'm wrong about my opinion but I'm going to stick by my wrong opinion for the hell of it." You believe with all your heart, with every fiber in your being that your opinions, perspectives, passions, and convictions are the correct perspective. You believe you are on the right side of the equation.
The funny thing about equations is that both sides are equal. Always.
Now, take a deep breath and understand this.
We BELIEVE, while we are alive, that the way we see the world is the right way to see it, that our opinions about race, justice, politics, sex, religion, all our beliefs come to us based on our story, our experience, our personality. How we have come to see the world not our conscious choosing. We were born into a family, a community, a country, whatever group we identity with, that taught us our values, that shaped our perspective based on our environment, our experience on the Earth plane. We all believe that anyone who doesn't agree with us is wrong. That belief is Universal. We see ourselves as separate, different, individual and unique but we see ourselves and our understanding as . . . right.
In AmeriKKKa, this is easily demonstrated by political beliefs. Every person, in every corner of the country, the Republican and the Democrat, both see themselves as right, both think that anyone who disagrees with them is crazy. Every person believes themselves to be the arbiter of truth.
We are waves of Dark Energy: all-encompassing, omniscient and omnipotent, wearing a human costume, designed to forget who we really, to forget we are all consciousness, connected to all, we are all thought and the thinker. Your soul, your spark came to this place and time to experience this 3-D realm of love and fear, separation and connection, shame and pride, guilt and joy, and all the emotions that humans are capable of having.
If you can understand, if you can accept that the person who disagrees with you, based on their experiences, their story, their gender, race, religion, income, sexual orientation, size, attractiveness (or lack thereof) BELIEVES that their perspective is right, then you can see them with compassion and empathy while you are still alive. If you can look at the person you find offensive and wrong through the all-seeing eyes of your soul, you will have reached enlightenment because you will understand that you, the spirit that moves you and animates you is God, and that you are in every single thing, physical and non physical.
At a soul level, the racist and the person of color are no different. They both were born to families that indoctrinated them with beliefs about the world, about God, about men and women, about politics, etc. The racist and the person of color were both born in a society that reinforced that white people are superior and that Back people are inherently inferior. The both experienced two sides of the same coin, they were both told by society that they had a role that came with the skin color they were born with. They both learned to navigate a world based on the belief that God was a white man in the sky who judges you if you have freaky sex.
God is your knowledge, your voice, your creativity, your peace, your nurturing and loving self. God is the voice in your head that loves, protects, and guides you. You are the source. You are the creator. You are the thinker. "You're a driver, not a passenger in life." (Lyrics to a song by the Brand New Heavies. ).
If can you understand that profound truth, if you can embrace that understanding, if you can accept that truth into your mind and heart, you will have found peace on Earth.
We are all here to experience otherness. We are all here to experience separateness, to forget that we are ONE, the one, the source of all. We are all here in these 3D models, to believe that our religion is the right religion. We are all here to believe that our political party is the righteous one and that we are better than the people who don't think like us and believe in what we believe in. When you transcend that mindset, you win the game of life.