
Erotic provocateur, racially-influenced humanist, relentless champion for the oppressed, and facilitator for social change, Scottie Lowe is the brain child, creative genius and the blood, sweat, and tears behind AfroerotiK. Intended to be part academic, part educational, and part sensual, she, yes SHE gave birth to the website to provide people of African descent a place to escape the narrow-mined, stereotypical, limiting and oft-times degrading beliefs that abound about our sexuality. No, not all Black men are driven by lust by white flesh or to create babies and walk away. No, not all Black women are promiscuous welfare queens. And as hard as it may be to believe, no, not all gay Black men are feminine, down low, or HIV positive. Scottie is putting everything on the table to discuss, debate, and dismantle stereotypes in a healthy exchange of ideas. She hopes to provide a more holistic, informed, and enlightened discussion of Black sexuality and dreams of helping couples be more open, honest, and adventurous in their relationships.

Showing posts with label race relations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label race relations. Show all posts

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Q: What is it about society that disappoints you so much?

A:  I am repulsed by the group-think that infects the masses that is clearly immature, quite obviously emotionally, psychologically, spiritually, and mentally retarded, which perpetuates racism, sexism, heterosexism, patriotism, capitalism, xenophobia, religious intolerance, and stupidity as the norm, as the standard that we should be striving towards.  I’m tired of the media “reporting” that our society is sexually conservative and moral when the evidence is there, for all the world to see, that our society is replete with sexual deviants and perverts who boldly post their videos of bizarre sexual proclivities online, who post ads on craigslist seeking depravity and filth and yet we are told that the only sex that Americans engage in is married and boring and for procreation only. 

I’m sickened by the concept that sex with someone of the same gender is considered a sin when there are millions upon millions of people who are sexually aroused by taking the innocence of children, there are networks of pedophiles who make fortunes from the exploitation of children, and the government knows and they turn a blind eye.  I don’t want to live in a society where the entire financial system is run by white men who are corrupt, criminal, and megalomaniacal, who think they can digitally move funds around to make themselves richer while systematically denying people of color the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness because their greed supersedes the needs of the masses.  Those same white men, the same ones who go online and rant how AmeriKKKa is being ruined by niggers, are the same ones, sucking Black dicks in glory holes and paying Black men to fuck their silicone enhanced trophy wives because they hate themselves, they hate their whiteness, and they think that sex with Blacks makes them some sort of animal. 

What about this society disappoints me so much?  The fact that the most beneficial, medicinal plant on the planet is illegal and stigmatized and the Black and brown men who sell dime bags, or a few pounds are imprisoned for life when white men are making fortunes for selling the legalized, medically acceptable form of the exact same plant.  I despise that big pharma is making billions, not millions but billions of dollars selling drugs that cost them pennies to make that have side effects that are keeping people sick and dying.  I hate that insurance companies would rather make a profit than provide life-saving treatments to human beings.  Life is expendable.  Moreover, poor life, Black life, is disposable. 

The stench of racism permeates every single facet of society.  Racist white men dictate, control, and silence the voices of the oppressed, their lies, and their delusions are taught as truth in schools.  Movies convince us that white men are heroes and they always save the day when the police are slaughtering Black people for sport and entertainment and the only people who care are the ones who look like me.  White terrorists are “poor, tortured souls,” and innocent Black victims are demonized and made out to be criminals for wearing the wrong skin color. 

Any thinking, sane person would be disgusted at a society where the Kardashians not only have a show, but where they are celebrities for no other reason than their attractiveness and one-dimensionality and superficiality.  I find it offensive that every single song on urban radio is barely literate and perpetuates stupidity.  It hurts me to my heart that Beyonce, with her blond weave and her endless efforts to appear as white as she can possibly be, is touted as the epitome of Black beauty.  I hate that every single thing she wears, from her 7 inch stilettos that cost the same amount as rent for a 2-bedroom apartment with a master bath, to her see-through, skimpy, tight outfits meant to arouse men is seen as the spokesperson for feminism, conforming to every sexist, misogynist stereotype that exists.  I hate that young Black girls see her as a role model and think her poorly-written songs are anthems for empowerment.  Reality shows that don’t show anything close to reality, are nothing more than scripted melodramas with fighting, lying, cheating, and irresponsibility are enough to drive any sane person off their rocker. 

Any society that claims to be morally right that champions the right to life of a few cells in a woman’s uterus but then systematically denies living breathing CHILDREN free lunches, daycare, and a quality education that will allow them to move from poverty to self-sustainability is an evil nation.  Women only have value if they are attractive, if they are sexy and hot.  Black people, rather than boldly proclaiming that we are beautiful and strong, rather than trying to liberate ourselves from the brainwashing of our slave masters instead try to emulate and imitate them, denouncing our own beautiful, natural hair for their stringy, limp, flat tresses.  We actually believe that diamonds, the bling we think gives us more value, are more valuable than other stones white people steal from the earth at the cost of African lives.  We believe that the more we have their blood mixed in with ours, the more attractive we are.   Black people embrace anything ghetto as inherent to our blackness.  We don’t know any healthy alternatives so we proclaim that our unhealthy, dysfunctional behaviors are justifiable.  Everything is backwards.  What’s to love about a society like that? 

There isn’t much about this society that doesn’t disappoint me.   People thinking 140 characters and a hashtag is a viable form of communication.  Six second videos played over and over that become subliminal brainwashing of stupidity.  Real intimacy and communion with another human being?  There’s an app for that.   “Watch this video and you’ll be amazed at 1:23 seconds.”  Every article, every news article from people who are supposed to be journalists is nothing more a list of 35 reasons you are doing something wrong.  We need some escapism from reality.  Life is so stressful.  Let’s go see Fast and Furious 32 because we need a reprieve from the stress of microwaving our genetically modified food and playing endless hours of violent video games. 

The hypocrisy and willful ignorance of this society breaks my heart.   

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

White people expect us to behave like niggers

White people expect us to behave like niggers; it is the only role they will allow us to wear with impunity.  To carry yourself like royalty, to walk with dignity, to boldly declare that you are not only equal to but better than white people with your speech, your actions, and your intellect is FAR more threatening to white people than calling yourself a nigga.  Want proof?  Write a blog calling yourself a nigga and talking about cars, drugs, guns, rap, sex, sports, and how much you love living in the ghetto.  Men, brag about how big your dick is and how much you love fucking white women.  Sistas, post a picture of your ass and your fake nails.  You won’t get a single, solitary response from white people.  Well that’s not entirely true.  You will probably be inundated with white people asking you to fulfill their sexual fantasies but not one white person will take issue with your self-proclaimed status as a nigger, nigga, whatever pronunciation people insist has some validity. 

Then, write a blog, grammatically correct and spell checked, that talks about the greatness of black people, our strength, and our ability to excel despite racism, oppression, and bigotry.  Talk about white people’s history of vile racism, oppression, colonialism, genocide, slavery, and bigotry.  Write about how our true history of greatness has been distorted with white lies and deception.  Discuss, academically articulated with footnoted and documented proof, advanced African civilizations and how white people re-wrote history to make themselves appear superior.  Say that #BlackLivesMatter.  Post links to articles where whites have gotten disparate treatment by the justice system.  White people will crawl out of the woodworks to tell you that Black people are ignorant and that you are nothing but a nigger.  Scores of white people will tell you that you are racist and they will get carpal tunnel typing out response to tell you that you have offended their precious white sensibilities.  Those same white people have NEVER, not once in their lives gone on a white person’s page to reprimand them when they are blatantly racist are the exact same white people who, if you speak out about racism, if you speak out about white privilege, if you address the fallacy of white supremacy, if you identify the clear pathologies of white people, they will make it their life’s mission to put you in your place. 

Monday, November 10, 2014

Essential Reading List

The following list is comprised of scholars who will assist in divesting white people of their fallacy of white supremacy.  They will challenge your worldview and provide you insight into the racism that is inherent in your socialization.   Please, invest in a library of their works. 

Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop

Dr. John Henrik Clarke

Dr. Marimba Ani

Dr. Amos N. Wilson

Ivan van Sertima

Dr. Yosef Ben-Jochannan

Dr. Chancellor Williams

Dr. George G.M. James

Dr. Molefi K. Asante

Dr. Asa Hilliard

Dr. Na'im Akbar

Thursday, December 02, 2010

Race Matters

I was reading a discussion thread on a sexually-oriented website the other day and there was a question posed by a white dominant asking why there weren’t more submissive black men.  There are about a dozen responses – ALL from white men, waxing philosophically and trying to justify their racism  and stereotypes with clichés.   Not one black person, dominant or submissive, responded.  I was dismayed by the situation, but upon reflection, I had to acknowledge that I probably would have been even more disgusted had a Black person responded because, overall, we as a people are ill–equipped to discuss race in any way that moves the discussion beyond, “Color doesn’t matter.” 
Then I reflected on my now defunct website, my shut down yahoo group, and this very blog.  For the most part, the comments added by my own folk sort of resonate around, “Yeah, I agree,” or, “That was nice.”  With few exceptions (and there are some notable exceptions) Black people don’t respond to the topics and forums that confront white people and their racism.  Let me write a piece about getting fucked in the ass, and Black people come out of the woodwork to comment.  Let the topic be about dismantling white people of the fallacy of their unearned, inherited supremacy . . . and you will be deafened by the sound of virtual crickets. 
Sadly, all too often, when Black people do get the gumption to add their feedback, the comments are, I’m sorry to say, barely literate and disjointed.  More often than not, their comments reflect a brainwashed mentality that tries to appease the egos of white folk.  White people, white men really, don’t have a problem espousing whatever contrived logic they’ve come up with to justify their perceptions and they will go on and on . . . and on to make sure they have the last word.   White people control the conversations about race and black people stay mute.  

I’m here to tell the world, as long as we keep letting white people dictate conversations about race, we will forever remained mentally enslaved.  As long as we can’t communicate beyond that of a third grader, as long as we are ill-prepared to dismantle their bullshit, we might as well be back on the plantation picking cotton.  I know I personally provide more than enough thought-provoking material that can be the foundation for lots of discussion.  We need to be able to muster up more than a feeble, “I feel the same way,” in order to really do the work of deconstructing white people of their false sense of superiority. 

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Why are White People so Afraid of Being Called Racist?

Bush recently said the lowest point of his presidency was Kanye West calling him a racist.  The lowest point?  Not 9/11.  Not Hurricane Katrina.  Kanye West calling him a racist was his lowest point.  White people react violently to being called racist like it's the ultimate insult.  I've had white people call me every nigger/coon racial epithet in the book, tell me to go back to Africa, inform me why they feel black people are at the bottom of the socio-economic ladder, and then follow with, "I'm not racist."  I've even had those same people tell me that they still wanted to have sex with me them even though they think that I am the real racist.  The white people who hold on to the most racist mindsets, the ones who are the least diverse, the least accepting of anyone or anything different from their experience, the ones who get ANGRY when someone suggests that anyone with an experience that differs from their white reality are the ones most vested to this notion that they aren't racist.  It seems as if the only definition of a racist white people will acknowledge is wearing a white sheet, burning a cross and lynching a black person.  I find it fascinating that white people are sooooo afraid of being called a racist yet they are the least tolerant of anyone else's experiences, culture, and history.